Dahj Asha



The Gifted: Season 1

Not sure what to think of this (I'll give it a 7.5/10). It certainly has potential and was interesting to watch but at times it was also a bit annoying (felt a bit cheesy in the beginning, the acting/story sometimes felt a bit strange or inconsistent, and for some reason the actor's voices would sometimes suddenly sound very different, not sure where in the audio pipeline they managed to mess that up). But I guess the mutants and their abilities where the only(/main) thing I really cared about anyway and there where some pretty nice scenes (Lorna was the coolest to watch but Andy's character could be a bit annoying).

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Upload: Season 1

8.5/10 - A very entertaining/funny and lovely season that brings up quite a few interesting concepts/thoughts that other media hasn't really covered yet.

I'm really loving it so far :) The first episode is fine but I didn't like it that much at first (probably because I was expecting something a bit different) and I don't quite like the last episode (too infuriating/frustrating) but overall it was really enjoyable!

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The Expanse: Season 1

8.5/10 - A solid first season :)

The first half had a lot of action but the second half felt a bit "slower" (action-wise). However, that isn't a bad thing as there is a good and complex story to tell and it would likely be pretty boring if there was nonstop action without a proper story.

Anyway, IIRC this already awesome show gets even much better during the next seasons. And my favorite character surprisingly hasn't even been introduced yet (might happen in S2E1).

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Supergirl: Season 5

For me that was the weakest season so far, at least how I remember the previous ones. In fact I increased my rating to 10/10 during the end of season 4 (or was it a bit earlier?). This season is a huge downgrade from that.

Based on my ratings I really liked episodes 15 and 16 but I think the rest was between meh and good (ok on average).

I think my biggest issue with this season is that I cannot get on board with the writer's decision to kill the friendship between Kara and Lena. And, as if that wasn't already enough, they also separate Brainy and Dreamer. I'm not so happy about that (just gimme more karaoke and game nights instead :D).

I guess the best things where that Kara and Alex still had each other (Danvers sisters ftw), the VR tech was interesting, and we got a few old character(s) back (M'gann) and a few new characters (Malefic was the most interesting, IIRC).

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Tron: Uprising

Normally I don't watch movies/shows with such an art style anymore (cartoon/anime) but I made an exception for this show and I'm glad that I did (maybe I should give more shows a shot). Anyway, this was basically worth it for the soundtrack alone. As a Cyberpunk fan the story was also ok. It only sucks that this show was abruptly cancelled. I would've hoped for some interesting developments, especially regarding Paige (she's a good person but unfortunately on the wrong side). I also would've hoped to see Quorra again.

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Marvel's Inhumans: Season 1

6.5/10 - It had some good moments and a lot of potential but unfortunately it felt like one of Marvel's worst shows (IMO likely even the worst). It's still ok but a lot of character where stupid (e.g. Louise and her colleagues/bosses) or annoying (e.g. Maximus). Overall the story and characters where just not that intriguing.

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The Gifted: Season 2

Felt better than the first season but the ending wasn't as good as I've hoped and left me with a lot(!) of questions. It's quite sad that this show was canceled without a proper conclusion (open endings can be nice but - at least in this case - it didn't feel that good).

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 7

I'm very glad that we got this final season and a nice conclusion. I wasn't that excited about the first 4 episodes (but I still liked them), episodes 5-8 are a nice surprise and quite interesting IMO, and episodes 9-12 are just super awesome!

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Star Wars Rebels: Season 1

IMO this is too focused on young children and I'd prefer if it was more serious like "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" but it's interesting nonetheless. I don't mind that there's content for young children but I'm not yet that convinced if it's even really suitable for them but I guess it's fine... Anyway, IMO it should be possible to target a wider audience and make it more meaningful by making it more like SWTCW but maybe that's just me.

And I'm really excited for S2 now that Ahsoka Tano was finally introduced in the season finale!

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 3

It wasn't as good as I hoped but IIRC it was still good. I just wish they'd focus a little bit more on science and discovery instead of what felt like artificial and unnecessary drama (frequent crying, overacting, etc. - I don't mind emotions but they shouldn't feel random).
And it felt like they would always activate the fog machines, strobe lights, lens flares, and almost break the whole ship every time something remotely exciting happens to the ship (entering an asteroid field, etc.) which started to trigger me (just imagine your car would activate a strobe light if a deer crosses the road in front of you - that is the opposite of helpful because it distracts and impairs you).

Also: From the comments here I've learned a new word: "woke" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke). Unfortunately it was used as a pejorative term. Are we really watching a show now that has diversity and inclusivity as core values (at least IMO that's what the United Federation of Planets is about) and "crying" if there are a few black characters? :o :D

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: Season 1

6.5/10 - Nothing special (the story felt just ok) but it had some really cool moments and interesting concepts :)
For me the most annoying parts where the high-pitched voices of Purin and the three AI robots.

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How to Train Your Dragon

My favorite movie

IMO this movie is so good in so many ways. I really love the story, it's so emotional and there are just no boring moments. The animation is awesome (the dragons, the sheep (:D), and also the vikings) and the art style is so beautiful (sure the CGI looks a bit aged by now, especially the human faces, but I don't mind because it's still a piece of art). The soundtrack is also totally superb! It's also my favorite soundtrack of any movie.

There's also so much diversity in this movie. Lots of different dragons with different skills and characters and the main vikings are also all unique.

And while I have watched this over ten times by now I do still geht goosebumps every time during the end. I love it!

I just hope that I'll never get bored or too old for this movie and that it'll remain my favorite movie forever. It's a masterpiece!

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The Sex Lives of College Girls: Season 1

A nice, funny show that can be quite entertaining/enjoyable :) I didn't expect much but got more than I hoped for. The soundtrack/music is also nice.

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Star Trek: Picard: Season 2

3.5/10 - I loved the first season but this second season made everything pointless to me. I hate the time traveling, the lack of science, the stupid/ridiculous story, and it simply didn't feel like Star Trek.

Either Star Trek was never as good as I thought it was (I never watched the old TV shows and movies and I guess mostly because the science behind them is way too outdated now), it has recently become trash, or I didn't really notice the lack of science and logic before. IIRC the recent movies were pretty good (then again they definitely were silly too) but this has gone way too far now! I've lost faith in the Star Trek universe now. Shows like The Expanse and Mars are just so much better IMO. I also still like the Star Wars universe for the fantasy aspects (apart from the main movies - those are bad). However, Star Trek is neither proper Sci-Fi anymore (as it really lacks in regards to science) nor does it offer enjoyable fantasy moments.

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The Umbrella Academy: Season 3

6.5/10 - Not that good but it has it's moments. Probably really enjoyable if one loves a weird story. I'm more into the science aspect of Sci-Fi and this is more fiction/fantasy. Plus I don't like time traveling, multiverses, etc. as it makes the story meaningless for me. So it was still quite enjoyable for that.
It simply isn't as much about the overall story than it is about the ride.

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4.5/10 - Not sure if watching it was worth it or not... I expected to watch a nice (Sci-Fi) space show but there where fewer space scenes than I was hoping for and this show generates a lot of artificial drama by disregarding both physics and human spaceflight guidelines/rules (which drove me nuts). It's basically a drama with fake astronauts that happens to play ~50% in space so if one doesn't care about realism and enjoys drama this might be a good show. For those interested in a much more realistic approach I can recommend the TV show "Mars" (at least if one doesn't mind that approx. half of it is a SpaceX documentary).

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Man Vs Bee

4.5/10 - Not sure if watching this was a waste of time or not but at least it had a few moments, some decent visuals, and a cool car. Just don't expect any smart jokes... Trevor is a mix of an idiot and maniac and not in a very funny way IMO.

Edit: After reading the other reviews it might still be worth to give rewatching Mr. Bean a try (I feared that it would be as "dumb" as this). I'll need some time to "recover" though :o :D

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Headspace Guide to Meditation

This is really well done and quite useful/important. The animations are nice and Andy has a really fitting voice (calm, interesting, happy/funny, clear, etc.).

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Shadow and Bone: Season 1

Shout by Dahj Asha
BlockedParent2021-05-05T22:28:58Z— updated 2021-05-08T22:20:15Z

It was a bit difficult to follow along with the first episode as one gets thrown right into it but it gets much easier to understand the story after that.

The soundtrack (and sounds in general) is pretty neat (nothing I'd listen to on its own but it's pretty fitting and nice to listen to while watching). The cinematography/visuals are also not bad. I only wish there was a bit more "magic" in it but it's not that bad.

All of the (main) characters are unique (also regarding their skills/traits) and their diversity makes/keeps it interesting.

I also appreciate that they've created a unique intro for each episode.

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The Mandalorian: Season 2

That was a great season and felt like a nice improvement upon the first one. I'm pretty hyped for the next season now, let's hope they can keep it up :)

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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: Season 3

It was fine :) It felt too unrealistic but I guess it would've been too boring otherwise so maybe it's for the best. It was also a bit confusing, at least for me. It was both exciting/intense and entertaining though.

PS: And I don't mind the accents. I don't expect realism from this show (which is good because it isn't realistic at all) so I also don't expect realistic/correct accents.

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Love, Death & Robots: Season 2

Not that good but there where five decent episodes :)

My favorite ones:

  1. Pop Squad (that one was so good!)
  2. Life Hutch (I like space :D)
  3. The Drowned Giant (amazing graphics but also quite sad)
  4. Automated Customer Service (nothing new but fun - over the top though)
  5. Snow in the Desert (not quite sure anymore but I think it was (at least somewhat) good)
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Origins: The Journey of Humankind

Great show! Especially for someone like me who isn't much into history and only wants a brief overview in regard to our present (and future). The narrator and music make it pretty epic.

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The Mandalorian: Season 1

Shout by Dahj Asha
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-02-19T00:49:36Z— updated 2021-03-24T14:03:03Z

This turned out to be way different than what I was expecting. It felt like they experimented with some new stuff but that isn't a bad thing IMO. Sometimes it felt a bit slow and the acting a bit weird but overall it was quite interesting and I liked it (even more so towards the end).

Some memorable moments:

  • Episode 4: I finally realized that "The Child" ("Baby Yoda") is a puppet (this is quite embarrassing because it's so painfully obvious and I was constantly wondering why they would animate a CGI character that way but somehow it didn't occur to me that this is because it simply isn't a CGI character).
  • Episode 6: Mando's revenge was so sweet to watch :)
  • Episode 7: Nooo! How dare you to kill Kuiil :o :D He'll be missed. I have spoken.

  • Episode 8: The beginning felt like watching a parody (not sure if that's a good or bad thing). And now they've killed IG-11 as well. This isn't the way!

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Headspace Guide to Sleep

This covers a very important topic and contains some interesting information. I wasn't aware that so many people have trouble sleeping and learned that my sleep isn't as bad as I thought as well as how to further improve it.

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Space Force: Season 2

This seasons had its moments but overall it was barely worth it for me :o I find most of the jokes too dumb/cheap to be funny.

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The Queen's Gambit

7.5/10 - I didn't like it at first but loved it in the end (went from a rating of 5 for the first episode to a rating of 10 for the last episode). I'm not that much into that type of TV shows (too classical / old fashioned, lacks Sci-Fi, action, etc.) so IMO the show is really good for what it is and if I where more into this sort of shows I might even rate it up to 10/10.
Regarding the characters: I especially liked Harry Beltik, Benny Watts, Townes, and of course Beth (also Jolene and Mr. Shaibel).

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Seen better, seen worse. I was good but not great. I learned a few interesting things and it also had a bit of fun but sometimes the content of the episodes seemed a bit to "random" (deviating too much from the topic, filming irrelevant things, etc.). Anyway, I liked the two theme songs (from the intro and especially the one during the end credits [0]) :D

[0] - Only Human · Robin Loxley · Wolfgang Black: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnxwhHqbZs8

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Fate: The Winx Saga: Season 1

6.5/10 - Started pretty slow, got better, ended (almost) great. Not as good as I hoped but still much better than I feared after watching the first episode. It's pretty strange but a lot of the characters are actually likeable over time.

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Money, Explained

IMO not as good as the other "XYZ explained" shows but still interesting. I guess one of the issues is that it is US-focused and that some of the topics/details vary a bit depending on the country (though it might often still be surprisingly similar).

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