

Riverside, Illinois

Help! My House Is Haunted!

Chris Fleming obtains the title of worst TV psychic. The quality of their audio evidence is really awful. More drama than supernatural.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Finally a Star Trek worth watching. Paramount should save their money and cancel Discovery.

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The Inbetweeners

Show should be called Narcissist Millennial Circus.

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The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window

I’ll tell you what this series is not:
A parody
A comedy
A dark comedy
A thriller

The title is maybe a parody of a bunch of movies but it implies funny. This movie is not funny.

Kristen Bell does a great job of acting, however there are some fundamental problems. The writing is flat. The supporting cast is flat which means the director phoned it in. Sets are cheap and it has a mass produced feel.

It is trying to make fun of “lifetime” movies and comes off welll . . . a lifetime movie.

If this is what a parody movie looks like targeted to women, it is lost on women. My wife hated it - even with Kristen Bell. It’s not a date night film because the “parody” is lost on men who will never watch “Lifetime” movies.

You have to take risks to make a good film. No one took risks here. The star is not enough to save this film.

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Star Wars: Andor

Half the time I feel like I’m watching Galactic C-Span coverage talking about empire politics.

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Spooked Scotland

Chris Fleming is one of the worst “TV Psychics” I have ever seen. Too much narrative and not a focus on the investigation. Doesn’t let the viewer develop their own conclusions. Lots of crackpot beliefs, “seeing images in my head”, queasy feelings. Lots of bullshit EVPs. Not a very convincing ghost hunting show.

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Cannes Confidential

The accents are so distracting that it’s hard to focus on the story. Blatantly rip off of Mallorca Files with less talented actors. If they had stuck with French and subtitles, would have been much better.

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The Murders at Starved Rock

Primarily a documentary about someone making a documentary. The subject of the film tends to frame everything in context to his perceptions in a very narcissistic way. A good portion of the time devoted to his conflict with his father.

The filmmaker does a horrible job of setting up the crime, understanding who the victims were, even giving the viewer insights to the actual crime itself. Once again, making it all about him, his fears, and unresolved issues with his father. Even puts in a political angle.

This attempts to be a copycat of the Netflix “Making of a Murderer” but loses focus. It was mildly entertaining when you’re trapped in a house because of Covid.

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The Gilded Age

Tepid American version of Downton Abbey. Poor writing. Computer graphics distracting. Lots of manufactured social drama. Yawn!

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