

New York

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Watching this feels like watching two different movies. The first movie is one in which jokes are forced and music feels shoehorned in. It feels like the writers and director are beating you over the head trying to make the point of "look, look, remember us? remember how you liked music and jokes the last time?" For me the first half of this movie is a poor imitation of the first Guardians of the Galaxy. 6/10.

All of this changes around an hour into the movie however. Once they actually started moving forward with the plot, this movie becomes something special. The second half of this movie is perhaps the best thing that Marvel Studios has put to screen. It is so heartfelt and moving, the comedy lands PERFECTLY every time, and the movie makers allow us as an audience to remember what we loved about these characters the first time around organically. The second half of this movie is almost flawless.

Special mention to Dave Bautista's Drax... by far and away the character that stole the show. HILARIOUS!

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@vinaldo7 I agree wholeheartedly agree with the first paragraph, only. 6/10

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x03 Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch

This is an actual line from this episode: "Is this a kindergarten or are you training warriors!?" This is the worst writing out of all the Netflix/Marvel shows. This is the last episode I'm watching. Hopefully they can redeem themselves with Punisher or Defenders.

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@ckahn Yes! Just marked it, thanks for pointing that out.

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x03 Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch

This is an actual line from this episode: "Is this a kindergarten or are you training warriors!?" This is the worst writing out of all the Netflix/Marvel shows. This is the last episode I'm watching. Hopefully they can redeem themselves with Punisher or Defenders.

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@ckahn check this video out[SPOILERS!], it explains exactly what went wrong with this show: https://youtu.be/o-0DVmVA-_4

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x03 Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch

Nice to see Hogarth is back. Now where's Claire?

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@nmiguelcosta not even Claire can fix this mess of a show. But I agree, they should have introduced her by now.

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Marvel's Iron Fist: Season 1

Doesn't have the best acting or writing of the Marvel shows. However the show definitely isn't bad. Iron Fist is as binge watch worthy as the others. Well, despite not really picking up until episode 4.
If there's a season 2. It needs to be written out, how open Danny is about where he was trained. As well as who trained him. He's not mysterious enough and that's one of the shows goofy weaknesses.
However the show does better avoiding white washing than Doctor Strange. In Doctor Strange, he was trained by a white woman and a black man. Danny was always meant to be white. There is however plenty of Asian characters. Doctor Strange just had one who was only a book keeper.

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@jim222001 "I'm Danny Rand and the Iron Fist, I'm both." Where did they get these awful writers, DC/the WB?

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