Dan Gigernes


Oslo, Oslo County

Planet of the Apes

A interesting alternate premise that somehow reboots/continues the original story. Roddy McDowall returning in the monkey make-up and Mark Lenard playing a recurring villain role are the most interesting to follow. The world manage to hold some interest after five movies but the repetitive stories made the show fast into a science fiction version of "The Fugitive" where humans manage to befriend so many apes and people it should have been easy to overthrow the bad general that pursuit the humans as his army had the stronghold of 3. A lot of moral preaching and apes that behaves just like humans also don't help the series that much. It is not that strange this series was cancelled before even one season was finished even if there is some memorable moments.

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As soaps go it is one of the most iconic ones with one of the bigger than life families. It had some tremendous cliffhangers at times and engaging characters to follow. Surprise series ender that was a devilish spin on "It is a Wonderful Life" is a stand out moment on this show. Series killed itself by doing some terrible choices over the years but the worst was making one season a pointless dream. Lasted too long as well and some character arc leads out in nowhere and has no payoff or were ever seen again. The best with the show was seeing how they resolved their cliffhangers though and the opening credits.

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Cousin Bette

Top notch BBC production with high class actors and actresses in every role doing theater on screen. Miniseries give the material time to develop and grow. Helen Mirren steals the show as sexy young wife who prostitutes herself to become rich and famous in the right circles (just like a social blogger of that time really!). Only some instances of theatrical stiff overacting that don't work on screen ruin this to become a complete masterpiece.

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Space Academy

A cheesy live-action Hannah Barbara show that is strangely more watchable than I thought. It is a show that could have passed as "Star Trek: Starfleet Academy" produced during the 1970s with 1960s sound and special effects but with the color palette of "The Next Generation". Jonathan Harris is engaging in a heroic commander role. The science in the show is not that bad either. Short running time for every episode makes time fly by. It is also terribly moralistic as early "Next Generation" shows were. The teenagers are okay due to the show's nature but the kid with superpowers and the stupid primitive robot ruins all scenes they are in. Okay in small doses.

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The Ray Bradbury Theater

Ray Bradbury is a treasure chest for American literature and this show brought him to the masses. The best stories combine humor with dark deeds like the murder story in "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl". Other favorite episodes are the ones where Bradbury write about things that concerns himself like censorship and career death or his science fiction crime stories. Beloved genre actors help out making this show enjoyable. Strangely it seem that the series were hard to finance which make some of the high concept stories look cheap when the stories would have needed the best budget to really work. It can also be hard to remember that most of his stories were written during the 1950s and one have to remember this in context with when they made this series. In the end this ended up as a big hit-and-miss show for me.

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Marvel's Agent Carter

Hayley Atwell is seriously good as Agent Carter as she looks perfect in classy dresses and suits. It is set just after WWII so there is great atmosphere, beautiful designs, fashion and cool cars. The series is not afraid of killing off it's supporting characters either and there are some surprises here. Seriously disappointing season endings where everything lead up to a huge action set piece and then it fizzles down making it this series biggest problem. Never fulfills it's build-ups and there is too little humor and craziness to really work as a comic book adaptation. Likeable show though.

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Breakout Kings

It is a spinoff from "Prison Break" and it has a basic premise that is actually good as it assigns convicts to catch other escaped convicts making every episode "catch the prison breakers". There is even a guest appearance by Robert Knepper (T-Bag) in the third show of the first season that is easily the best show in the series. The cast is rounded and consist of the "usual suspects" that make the ensemble "rounded". Jason Behr has an intriguing recurring role as a crazy psychopath / serial killer bastard. Surprise death in the cast shakes up the formula a little bit when the show starts to stale. Sadly, every episode are built up the same - a criminal escapes from prison and the group has to catch him and there is some scenes with personal issues with one of the members that has to be sorted out. This make the show feel it has predictable writing for many of it's stand alone episodes. Unresolved open ending too.

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The X-Files
The 4400

It takes a "X-Files" premise, spins it around and actually dare to go full science fiction with it's concept by the end of it's first season. Unafraid of changing plot, killing off characters and introducing new ones. The two leads (Joel Gretsch and Jacqueline McKenzie) are likeable. Jeffrey Combs in a recurring tribute role where he play a crazy scientist having green glowing serum as he did in "Re-Animator" is fun stuff. It lasted only four seasons and while it could have continued it has an okay ending too. The first short (miniseries) season is boring when compared to the other ones and the second one has a few too many "filler" episodes but by the third season it really worked for me.

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Secrets of Great British Castles

Historic buffs and lovers of old castles should gobble up this beautiful overview over Great Britain most important and interesting castles in historic perspective with beautiful scenic footage of the architecture and the area around it. It also give in broad strokes an overview over the events that created Great Britain and how the separate countries became part of one kingdom. There is not that many secrets to be uncovered though as most can be read on the internet or books anyway. The most interesting secrets are shown in the first episode when they show off parts of a castle that hasn't really been shown to everyone. The title is misleading and should instead have been "Forgotten History of the great British castles".

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Tales of Irish Castles

Trying to tell the history of Ireland through the men and women who lived and built the castles is a good idea and especially rewarding for someone like me that like old castles and history. After the first three episodes the series loses it's way and becomes confused and not sure how to tell the rest of the story as much of the castles were built by the same people. It tries to gobble up some stories about ghosts and celeb parties but nothing interesting comes out of it. The historical aspect is also lost at the end and the liberation of Ireland from the British Empire is not even touched upon that much which is strange as I saw that as this documentary's huge payoff.

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Heroes Reborn
The Time Tunnel

With the exception of "The Time Machine", this series has one of the most memorable, iconic and unique time travel devices put on screen. James Darren and Robert Colbert were pretty likeable "dynamic duo". Some of the futuristic stories were so psychedelic and hilarious fun to watch. Most episodes were too similar and the stories felt repetitive though. Several stories has predictable outcome too as the historic events that were told are so well-known that it won't surprise anyone and it would have been better if they choose some of the more obscure historic moments that few knows instead

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Wire in the Blood

Grim psychological crime thriller spiced up with some sadistic sex crimes and violent bloody scenes. It could all have been pretty tasteless but the stories are well-written with great character portraits of both law enforcers and criminals. Robson Green steals the show as the psychologist, Tony Hill, who thinks like a serial-killer. Series ending has a cliffhanger that is so huge that it is almost on level with THAT "Twin Peaks" ending and is extremely bitter-sweet screaming for a sequel in the future.

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Michael Palin's New Europe

Michael Palin goes into Eastern Europe and show the countries shortly after the Iron Curtain was pulled away to tell about the countries distinctive style and what makes them stand out from each other. Sadly it ain't nearly as impressive or detailed as Michael Palin's other travelling programs. He should at least have spent one show in each East European country but here he seems more content to just passing through with the most marginal of detail and surprises. It lacks depth and the care that BBC gave to the prior shows.

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Full Circle with Michael Palin

Michael Palin shows us countries that goes around a circle around the Pacific Ocean where a third of the Earth's population lives and we see contrasts and likeness through his journey. It is full of good comments, surprises and beautiful cinematography but why is Latin America skipped over? It is a big disappointment that we don't visit a single country there or this would have been a definitive travelogue over that area.

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Around the World in 80 Days with Michael Palin

Michael Palin decides to travel around the world without the use of planes and do it in eighty days. It becomes far more difficult than he thought which makes this an original and fun travelogue that also is locked in it's own fascinating time capsule. Michael Palin is a surprisingly good host and has a pleasant narration too. It is also refreshing in that Michael doesn't get the chance and time to see as much nature and attractions as he probably would have liked as he has to go on the move all the time on what seemed to have been a rather stressed experience for him (luckily he got compensated with new travels later on financed by BBC and the tax payers!)

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It has a marginally interesting premise inspired by Gene Roddenberry's failed pilots from the 1970s. Lexa Doig is sexy and watchable even in the worst moments of the show and Laura Bertram turns out to be better and better during the show's run as soon as she loses her purple skin and turn to silver. Some plot twists were actually good had it only taken it's time to breathe and had characters you care for but several of the cast are annoying and you want to punch their faces. Several story-lines are also suddenly dropped and never addressed later on and most of the stuff are made up as the show goes along. Kevin Sorbo also "acts" like he did in Hercules and I depend a lot if you like him too.

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Surprisingly well-written Norwegian comedy show that is both well-acted and directed. The verbal battle between shrinks Atle Antonsen and Rolf Lassgård (introduced in season 2) is a wonder to behold. Series ask the important question "can and is it even possible for men to change when they are in a relationship or will you then kill your identity?". First season has some weak season running subplots with a Serbian girl and her baby and Dag's sister who was so lousy written that she leaves the show after the first season. Benedict's selfish sex lust gets tiresome and repetitive after a while too and a couple twists seem more put in for shock value than as a natural progression of the story.

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Rød snø

Easily the most beloved classic style crime show that Norway has produced with old-fashioned evil Nazis, a beautiful blonde and a dumb, lovable and funny Swede. It also made household names out of Sven Nordin and Kjersti Holmen. Memorable T.V. theme by Egil Monn-Iversen. Solid script by british Tony Williamson, famous for writing several classic shows like "Jason King", "The Avengers" og "Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased)". Not the most complex crime-thriller put on screen and some humor may feel forced and stupid in these days but it is all pretty charming if you are a Norwegian sadly it only exist in lousy video as it was taped and not put on superior film.

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The Dead Zone

One of Stephen King's better novels gets a surprisingly well-done expansion and fills up some plot holes by giving Johnny Smith a more balanced personality solving other crime cases and the mysterious visions that he gets from others. Anthony Michael Hall do his best role since the 1980s making me almost forgetting that Christopher Walken did the role perfectly in 1983. David Odgen Stiers had a recurring role as a reverend in the show that he nails perfectly. It loses it's way during it's last seasons with stories that feels more interesting in repeating itself from past glories and some filler episodes are boring. It is also a missed opportunity that the series never go down the path of the novel and make the hero more of a loner and paranoid when he starts to take on his arch enemy, Greg Stillson - at least they should have addressed this for some shows make this arc story feel more like a different parallel world take on the original story.

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The Stand

Stephen King's epic plague-Armageddon evil-against-good horror soap is extremely faithful to the book as it was also adapted and produced by it's writer, Stephen King. It is a production that looks good, especially during it's first episode when the plague hits U.S. and we get to see a lot of bodies and an abandoned New York. Joey Sheridan does a memorable villain playing him like a wicked country music star but also Laura San Giacomo and Corin Nemec has memorable moments. The ending is plagued with the same problems as in the book with a special appearance from the Hand of God. Molly Ringwald is a whiny heroine too and has no chemistry with Gary Sinise. Several of the other minions of Flagg are sadly underwritten and would have been interesting to have followed, especially Shawnee Smith, Sam Anderson and Miguel Ferrer's characters. Matt Frewer on the other hand is over-the-top and laughable.

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See crime stories where solutions are solved through dreams that are different, absurd and fun and sometimes have great gimmick ideas. See Patricia Arquette never change her face expression and getting an Emmy Award for it. See one of the worst series endings I have ever seen that ruin an entertaining show and the love that I had for the series. Skip that one and watch the other shows and you will be happy.

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It had an unique concept by telling a season story in real time meaning one hour on TV (with commercials) would be one hour in "real life story". Kiefer Sutherland do one of the most memorable T.V. action heroes put on the small screen. Some impressive location work and action set pieces. Strong first three years. Cuthbert becoming a sex symbol with this show. Sadly the show become a parody of itself in the end with the same story recycled every season with: a traitor in CTU (check!), a evil conspiracy close to the president (check!), evil family members or kidnapped daughter/love interest/friend/partner (check!), terrible data-security at the serverbase (check!) and at least one episode per season where Keanu interrogates and tortures a prisoner.

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Prison Break

The original concept of the show was excellent with a clear beginning and (possibly) end. It was filled with a strong cast and even better supporting cast with fast paced action and a big willingness to writes off characters even if they were enormously popular. Sadly, some terrible plot turns ruined the show and there was an entire brain tumor subplot that was a stupid element in the fourth and final season. They also lost a lot of fans by killing off a fan favorite only for the producers to write her back into the story later on. Conspiracy subplot went too far too. Series ending is a spit in the face until a revival series corrects it.

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The Saboteurs

It is close to the definitive version of the sabotage in Rjukan of Norsk Hydro's heavy water factory that supplied Hitler with means to create a nuclear bomb. It is an excellent production with high quality footage of nature, costumes and acting put in one package. It also don't turn it's head in addressing the more dirty side of war and that civilians always are the losing side of it while rich people always seem to turn with their feet firmly placed on the surviving side. Beautiful Anna Friel is also included in the cast together with the Norwegians but she adds little less than some tear-eyed eyes and looking good in a uniform and was mainly here to sell the show to English speaking countries. I also wish there had been a tiny bit more details at the epilogue.

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At first glance seem like a thriller series that has seemingly a good potential to go inside the dark hidden secrets of the medicine industry and do something exciting out of it but it turns into a stupid kidnap crime story with slow sequences where the kidnappers develop some kind of relationship with their victim. It is all topped with the most stupid escape plan ever put on film when one of the victims splashes ketchup on her face so that she can pretend that she has been killed...(yes you read correctly, this show is THAT bad!). Mikael Persbrandt is watchable in almost anything he do but had a drug and alcohol habit that topped itself during this production so I guess he was having some big urges when he did this terrible, terrible production.

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Shaun the Sheep

Superb clay-animation show with a lot of classic slapstick moments and hilarious situations worthy of a Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd or Charlie Chaplin at their greatest. Without dialogue it also makes the series universal easy to understand all over the world. Best cherished at small portions and not in whole seasons.

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