

Sydney, Australia

Artemis Fowl

The Good:
* Some of the visuals are really nice

The Bad:
* Pretty much everything else.
* Film fails to get you invested in any of the characters
* The meaningless "plot"
* The acting is pretty terrible / not believable.

The Best Part:
The visual transition from the "real" world into the fairy world

It's clearly a movie for kids so I guess it could be ok for that, plenty of other (better) movies for that though.

Although some of the visuals are pretty they are not frequent enough to warrant spending an hour and a half. I'd skip it.

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Next Gen

Say... say the thing.
"You best not be stepping to me bruh"

Fun film :)

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Grave of the Fireflies

The greatest movie I never want to see again.

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The Good:
- Beautiful animation (and the colors, omg)
- Good mix of characters
- Humorous

The Bad:
- The main characters acting is not very believable but she is very young so its forgivable
- I didn't really enjoy the fart humor but I imagine its for catering to the younger viewers
- Doesn't really feel like a Spielberg film

Best Part:
The dream lab and the dream catching scene

Overall the film is clearly geared towards children but I enjoyed it. If you like animations and are looking for a feel good film then give it a watch.

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The Good:
- Solid concept
- Interesting characters
- Keeps your attention

The Bad:
- Spoken in English. (Not a huge issue, but I would've preferred Czech language with subtitles)
- Other than the best part there wasn't much that stands out and separates it from other films in the WWII category.

Best Part:
- The series of last stands at the church

Overall a very nice film. If you like WWII movies definitely check it out!

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Sausage Party

The Good: Animation is beautiful, the storyline is solid, the characters are great, has substance.
The Bad: A little over the top at times, the montage at the end was a little unnecessary.

My favorite scene: The liquor isle

Overall a fun film, definitely worth a watch.

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