

Birmingham, UK

Suits: 5x10 Faith

This show. Wow. It's just so tremendous. The acting is top drawer. The storylines are superb. The entire location/scenery/camera work is so so good. This episode in itself was perhaps up there with the best TV episode ever. I was quite literally on the edge of my seat, then, I fell off!!

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Lost: 3x14 Exposé

There was a dark humour running through this episode.

You can’t feel sorry for either of our two criminals

What’s interesting was they found the plane and the Pearl before anyone else and yet said nothing.

What else has been found by people and not yet ‘told’

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Lost: 5x17 The Incident (2)

That was so hard to watch, so sad

What an absolutely steller last episode

Sawyer, always my favourite character bar none, in so much pain with the loss of Juliet
Kate, well, she changes her mind so frequently, she lives life in a state of constant panic I should think.
Jack, a pain in the ass since the beginning, now instrumental in setting off a bomb to put things back how they were because he wants it at any cost.
Sun, who seems to have no other words than 'where is my husband'
John; ah, John... he never really was 're-incarnated', he's still gone - what a kicker!

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Suits: 5x14 Self Defense

How many times can you write how brilliant this show is; here's one more time 'brilliant!'

Go Team PSL!!

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Suits: 5x08 Mea Culpa

Louis, really, concealed recording of a conversation! That's so deliciously underhand and why we love to hate you. So many balls up in the air at the moment. Something is gonna get broken!

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Lost: 3x23 Through the Looking Glass (2)

What is happening? It seems they have got off the island or will get off the island - and - now Jack is doing everything he can to get back! Who is in the casket?? it has to be someone who got off the island, but who!

How the hell did John get there; he was shot days back and was in a pit last we saw him? Ben needs to watch out, John seems to have a greater affinity with the island than he does.

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Suits: 5x06 Privilege

Donna and Gretchen are great! I wasn't sure about Gretchen at first but she's one feisty/funny lady. Jack Solaff, he on the other hand is one shady dude. The kind of man you really hate to have to work with. I see a future for Harvey and his therapist; they look good together and she certainly has the measure of him.

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Downton Abbey: 6x04 Episode 4

Shout by Simon

So much going on! Brilliant drama. I'm sure Robert is seriously ill. It's either going to be heart, cancer or ulcer :(

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Suits: 5x11 Blowback

Suits is back, and how!

The team is in huge trouble from all sides, the pace of the drama is totally engrossing and supported by what I believe to be some of the best acting today. What a great opener for the second half of the season. In the face of adversity there is always a road through it all; Harvey will steer the course.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2x22 S.O.S. (2)

OMG what a terrific ending. There was a time when I watched this show and almost stopped. Now, I am continually blown away by the tech used and the powerful storylines. I would absolutely say this is some of their best work yet!

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The Golden Girls: 1x21 Flu Attack

Blanche: You don't have to worry about me, I'm very healthy. I treat my body like a temple.
Sophia: Yeah, open to everyone, day or night.

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The Golden Girls: 1x08 The Break-In

Rose: They were probably looking for drugs.
Dorothy: We have Maalox and estrogen. Now how many junkies have gas and hot flashes?

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Lost: 6x02 LA X (2)

So; just who are all these guys - does Ben know them all?

Sayid was dead but then he's back - is he the real Sayid or is he someone else entirely

Just why are these people so afriad of whomever John actually is, when the 'smoke' is under the Temple compound anyways

I just know this is going to be one heck of a crazy season

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x26 The Best of Both Worlds (1)

This is of course now made into a TV movie, putting episode 1 and 2 together. Totally brilliant TV, despite Shelby being a grating character

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The Following: 3x06 Reunion

Dr Strauss has been busy and very active for many years it seems. It's a wonder he had time for real work.

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The Good Doctor: 3x18 Heartbreak

We shouldn’t expect any other response. With Shaun’s approach to life any kind of emotional relationship was going to be challenging.

I feel so sorry for Lea, she hasn’t as far as I’ve seen done anything to deserve that. In fact the blame lies with Carly who used her assumptions to guide him in the wrong direction.

Powerful scene from Freddie Highmore, it really grabs you.

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The Golden Girls: 1x16 The Truth Will Out

Sophia: [to Rose and Charley] Are you two coming? The spaghetti's getting cold.
Rose: We'll be there in a minute, Sophia. We're in the middle of a makeup lesson.
Sophia: I hope the kid can help you, you wear more rouge than Miss Piggy!

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x14 The War Without, The War Within

I just ooze excitement for every episode and this one, this one, was incredible. So immersive and exciting!! I am only upset by the fact next weeks episode is a season finale. Come back strong in Season 2 Discovery

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Suits: 5x15 Tick Tock

Damn you cliff hanger. Damn you!!

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The Walking Dead: 6x09 No Way Out

Beginning to end; explosive, dramatic, tragic and yet hope?

I need a day to recover!

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Downton Abbey: 6x02 Episode 2

Shout by Simon

Fantastic. I don't think that's the end of the trouble with Marigold; I don't think the farmers family will go quietly.

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The Following: 2x05 Reflection

Shout by Simon

Haphephobia; a fear of touch. I'd never heard of that before now. A brilliant episode this one, if a little gory

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x06 Booby Trap

Cracking. Tense episode. Great problem with creative solution.

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The Following: 1x15 The Final Chapter

Shout by Simon

OMG. That's the ending? I can't believe it! Joe's death was well handled. I'm relieved they didn't try and use some kind of back from the dead scenario where he came back for another 'stab'. I'm very disappointed in the ending, if only because I want to know what happens now. How can a cliffhanger like that be left. What happens to Ryan. What happens to Claire?

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The Following: 1x01 Pilot

What a crazy opening episode; so great! Totally caught my attention from beginning to end.

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Suits: 5x09 Uninvited Guests

Shout by Simon

'Get me what I want pronto, or the next time I'll stop by and bring you a warm bag of shit!

Great line from Lewis, I would feel sorry for Benjamin BUT he was seen being a complete dick with someone on the phone beforehand. There is always a minnow to be crushed under foot. He should lay off the Egg McMuffin's anyway, bad for longevity of life!

So much happening in this episode. Confrontations are all converging on a huge episode 10; what on earth is going to happen next? Harvey can't resign, surely?

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Suits: 5x07 Hitting Home

Excellent. Jessica was sure to ask that of Mike. This is where deception becomes a bigger issue! Someone is sure to consider Mikes schooling again....

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Grimm: 4x06 Highway of Tears

Yay! He's back!! It's about time too.

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Tut: 1x03 Part Three: Destiny

Shout by Simon

When surrounded by so many daggers, it was little wonder he had no chance to succeed in the way he wanted. It's a matter of history of course, but, I enjoy the fact the priest didn't get his own way, unfortunately Ay did, at least for a short time.

The placement of his body and surrounding buried items in a lesser and largely unmarked grave was the sole reason his tomb was well preserved; no-one knew of him

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Defending Jacob: 1x08 After

Shout by Simon

Wow, what an ending... I believe it's different than the novel, some say better some say not so.

Did Jacob do it? The court case we were viewing from Andy's point of view was never about anything other than a traffic accident. Does Laurie even remember what she has done? In regards the holiday; would Jacob ever have been realistically that 'silly' if he were the killer to murder that girl, seems a bit unlikely.

Would either mother or son have ever walked away from hitting a brick wall at 90+ mph, I know Land Rovers are tough offroaders but even so....

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