
2 Followers18 Following

Jaguariuna, Sao Paulo


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It was a lot of fun to follow this universe in the beginning.
The CW shows always had problems, their long seasons ended up hurting them because the shows needed to gain time with silly dramas, villains of the week and the writing that was often basic and expository.
Despite all this, they were always fun to follow weekly and delivered moments that made it worth going through the bad episodes. I will always have a huge affection for them and that's why I decided to stop at Crisis on Infinite Earths. After that, the quality that was already declining ended up declining even more to the point of becoming unwatchable (especially in Batwoman and Flash).
These series will always be a milestone in television for me and I will always remember them fondly.


As a DC fan I couldn't be more excited for this new universe. There have been years and years of mediocrity and terrible creative decisions, but I'm confident that things will be much better for the creators of this new universe.
