


Dragon Ball

Don't bother with the dubbed versions - stick with the original script and the subtitles!

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@wicksipedia Why would I want to read a bunch of words on the screen when they're speaking perfect english? The dubbed version is great. I grew up watching it as a kid.

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Wrath of the Titans

Shout by Deleted

@majormercyflush go do better man, stop the hating #ShiftvW8

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@makegs Tell me about it. Dude has some serious anger issues. Getting all worked up like that over a movie. Why didn't you reply to him directly though?

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Navy Seals vs. Zombies

Review by Deleted

So the description is about "highly skilled Navy SEALS". Which is the first joke of the movie. It is the wrong weapons for seals, (not just the specific weapons, but instead of ARs they use SMGs... which is like a completely different type...). Then the "skills" is lower then the average police officer in most countries.

The acting is so bad, my 4 year old niece is getting closer to a "highly skilled Navy SEAL" when she is dressing up like Elsa trying to sing the lyrics to Let It Go... The "seal" with about 40 kilos of pure fat hanging in front of his belt buckle, has worse tactics then most 12 year old boys playing Call of Duty, shouting how they fucked your mom last night because you out skilled them...

Then the actual text they say. Not sure who wrote it but I would say Charlie Chaplin wrote better texts for his movies (for you who don't get the joke, Chaplin never spoke in his movies).

The the fourth and final joke is the special effects. At one point I thought to myself how sad it was there practically were non. Yet then I saw a few special effects and it became more sad that they were so bad... I could throw a green paintball at the wall and make it look more like blood then the red whateveritwas they let a demented 90 year old draw with crayons.

Conclusion: Unless you want to get a tiny bit suicidal for watching this complete and utter crap of a "movie", don't bother...

(I gave up after approximately 30 minutes. My comment is purely about that first painful half an hour.)

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@veltrex Because your review was asinine to begin with. It was disjointed and boring. Like someone lame trying to be funny.

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Night of the Living Dead

A "classic" maybe, but absolutely boring, stupid and with only 1 (!) scary moment during the whole movie... I suggest you never even think about watching this one, even if you are a fan of zombie movies!

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@drnkmnky Go back to watching cartoons then.

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Black Entertainment

THIS COMMENT IS REPLYING TO THE OPINION IN THE BLACK ENTERTAINMENT SECTION...You have a very skewed view of people. Why would you think the producers and writers hate black people? Are you really serious about your comments? Questioning foolish things like the lighting. You sound like someone trying to sound smart, but isn't. Does Black Panther have bad lighting also? You are the kind of person that keep black people from prospering because you just keep perpetuating the hate.
What degrading photos are on the covers of these movies? You should be glad they even made the movie. I agree that the casting for black people in the past leaves something to be desired, but that's changing. Black actors have to work also, what do you want them to do, reject a movie just to make an unknown point? You just need to lighten up, no pun intended, and try to have a better outlook on your own people.

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@rickpantera Nobody's credentials are beyond scrutiny. I don't need to go on your website. And I never said Hollywood was into equality. Anyone can see that's it not. But it's getting better. I'm not sure why I'm responding over 3 years later but I just saw it here and decided to.

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Navy Seals vs. Zombies

Review by Deleted

So the description is about "highly skilled Navy SEALS". Which is the first joke of the movie. It is the wrong weapons for seals, (not just the specific weapons, but instead of ARs they use SMGs... which is like a completely different type...). Then the "skills" is lower then the average police officer in most countries.

The acting is so bad, my 4 year old niece is getting closer to a "highly skilled Navy SEAL" when she is dressing up like Elsa trying to sing the lyrics to Let It Go... The "seal" with about 40 kilos of pure fat hanging in front of his belt buckle, has worse tactics then most 12 year old boys playing Call of Duty, shouting how they fucked your mom last night because you out skilled them...

Then the actual text they say. Not sure who wrote it but I would say Charlie Chaplin wrote better texts for his movies (for you who don't get the joke, Chaplin never spoke in his movies).

The the fourth and final joke is the special effects. At one point I thought to myself how sad it was there practically were non. Yet then I saw a few special effects and it became more sad that they were so bad... I could throw a green paintball at the wall and make it look more like blood then the red whateveritwas they let a demented 90 year old draw with crayons.

Conclusion: Unless you want to get a tiny bit suicidal for watching this complete and utter crap of a "movie", don't bother...

(I gave up after approximately 30 minutes. My comment is purely about that first painful half an hour.)

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@veltrex If I didn't read it, then I couldn't comment about it, could I :P

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Navy Seals vs. Zombies

Review by Deleted

So the description is about "highly skilled Navy SEALS". Which is the first joke of the movie. It is the wrong weapons for seals, (not just the specific weapons, but instead of ARs they use SMGs... which is like a completely different type...). Then the "skills" is lower then the average police officer in most countries.

The acting is so bad, my 4 year old niece is getting closer to a "highly skilled Navy SEAL" when she is dressing up like Elsa trying to sing the lyrics to Let It Go... The "seal" with about 40 kilos of pure fat hanging in front of his belt buckle, has worse tactics then most 12 year old boys playing Call of Duty, shouting how they fucked your mom last night because you out skilled them...

Then the actual text they say. Not sure who wrote it but I would say Charlie Chaplin wrote better texts for his movies (for you who don't get the joke, Chaplin never spoke in his movies).

The the fourth and final joke is the special effects. At one point I thought to myself how sad it was there practically were non. Yet then I saw a few special effects and it became more sad that they were so bad... I could throw a green paintball at the wall and make it look more like blood then the red whateveritwas they let a demented 90 year old draw with crayons.

Conclusion: Unless you want to get a tiny bit suicidal for watching this complete and utter crap of a "movie", don't bother...

(I gave up after approximately 30 minutes. My comment is purely about that first painful half an hour.)

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@veltrex Did you just say the skills of a Seal are lower than the average police officers in other countries? Know what you're talking about before you comment. Your review seems rather biased. You actually make be want to see the movie.

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