King David




Classic! I might check out the new season Disney is releasing soon.

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Prison Break: 5x01 Ogygia

The premiere should've been two episodes long. Most of us wanted to see Michael. It's fucked up that we only saw 30 seconds of him in the entire episode.

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Prison Break: 5x01 Ogygia

What a waste of 45 minutes! I always said, that a season premier should be two episodes long.

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The Flash: 3x18 Abra Kadabra

Y'all probably going to hate me for saying this, but I hate the Killer Frost character. I wish they'd kill her off entirely. The character always throws us off the main storyline of the show.

Other than that, I did enjoy the episode.

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Grimm: 6x13 The End

After Nick killed the monster, did he go back in time to reverse the deaths of his friends? Or he never left the other world in the first place? I'm little confused on that part. Besides that, it was a great finale.

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Supernatural: 12x17 The British Invasion

The last two episodes sucked!

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People were actually protesting against the release. I'm glad the network had enough balls to tell them to fuck off.

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Hey Arnold!

Classic. My favorite show when growing up.

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Designated Survivor

This show reminds me of 24. If you liked 24, than you'd like Designated Survivor.

In real life, Trump is our Designated Survivor. Haha.

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The trailer looks interesting, but not interesting enough to watch. If an enough people around me starts to talk about it, then I might watch an episode or two.

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The Following

I wanted to see Ryan Hardy fuck some shit up.

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The series has its moments. Other than that, I don't know why I continue to watch it.

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The Knick

Shout by King David
BlockedParent2017-03-20T05:18:36Z— updated 2018-10-11T04:25:19Z

I like the concept of the show, but don't think it's executed in the right way. There's some episodes that are good and others that are bad. I think, the series gives more useless information and less action.

I'm 4 episodes in, I might be speaking prematurely.

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Wayward Pines

I have love hate relationship with this show. I found season one better than season two. It's definitely worth a watch. I sort of lost interest after the first half of season two. I might go back and watch it for good measure.

By the way, Terrence Howard played a strange and gripping Sheriff Pope.

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Shout by King David
BlockedParent2017-03-20T05:02:19Z— updated 2018-10-11T04:12:51Z

Sometimes, this show makes me want to be a drug dealer, that's how fucking good it is.

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The Blacklist

I like it, but I wish we got more facetime with Reddington. I'm getting tired of Elizabeth Keen and the other characters from the task force. I do like spin-off (Blacklist: Redemption) with Tom and Scottie, but want to see an episode or two wth Reddington—I like the character that much. James Spader is amazing.

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Marvel's Daredevil

Shout by King David
BlockedParent2017-03-19T22:55:00Z— updated 2017-03-21T04:14:24Z

I'm definitely a fan of the series.

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Ice Road Truckers

Shout by King David
BlockedParent2017-03-19T22:53:43Z— updated 2017-03-21T04:14:55Z

I been hooked since season one. I know they purposely over dramatize the show, but I still like it.

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It took me a long time to watch this show because it wasn't in English, but after watching the first three episodes I was hooked. Pablo Escobar was a fucking savage! He didn't care about the consequences of his actions as long as he killed; he was satisfied!

Wagner Moura did an amazing job by playing Pablo Escobar. He gained massive weight and even learned Spanish for the role.

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Burn Notice

I like this show so much that I watched the entire series about 3 or 4 times. I do find Fiona annoying as hell and wished they killed off her character, but for the most part, Burn Notice is a good show to binge.

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I can't stand this show. I like the crossover episodes and that's it.

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The Strain

This show has grown on me. I didn't mind watching it if it came on, but wouldn't be checking for it.

If you think about it, if they killed the Master, then the show would be over. It'll be hard for them to introduce a new monster.

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The Walking Dead

I had a feeling that this show would be something great from season one. I love the introduction of Negan. I love to hate that guy. He definitely brings new excitement to the series, but it has me questioning what is season 8 going to be about? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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This show is amazing! The creativity that goes into this show is incredible. I wish I could be on set to watch them film it.

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