Simon Fincham


Birmingham, UK

Run All Night

The final scenes weren't a surprise but an entertaining movie none the less. I do think Liam Neeson is now getting just a little too old to be playing these action roles, especially when he's depicted as being able to out-run and out-fight much younger and fitter men; or does this say something about the general fitness of todays teens/twentysomethings

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Fifty Shades of Grey

I awarded 6/10, it was almost 5. So, 125 minutes, but, what did it all achieve. The tagline, 'are you curious' works well.

For me this seems to illustrate that often people do not listen. Anastasia was told quite plainly that relationships in the established sense were not where this guy was, he repeatedly told her this. When she found she couldn't force him to give her what she wanted, she walks away.

Odd, but, I don't feel I exactly wasted my time, so it gets the 6/10 rather than 5/10

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Jupiter Ascending

What a cracking visual effects movie; the story, well, not so coherent there, but, does that really matter? Nope! My personal favourite was the Alligator like guard species; brilliant!

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Part of me wishes I could jump and bounce off things like that.... then again... looks kinda dangerous

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Kingsman: The Secret Service

Near perfect! Action, humour, thrills and spills and a great soundtrack (thanks 'Take That'). I hadn't expected this to be so good and that only adds to the fun of watching it; might have to watch it again!

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American Sniper

Watching this brings home the effect defending our homes has on not just those at the sharp end but also their families. War and conflict; I wish they were not so much part of todays lifescape. One day we might learn to live together.

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Marmalade, a truly wondrous substance, one sandwich a day is all thats needed!

It makes a difference to watch a movie every once in a while thats not 'dark' and shows a few other elements of the colour spectrum. Thrilled to see vibrant reds and blues. Paddington looks brilliant, you could just about reach out and stroke him!

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The Captive

Sad subject; and one to which I am thankful there was a happy ending on this occasion. Great performance by Ryan Reynolds

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

This part of the franchise held my attention more than the first two. The acting contained very believable performances but it was the condition of Peeta which was most hard hitting.

I've not read the books; I hope Part 2 brings a happy ending where Part 1 was so very sad

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The Boy Next Door

Oh dear, that ending... edge of the seat nasty! Particularly the 'eye' moment.

This tells the tale of why it's so important not to get too involved with your neighbors; especially in today's media friendly society.

A few plot holes you have to suspend belief over - the message painted on the bathroom wall; I guess that was just left there for the school to read later; surely the principle would have had a question or two over that? Plus, if Noah was savvy enough with electrics (amongst other disciplines) to video, edit and print images I'm sure he was conversant with cloud storage and doubt 1 copy of a video was all he had.

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American Heist

I graded it 6/10 initially but have downgraded to a 5.

Not a brilliant movie by any means, the plot was quite predictable and the ending left me wanting more; they could have added another 10 mins to continue the story on a bit.

Some of the special effects were pretty good. I just have to say that sometimes brothers are maybe family connections you can do without; they do seem to bring plenty of trouble!

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Black Sea

Oh; I was hoping for a different ending. I'm not sure why I watched this, I have a phobia of Submarines and the possibilities of drowning...

I thought in many ways the plot ticked along predictably, but, the pace was just right with action to keep my interest.

A good movie, all things considered.

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Taken 3

Enjoyable. I now know how it's possible to stop an airplane when you are late for your flight!

Thanks of the tip Bryan :)

Not the best film in the series, it does suffer from sequel fade but still action packed

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With a score of 8.8/10 on iMDb I was somehow expecting more. yes good effects, yes good performances but glacial pace of progress allowed the fidgets to set in.

Overly long and for me too confusing. Best movie of 2014 for some, but not for me!

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John Wick

For me, just a bunch of shooting and that ending - why?

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Horrible Bosses 2

The best characters played by Pine and Anniston, don't have enough airtime.

Not as good as the first movie I'm afraid but still quite humorous. Maybe overdone with the constant swearing which gets draining....u

It seems toothbrushes are destined to glance crevasses!

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The Imitation Game

Thought provoking and revealing; just how close is this to the events of the time, who knows?

Alan was rather a social outcast it seems, but, the entire world has much to thank him for, without exception.

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Totally far out.

I didn't like this film. It's not what I was expecting at all.

Good effects but otherwise rubbish frankly.

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Into the Storm

Entertaining movie with, at times, amazing special effects. Dialogue and relationships between the cast quite bizarre at times.

I preferred a Twister as a movie which felt more realistic.

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Deliver Us from Evil

Surprisingly good. A few good scares!

Whilst watching this I suddenly had the notion my neighbours might think what on earth is happening; the soundtrack and dialogue taken out of context must sound horrendously disturbing!

Based on the true story of an NYC cop I only have to ask myself how people manage to get over something this shocking?

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