

Sydney, Australia

A Murder at the End of the World: 1x07 Retreat

The AI did it

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Raised by Wolves: 2x08 Happiness

Number seven didn't do anything wrong :'(

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Y: The Last Man: 1x01 The Day Before

So the escape artist escaped death? Thats a bit on the nose isn't it? :joy:

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Red Right Hand

Generic and cliche ridden action movie starring 47 year old Orlando Bloom with a terrible accent. If that sounds interesting to you go for it but I found it severely underwhelming and wouldn't recommend.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x01 Aang

So, the casting is on point and some of the visuals were decent but overall this felt very average and I have no desire to watch any further. You're better off just rewatching the original show.

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Succession: 4x09 Church and State

Someone should probably keep Roman away from tall places and ledges

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1899: Season 1

There's a good reason every episode starts with "wake up", they gotta make sure the audience hasn't fallen asleep from watching the 40 minute snooze fest of the previous episode. The being said the last 5 minutes of each episode are fantastic, I just wish they kept that same energy through out the rest of the episode because it genuinely felt like a slog. If it had been half the length I felt like I would have enjoyed it a lot more. That being said I will probably check out season 2.

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The Stand: 1x02 Pocket Savior

I haven't read the book so I don't really have a reference point but I'm actually really enjoying this so far. The practical effects are really well done, the acting seems top notch and I'm super curious to find out more about the Prophet as well as the Denim Man (Flagg).

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Hoops: 1x01 The Pilot

80% cursing 20% story. I'm no stranger to cursing or anything but it feels overdone here.

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Made in Abyss: 2x03 Village of the Hollows

Good stuff. Just when you start enjoying the show and it feels wholesome, the experience with the pink blob brings you back to the brutal nature of the show

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The White Lotus: 1x02 New Day

Yeah... this show is just... not good.
I really wish HBO could go back to focusing on quality over quantity.
I'm out.

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The Expanse: 5x05 Down and Out

Decent ep. That cliffhanger though ;_;

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Deep Water

The only reason you should watch this movie is if your to be watched list is entirely empty.

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Only Murders in the Building: 2x03 The Last Day of Bunny Folger

Great episode. I always enjoy when shows can make you see the main cast in a different light from how we perceive them. Legit felt bad for Bunny.

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Grave of the Fireflies

The greatest movie I never want to see again.

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Peaky Blinders: 6x04 Sapphire

Idk who thought it was a good idea to basically make three out of six episodes of the final season center around tommy's kid who we barely know but it wasn't a good idea. I'm also not optimistic about them wrapping this up in a satisfying manner with only two episodes remaining but i'd love to be proven wrong.

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The Expanse: 5x04 Gaugamela

Amazing episode! The season is off to a really strong start. Hope they can keep it up.

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Steins;Gate: 1x22 Being Meltdown

Make sure you watch the post credits before proceeding to the next episode.

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The Stand: 1x04 The House of the Dead

Decent episode, although I fail to see why out of all the people there they ended up sending Tommy. I hope he makes back ok. Also the girl in the dress was wild, shoving a shotgun in Nick's face, making out with him and then shooting at him all within 5 minutes hah.

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From: 1x07 All Good Things

I felt bad for pillow girl :(

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Coming 2 America

I wanted to like it but I found it very mediocre.

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The Mill

The ending felt like a bit of a cop out and the message was pretty on the nose but overall I didn't find myself bored so the movie did its job.

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Of all the movies I have ever seen, this is certainly one of them.

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Slow Horses: 1x02 Work Drinks

Interesting start. I wonder if they made that guy purposely fail the test at the start so he would get sent to slough house. Either way, I'm in. Looking forward to the rest of the season.

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Family Guy: 20x15 Hard Boiled Meg

I'm really starting to wonder why FOX keeps giving these guys money. Like, honestly, can't you skip a season and put that money towards paying for pilots for new animated shows or something?

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Delicious in Dungeon: 1x09 Episode 9: Tentacles/Stew

Treating tentacles as bananas was surprisingly creative. Love moments like that in this show.

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Solo Leveling: 1x07 Let's See How Far I Can Go

Bro got humbled real quick

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Delicious in Dungeon: 1x08 Episode 8: Raspberries/Grilled Meat

Falin was so cute! Loved the relationship with Marcille.

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Death's Game: 1x01 Death

Bro was going through it

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Echo: 1x01 Chafa

The fight scene was cool but thats about it. Skip.

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