
7 Followers4 Following

Brno, Czech Republic


Best adaptation of Sherlock Holmes ever. Even better than BBC's Sherlock (it lacks the drug abuse and 'unethical' practices from the detective. It's too "politically correct", it's somewhat annoying). Now if you think I'm on the wrong show posting this, either you didn't watch House MD, or you don't know Sherlock Holmes...

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Thank you for this thread (: I started to notice little things because of it - like the guy that shot House is named Moriarty in script (never actually pronounced in the episode, though) or that House lives in 221B (it has been on the building once or twice, then there has been 221 and B on the door to his apartment). I'm around third of the show and this thread actually made me pay more attention, so I don't miss stuff like this (:

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