shaun jeffrey



The Company You Keep: 1x10 The Truth Hurts

5/10 MEH
Just finished watching episode 10, the show started out as a 7/10 dropped to 6/10 and the last two episodes made it drop to 5/10.
There’s nothing new her, good girl cop, bad boy con artist fall in love and conflict comes out of it all.
Problem is the storyline gets more ridiculous with each passing episode and you start to fall out of love with most of the characters, don’t get me wrong you don’t dislike them, but they lose their luster very quickly.
Episode 10 ever little group within the show, decide that they are going to go down the goodie two shoes route and fight for the oppressed and down trodden……
Please !!!!!!
Come on!!!!!!
Give it a rest!!!!!!
All three groups at once decide this and that how they are all going to go forward…..
Oh and the CIA Agency are not going to question how three of their team got the money to set up their own pvt agency??????
Okay this format of show doesn’t really have anything new to offer, but it could at least just try and tell a good story to entertain us!!!!!

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Dear Edward: 1x07 Folklore

I’ve found myself having to comment on every episode and the season itself!!!!
This show has gotten hold of me and force’s me to say something lol…..
This was a filler/set-up episode, which isn’t to say it was a bad thy, every show needs to have them and for me this is the first one for this show.
Not bad for 7 episodes.
It’s done a gentle setting up of a few new storylines and direction’s to be explored and I look forward to that, all the storylines are being dealt with slowly and gentle as they should be.
The one that is starting to stand out for me is the possible gay tale waiting to be told, this is being handled in a wonderful way, it’s not being shoehorned in or pushed into your face, like so many other PC/woke shows out there!
Keep up the good work, all those involved in bringing this show to us and hopefully we will get to have a few more seasons, not to many! But a few more, I think 3 would be good, then leave on a high…..

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Poker Face: 1x09 Escape from Shit Mountain

I loved this episode, the best of the series so far.
Well crafted and executed…..
Could do with more like this…..

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Dear Edward: 1x06 Truth

I keep commenting on this show!
From the pilot to this episode :pound_symbol:6 you find yourself watching a totally different show to what you first thought it would be, it could have been totally different and a massive show, but that doesn’t take anything away from what it actually is…..
It’s slow but gives you just about the right amount of intrigue to bring you back, it’s very cleverly crafted and very respectful towards anyone that has suffered grief in the way that the characters do.
With this episode we start to see how the web of connections between those left behind are starting to become tighter and how each will start to effect the other.
The thing is that none of this is being forced on to us the view, it’s just being drip fed to us in a natural way and evolving slowly over time, cleverly, warmly, with heart and with tenderness…..
This show continues to get a high score from me, not because it’s wow what a moment, wow what a spectacular show, but because it’s beautiful crafted and loving….
Thank you!!!

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Christina in the Country: 1x05 For the Love of Family

What a sad episode, normally you can tell there’s going to be a sad ending, but in this case it was a totally shock!
So sad for the whole family, here’s hoping that they can heal over time and make the most of the newly renovated areas….

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Dear Edward: 1x03 Stuff

After three episodes I’m in for the long haul, I’m wanting to know more about each of the characters and dare I say there’s not one that I dislike….
The young lad playing Edward is superb, he is so believable.
This is a great cast, I don’t think there’s one weak link in the cast and the characters they play, will it ever live up to that fantastic first episode???
I think it will always come close, but then that pilot was a banger of an episode…..
Each episode gives you just one or two little golden nuggets right at the end to reward you for watching and drag you back for more, that’s a good thing.

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Dear Edward: 1x02 Food

The first half of this episode I was starting to get disappointed and thinking that the pilot was just to good to follow up from, then it started to turn a corner and I began to see how the show was going to develop!!!!
I now have hope again that this is going to be a great show, just that maybe the pilot is going to be the best every episode of this show…..

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Dear Edward: 1x01 Pilot

Absolutely fantastic first episode, let’s hope that the rest of the series can live up to it or at least come close…..
This episode got you interested in every single character and their story!!!!

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The Chemistry of Death: 1x01 Fallen Angel

My god, what a bore fest this first episode was!
I wanted to switch it if in the first 15mins but some how managed to force myself to watch the whole episode.
The dialogue is boring and delivered in as monotone a way as possible, everyone moves at half speed and there’s no sense of tension or urgency!
I found myself laughing at the end of the episode, after two locals step on animal traps in the woods the police continue on alone, just strolling through the woods.
But then the police dog starts to bark and they all start running trough the thick bracken without a care in the world…… lol
I will give the 2nd episode a go, but it has 30mins to get hold of me and before I switch it off!

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Five Bedrooms: 2x06 Twenty-Seven Weeks

The most gut wrenching episode ever…..
So well acted and truly wanted the viewer to feel ever Ounce of pain, well done to everybody involved ….

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Evil: 2x06 C Is for Cop

This was the episode that lost me as a viewer, total race batting woke rubbish….
This season was on a slippery slope, but I was staying with it until this episode…..

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Cherish the Day: 1x02 Synthesis

I’m going off gently very fast!!!!
Plus she’s a racist bitch.....

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Flirty Dancing: 1x01 Octavius & Erin

Okay, I’m in the uk and the original show was here in the uk and it’s my must watch program at the moment....
So I will be watching this version as well, I can see one problem though!
The uk version there’s two couples and the do just one dance each and then decide if they want to meet-up afterwards....
This version, they do two dances with different partners and I’m guessing then pick possible one to have a second date with..... not so sure on this change and it almost takes the romance out of the show, we will see

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The Grand Tour: 3x13 Survival of the Fattest

one of the best if not the best of the show so far!

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The Orville: 2x06 A Happy Refrain

Wow! A great episode....
So much fun and yet so much depth!!!
Season 1 was okay and I was just getting it by the end, but season 2 is so much better, each episode has a deeper meaning to it, but is handled so well that it’s not rammed down your throat!
What makes it even more enjoyable is there’s no PC crap...

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x10 Despite Yourself

Started to give up on this series until this episode, love the flip in characters and known what they were like before now only adds to the series.....
Hope it stays this way for sometime

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Designated Survivor: 1x14 Commander-in-Chief

i dont trust the presidents wife, even more so now shes just said her mother is russian, she just dropped that in there, almost a throw away line....

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Limitless: 1x13 Stop Me Before I Hug Again

This episode totally ruined the show for me, stopped me from watching the rest of the series! For such a topic to be treated in such a childish way is such a shame......

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