21 Bridges

Reply by DarthLocutus

Good movie. Keeps you interested right till the end. Wasn't what I thought it would be based on the trailer - expected a cat and mouse chase to stop the bad guys leaving Manhattan.
Only had one issue with the movie: How the hell did she get on the subway train?! She was nowhere close to the train when it took off, and the other cops just arrived as they got on.
Solid 9/10

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@speeddemon Just watched this. All through the chase she is between Andre and the rest of the cops. There is 10 seconds from when he jumps the barrier until she gets there. Just after the cops burst through the door you can just make out someone running on the train.

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Alien Outpost

Reply by DarthLocutus


Review by Lainfan

Surprisingly good movie, with an extremely low budget.

In this fictional documentary we start of with the surprising news humankind won an alien invasion and survived for a change. In the almost 90 minutes that follow we see the soldiers of a military outpost base battling the remaining aliens in the region and a unique sci-fi war story.

Although this movie wouldn't be considered 'great' by many, it is not as bad as its ratings do make believe. The visuals are pretty nice, but not overdone, the story is surprising at points, and directing choices are somewhat unique.
This makes the whole movie feel very realistic. The Direct Cinema technique (making use of hand-held cameras and the cameraman being a part of the story) amplifies this heavily. The low budget doesn't hurt its realism either.

Having such a low budget does has its downside. The aliens are drawn into the movie pretty late, they couldn't fix the fact that some scenes do feel like being on a set and some of the dialogue and text is a bit corny. The writers even do a (misfired) wink to the Afganistan war. That kind of political symbolism is painfully misplaced in a movie with an overdone amount of macho men.
And even though they do an elaborate effort to make you familiar with the mediocre cast, they don't really stick for the most part. The General might be an exception on this.

However, the aliens do look really badass and so do most of the props used by them and the human props are neat too. The action scenes are solid as well, with a lot of explosions (don't worry, it is not Michael Bay-like) and changing environments.

One of the biggest plot problems is probably on how the soldiers managed to advance, enter and destroy the (most important) base of the aliens with less firepower and more resistance than they had to endure at their own base, but they lost that. Even though they were 1 man down. I have to say they do lose more men at the alien base.
The second problem is the lack of answers the movie provides. You are left wondering why the 'heavy' want to conquer the earth, and they are really teasing you with the 'metal rain' and after-the credits scene they provide us with.

Maybe they hope on a sequel, with a bigger budget. And to be honest, even with all the bad points this movie has, I am all for it.

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Agree. I also can't understand why this has such a low rating everywhere.

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Alien Outpost

Reply by DarthLocutus

Watched this for about 20 minutes before turning it off. They were fighting people not aliens, unless aliens appear later in the show but it wasn't my cup of tea.

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You needed to keep watching. There were aliens attacking with the people also you find out the aliens are controlling the people making them attack.

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