shaun jeffrey




6/10 fair

B to c list stars in a okay to fair who dun it….
All in all I’ve seen a lot worse and it’s entertaining.
It’s not a Saturday night thing, it’s more a mind week movie to get you through the week.
Give it a watch and don’t have to high a expectation and just enjoy a low budget, reasonable effort movie

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7/10 good

Is this a masterpiece?
It isn’t

Are the effects good?
Yeah they are pretty good, they aren’t Realistic, but have an almost computer game graphics effect to them.
Which at first you think is jankie and second rate, but then as the movie goes on you accept it for what it is.
I’m almost inclined to believe this is the effect they wanted or embraced.
The storyline is okay, nothing we haven’t seen before and probably done better, but I think they did a good effort all in all….

Switch your brain off and watch a sci-fi movie that takes sci-fi and pushes its limits to an almost unbelievable scale, your enjoy it for what it is then, rather then trying to compare it to super budget movies….
Look at it as if your in a computer game

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10/10 ninja

Should be 9/10, but for episode 9 alone I boosted it up to 10/10.
A splendid show……

I do agree with comments about the use of native languages, Japanese used but Portuguese not…..
Be 100% accurate in this regard or not at all,
The use of Japanese is correct and adds dept to the story telling, would the use of Portuguese?
Probably not as it’s a very minor part of the story……
If reading subtitles is beyond you, then the story isn’t for you in the first place, Broaden your horizon and mind.

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Cash Out

6/10 fair

This isn’t a good movie, but then again it isn’t a bad one either……
It’s a midweek watch, when you don’t want anything to taxing and when you’ve watch all of those much better movies

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White Bird

10/10 stunning

A stellar cast, young actors with such talent.
Is it possible to have a fairytale like war film?
If so this is it…
You will scream bastards 3-4 times
You will cry at least once
This is a truly stunning movie, that I could watch over and over again.
Even though it’s set in France, it’s very very British and almost of another era of movie making, which we don’t seem to get anymore….

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Fair Play

6-10 fair

A fair for fair play…..
Maybe it should be a 7-10 but I just couldn’t stretch it to that…..

Secret Work place romance goes wrong, everything think is fine they are covering their tracks to avoid being found out, until a big promotion arrives for one of them.
The twist for them both is that it’s not for the one of them they thought it would be.
Things start to go sour for the relationship and jealousy creeps in….
My question is would it have been the same if the tables had been turned????
We are lead to believe not, but I’m not so sure?????
I would say the ending, turned the tables for me and I found myself feeling sorry for the guy, yes he was being a bit of an arse and a bit bitter.
But she becomes a complete cow and very unlikable & I came away thinking to myself “run mate, run as far as you can and get away from this cancerous cow”
Even though you weren’t 100% perfect yourself

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7-10 for the first 3/4 of the film

10-10 for the final 1/4 of the movie

Right from the out set, you know where this film is going and can understand all the characters and what’s happening.

Or you really think you do!!!!!

I almost gave up on it half way through, thinking to myself that I’ve seen this all before and this isn’t adding anything new to this kind of storyline, even though it’s doing it well.
You’ve worked it all out, you know what the twist is going to be and then the rug is pulled from underneath you.
When you realise this, the movie becomes totally entertaining and you smile and say to yourself, okay you got me there….
Then for me it takes another twist and says, yeah you got it, you got the twist, but know we are going to twist the twist once more.

Which is 1000% spot on, clever and a dam you moment.
I will be watching this again and next time I’ll probably see things that weren’t obvious the first time watching and probably was there to be seen…..

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Cat Person

7/10 good

In all honesty it maybe should be a 6/10 but I gave them a extra point for trying…
It’s a fair tale with a modern day twist, it’s not what I’d call woke or politically correct, but there’s definitely hints of it in the movie.
But it doesn’t really detract from enjoying it…
The story is good
The acting is passable
The ending is fitting
The cgi again is passable, but does slip into being jankie at times, but for the budget it’s damn good.
It’s well worth a watch at least once

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The Gentlemen

100/10 guy Ritchie at he’s best

This is the dogs bollocks

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Your family our dogs, that’s the story of this movie….

What a movie, take the joker and add in loads of dogs and you have this movie.

It’s twisted
It’s weird
It’s off the wall
It’s even funny is a strang way
There’s nothing else like it
Your want to watch it again

Switch off your brain and any preconceived ideas, don’t let parts of the storyline put you off.
This is a story of a man broken by life and how he gives the world a two finger salute, with the aid of he’s family, his family of dogs :dog2:

Some people just don’t get it and give it such low scores, which is a shame

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An American in Austen

7/10 good

Something very different from hallmark and all the better for it, hopefully they will do more like this.
If your looking for everything to be historical correct, then dial it back a bit and remember this isn’t a big budget movie, but they do very well on getting a fair bit right…..
Well worth a look and enjoy something lite for once….

Also a interesting small appearance of Sarah Ferguson, hamming it up lol

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Twisted Metal

10/10 ninja

The 30 minute play time really suited this show, keeps you wanting the next episode as soon as possible.
This is brilliant laugh at yourself stuff and totally entertaining, more please as soon as you can……

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57 Seconds

5/10 meh

Never mind about a ring that takes you back 57 seconds, what happens here is someone must have had a ring that take you back 30 yrs.
This is a 90’s movie and it should have been left there…..

Is it bad?
Is it good?
Is it meh?
Oh yes….

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Criminal Record

6/10 fair

Slow moving and ultimately disappointing….
The female police officer is just a bitch with one hell of a chip on her shoulder and is so unlikable.
She just needed to be killed off and in the true world she would have been dismissed from the force…..

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Heist 88

5/10 meh

The acting is okay to good, the story is interesting and a little nostalgic, the problem is it’s promising but doesn’t deliver in the end.
It’s a shame really, because in the right hands it could have been a 6 maybe even a 7 out of 10.
If your stuck on a movie to watch, then give it a go, but otherwise wait until you have nothing else to watch….

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All of Us Strangers

8/10 great

Now this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and this will be for a number of reasons, be it the sexuality or the holding on to the past and love ones that have gone.
But this is a very clever and intriguing movie that plays out at its own speed and you just have to go along with it and wait to see where it’s going to end up.
I have to say I didn’t see the ending coming and I’m normally very good at this, plus to have the table turned on you twice in the last few moments is ingenious.
The very ending, we’re the song tells you the meaning of the whole storyline is again very clever.
It’s not a highbrow movie, but you have to be able to think out of the box and to be able to interpret what your seeing and read into what’s being shown to you.
As I said this won’t be for everyone, especially those that have to have it spelt out to them.
I definitely will revisit this movie in the future and probably will get even more from it the next time round.

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One Day

7/10 good

I came to this movie after watching the Netflix series of the same story, that I gave 9/10.
the only thing I would say that this movie got right over the series is aging the main characters as they need too….
The passing of time in the movie is to fleeting compared to the series, but the series is to stretched out…..
lol no pleasing some people lol

All I can say is watch the movie first, then the series…..

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One Day

3-10 poor

A movie with so many great actors and yet you get this pile of :poop:
This goes to show you can throw as much money as you like at a movie and your still get a stinker….

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The End We Start From

4/10 poor

What a terrible movie, woke garbage and makes no sense whatsoever

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7/10 good

A good simple space thriller on a very small budget, the acting is fine, the tension is on going to the end, the only true distraction is the outside special effects which for the budget are fine.
Y was there’s the sense of feeling that it’s maybe a little far fetched, but it still remains just about believable lol.
Will I watch it again?
No not really, but it’s still worth a watch all the same….

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Which Brings Me to You
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
The Kitchen

5-10 meh

And that’s a generous score, managed to get 48 minutes into it, hoping it was going to go somewhere, it doesn’t……
This is boring as hell……

If you dare to watch it, have a bottle of whiskey at hand, your need it…..

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American Star

7-10 good

This movie isn’t for ever one, it’s very slow, has little dialogue and not for those that have to have something happening every 5 minutes.

How ever, if you like a thought provoking storyline that slowly unfolds and allows you to use your brain, then your enjoy this movie as I did….

It’s definitely a one time watch mind you, but if someone else wants to watch it later on, you wouldn’t mind watching it again….

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The Beekeeper

10/10 so so so over the top

This movie was made in the 1990s and has somehow been transported to 2024 lol….

Over the top
Camp as hell
Makes no sense

But it’s so good at all these things it makes it a 10/10 movie for me, it’s so so so bad, it makes it so so so good lol

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3/10 bad bad bad

All gloss and no substance…..
Normally I’d say, if you have nothing else to watch, then give it a watch….
But I can’t even say that about this one.

Shame on you Kevin hart

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Just bloody great……
Two finger salute to all the woke snowflakes!!!!

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Wild Cards

7/10 good

Okay this is never going to win any awards!

But it sure is entertaining and good fun to watch, 80% of the cast are good and turn in great performances, the other 20% are just terrible and do detract from the show.
It does move fast and has no time for letting you stop and think, they give you the information and move on to the next scene, give you the information again and move on again, which is okay :thumbsup:

I think this is going to be my guilty pleasure….

Sit down, watch and enjoy!!!!

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