shaun jeffrey



The PA and the Manhattan Prince

0/10 put yourself on suicide watch if you watch or even like this film….
It’s where actors that were turned down for parts on soap operas go to work….
10 mins in and I switched off, the people involved in the making of this film need to be taken out into a field and to be buried in a twenty foot hole And then have reinforced concrete poured on top, then electrify the whole thing so they can’t be saved….

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Round and Round

7/10 good

A made for tv movie that isn’t to bad…..
It’s Groundhog Day meet’s romcom…..

The first 20mins or so are slow and don’t give you much hope, but then it starts to kick into place and grabs your attention.
It gets better and better and by the end of the movie you’ve had a good time!!!!
Do you know what! I’d even be happy to watch it again….

Go on, give it a go

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The Bricklayer

6/10 fair

This is a film which should have been made in the 90’s and it would have been a great movie, the acting is just about bearable, but in most cases the actors phone their performance in and play their parts as if they are stuck in the 90’s
The action scenes are good to great and entertaining, but the story is so dated……

Give it a watch all the same and make believe you’ve gone back in time and watching a great movie….

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Fool Me Once

7/10 good

Probably should be 8/10 but I just can’t give it….
A good cast that give good performances….

The main story is interesting and they give you just the real get amount of mystery and intrigue to bring you back for each episode.
The only thing against it for me is there’s so many side stories that it ends up over complicating the whole show and sometimes difficult to keep track of the main story, but that aside, it’s still a good watch and we’ll worth a watch….

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9/10 super

It almost made it to 10/10 but parts of the ending lost it that extra point….
But with that said this is a great movie, some might find it slow and might not like the timeline moving around.
It basically breaks down into a number of self contained chapters which come together to tell an overall storyline, with each chapter becoming more complex and clever.
Is it predictable????
In some cases yes, but it always gives you a little twist with each chapter, sadly the final part is to predictably and you can see most of the plot line coming…..
I think if the final part had been played out without the full hustle story it would have sat better for me….
Give it a watch well worth it and probably different to what you think it’s going to be….

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Somebody I Used to Know

6/10 fair
As far as romcoms go this is just about passable, it’s nothing special and definitely doesn’t have the ending any romcom has had before.
If you have watched all the films you need to watch it’s worth watching the once, but just the once

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4/10 poor

As far as romcoms go, this is a complete dude, poor acting and very generic storyline.

There’s a lot better movies out there and you’d be better spending your time with those……

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Love at First Sight

8/10 great

As a film it’s a 6/10 but the 8/10 is for it being a romcom….
Great cast, very well acted and a damn good storyline that follows the normal rules for romcoms, but somehow adds a new slant on them……
My only complaint is the very end, it’s a little bit boring for an ending, but it’s still a good romcom

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Anyone But You

6/10 fair

It’s a romcom and it’s a fair one at that, no point picking holes, it does what it says on the tin……
The cast is okay and do what is asked of them, the storyline is the normal romcom formate and it doesn’t deviate from it….

You won’t necessarily remember the movie but you will enjoy it well watching it.

Could it have been better?
Does it matter?
Not really….

Switch of your brain and watch it and enjoy it, then move on to the next movie you want to watch….

Oh, I did enjoy the credits singalong, very enjoyable and I hope they all enjoyed filming it…..

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Building Impossible with Daniel Ashville

4/10 meh
What a boring show, let’s take a very small part of a very large project and pretend that Daniel is part of it, very boring, very predictive and not worth watching….

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Leave the World Behind

7/10 good

This could have been even better and maybe even a 9/10….
A great cast, good storyline, but the few special effects were a little bit cheap….
This is a movie for adults with a brain and who doesn’t need over the top scenes to keep them interested in the movie.
It’s slow and steady and builds to a ending that some will find disappointing, but others will enjoy….
Glad I went into this movie cold with nothing known about it and that the way this should be watched….
Other then the few effects needing more money spent on them to polish them up and they are very simple effects, the only other thing I can say is the ending could have been added too, ie: the people reaching the turners house and us seeing the shelter door close behind them, the end….
But well worth a watch and I will be happy to revisit this movie in the future…

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9/10 almost a 10/10

Super twisted storyline which sucks you in so easily, about 3/4 of the way through I started to dip out of the story and began to think this is going to far into the realms of exaggeration and absurdity, ie: the lunch scene where the curtains are drawn closed.

But then it pulled me back in and ramped up the intrigue, giving us just about all we need to complete the film.
As for the last 5-10 mins of unseen scenes totally caught me out and I’m normally able to work this kind of thing out way in advance.
Again for some reason the very last rolling scene was just right, don’t ask me why, but for some strange reason it fitted just right…..
Well worth a rewatch in a few weeks time I think :thinking:

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2/10 terrible

I got to halfway through episode three and gave up….
Episode one was okay and you spend the first half getting to understand the humour of the show, once you’ve done that it’s good.
Episode two is as enjoyable and you start to have hope that this might go somewhere, but at the same time doubt starts to creep in.
In the most part because of the constant full nudity.
After the orgy scene in episode three, I switched off….

This is a full on adult comedy without any woke garbage, which is a great thing.
But the over the top nude scenes just don’t need to be so blatant, I’m far from being a prude, but you can show this adult comedic sexualised scenes without showing everything and not lose any of the shock and humour from the scene….
This is pure titillation for the sake of it and what should have been a good adult themed comedy/action show, devolves into pure soft porn……

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Fellow Travelers

5/10 maybe it’s me….

I got to episode 5 and dipped out….
I always say I’m not a prude, but I’m beginning to realise that I probably am!

Well acted, historically accurate and a compelling storyline, so why only 5/10?

It’s basically soft porn and it’s not needed and I’m not saying this because it’s a gay storyline I’d be the same if it was a heterosexual one, the scenes are there to titillate and probably shock people.

For me there’s never a need for sex scenes in anything, kissing and falling on to the bed is fine, cut to the obligatory lighting of a cigarette at the end lol…..
We just don’t need to see the so called act of sex and it’s this that put me off the show and switch off…..

Also, not that it matters, but yes I’m a man that happens to be gay as well.

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Beacon 23

5/10 and that’s being generous

Some how I made it to the end of episode 5 and it’s time for me to dip out….
The first two episodes are okay, slow but sometimes that can be a good thing and that’s what I was hoping would be the case….
It just doesn’t go anywhere, it drags its feet and doesn’t give you the breadcrumbs needed for you to keep following the show.

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007: Road to a Million

4/10 poor
No adventure
No tension
No drama
No sense of urgency

No point in watching

It could work but needs a radical rethink, would possibly work if it was more of a chase around the world against each other, even have them sabotage each other….
But as it stands it’s very boring!!!

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Tales of the Tardis

10/10 unless your a true dr who fan, both old and new you won’t understand my score….
This is the show we didn’t realise we wanted and needed and with so much potential for future episodes.

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The Continental: From the World of John Wick

5/10 meh

The first episode gets a 7/10
The second episode gets a 5/10
The third episode gets a 6/10

It hits all the spots and you can see where money was spent, but at the same time it also misses so many spots……
Far to many characters, far to many female bosses “yes I did just say that” and a storyline that becomes to complex when it didn’t need to be…..
Fight scenes are great, lighting and cinematography spot on, playlist is fantastic but over used and totally in your face all the time.
I could have and maybe should have switched off halfway through episode 2

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8/10 great
A damn good show, keeps you on tender hooks all the way through and doesn’t fall for the usual tropes for this kind of show.
It goes from a cheating love story to a murder mystery and then back to a cheating revenge storyline…..
You won’t know what’s going to happen next that’s for sure!!!!
For entertainment it’s 99.99% there, the last 0.01% is lost due to the very last lines spoken, they just come out of know where and feels that someone injected their own woke feminism in at the last minute….

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The Killing Kind

7/10 good
But it was going to be a 8/10 great, reason for the change was the last ten minutes, totally over complicated for no reason other then to try and be smart…..
A great storyline that keeps you changing you mind about the characters and who could be the killer!!!!
I even began to think that we had an imaginary person/friend scenario going on, or that maybe she was responsible….
It was just that finale 10 minutes that just messed it up, it should have been that she faked her death and that he found out about it and went after her, not have her do the killing….

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The Winter King

1/10 :poop:
I was so looking forward to this, I did no research at all and just wanted to watch it…
The first 5-10 mins started well and I thought oh this is going to be okay!

Then it started, race changing, implanting people that just shouldn’t be there at this time in history and all in the name of PC WOKERY…..
15 mins in and I switched it off and will not return to it again, give this rubbish a wide wide berth….
:poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:

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Puppy Love

8/10 great
I was going to go 7/10 and in the big scheme of things it maybe should be a 7/10, but I did really enjoy this movie….
I went into it thinking it would fill some time and be okay, which it was and did….
But then we got a film with a little bit more depth to it then your normal romcom, someone actually put a bit of thought into this film and the casting was spot on 101%

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Average Joe

8/10 great
Now this is a great show, it has just a lite touch of comedy to it, it also has a nice bit of gore too…..
The story has been told before, but this time it has a few nice twists along the way, the only thing I can complain about is the Russian characters, they are very one dimensional and played in a wooden way, which distracts from the rest of the show….

As for the ending, I can honestly say I didn’t see that coming…..
But oh I’m so glad they went the way they did, very bittersweet and honestly the best way to do it!!!!

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Heart of Stone

6/10 fair
Another attempt to create a female bond &for once it does okay at it, but it definitely doesn’t achieve it!!!
Typical female empowerment storytelling which goes to far as always…
The heart gadgetry is totally over the top and at first has you laughing, but once the storyline catches up and explains the background it’s a bit more believable…..
The action and special effects are top notch and at the end of the movie it has all been enjoyable, just could have been better

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Red, White & Royal Blue

7/10 fair
I don’t know the book so have nothing to compare it too!!!!
For the topic it covers This is a good film, Prince Henry was very well cast and he’s characteristics were spot on.
The whole story telling was perfect and treated with full respect for the subject material.
We have none of the over the top stereotypical one fits all interpretation of a gay lover story, what we get is a honest telling of what it would be like…..
As for my score 7/10 I honestly believe I would score any other movie the same way, the only gripe I would have is the one sex scene went 10% to far for me, but again I’d say the same if it was a heterosexual couple.
Guess I’m just a prude over this kind of scene lol……
Thank you for this gay love story and telling it in a perfect way…..

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8/10 pretty damn good
The first two episodes are great, after that you have to ignore some of the blatant liberties taking to push the story along….
But it still doesn’t take away from what a great show and storyline this is, the last episode has you on the edge of your seat and leaves you with the feeling that it was just about right…..
Just all things that had to come together to make this work are almost impossible, it just isn’t feasible to get that all done and coincide together!
But, it still works as long as you can ignore all that…..

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Significant Other

6/10 far
This could have been a good show, but it just doesn’t live up to what you want it to be/become…..
Yes, it’s not meant to be a happy show and your not meant to have that warm fuzzy feeling when you’ve watched it, yes you know it’s meant to be about life’s struggles and it’s downs more then ups, but this show doesn’t even give you one up in the show, it’s all downs…..
Sam, the lead male character is someone that you have sympathy for and want to see progress, but by the the last episode you hate him, he’s a selfish individual who deserves all the hell he goes through, because he has piled it all on to himself….
Yet I still give it a 6/10 far, because as it is, it is a true reflection of a lot of people’s life’s, just that we do need some sort of cheerfulness in some way to lift the show.

I don’t think anyone is going to love this show but a lot will just hate it, which is a shame

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Special Ops: Lioness

10/10 based on the first two episodes….

I should have known better then to doubt a Sheridan show….
I thought for one moment that this was going to be the usual woke feminist rubbish we usually get from tv companies, but Sheridan once again gives us a bloody fantastic show, with strong woman and stronger men…..
This is how you write a powerful female character and make it real!!!!

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The Out-Laws

6/10 FAIR

The first half of this movie has you reaching for the off switch, it terribly miss the mark….
Then the second half kicks in and it finds its feet, starts to pay off and you almost forgive them for the start…..
It has a good cast and that helps a lot, it definitely could lead to follow up movies that could only get better….
This is a midweek movie to watch and eventually enjoy, as long as you can get through that first half…
Those that have given it lower scores and didn’t like it, I understand where your coming from!

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