Dracula Untold

love how they use the story of Vlad the Impaler which is what Dracula is based on (he was a real dude in history).
i do love how they user some of the real history of him, but they made it alot more causal like all Hollywood movies tho sadly :/

it was a good movie that for sure and they set things up for another movie aswell that excites atleast me alot as that one sounds alot better IMO.

alot of good/great actors here (3 from GoT XD) that does well with the script they are bound too. the movie itself is good but might have have had too little backstory and lore for my taste.
the action is over the top and the effects are good. vampire abilities is done right in this one for sure!

all in all one of the best vamp movies since Blade & Van Hellsing (not really that great but still)

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Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins

i would say its a good movie but got a slow start. was starting to check the time remaining and i found out that i had an hour left of the movie. the last fights was really worth it tho.

love the overacting of the characters and how their characters and voices and the music just fits perfectly together in many scenes.

its a good watch IMO, cant wait for the next movie..... going to checkout the Anime for sure!

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not as good as the original movie, but still ok/good by today's lowered standards in movies.

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The November Man

its a fair movie and everything looks good at the start.... but the pacing is really lacking in the middle and the end. did not finnish because of this, cant be bothered to try again.
love Brosnan and love spies and such...... but the pacing of this movie just ruins it all IMO.

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Left Behind

i thought this would be good..... i was so wrong. regret even starting on it about 5-10min in..... yet i finished it hoping it would pick up somewhere. it did pick up at the 31min mark and started becoming atleast somewhat interesting. sadly that passed on quickly and nothing really happened in the end i feel. they could have taken this so much further in so many ways with all the actors they had (and i KNOW they have played alot better before....)

in the end, regret watching it and feel it was a waste of time and HDD space. would never recommend this to anyone other than someone that is a bible fanatic or something.

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