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Disappointing is putting it mildly, DiCaprio good as always, but the movie is really bad, with silly humor that didn't even bring a smile to my face.

Stellar cast, wasted on a bad movie... I wonder how they got them to participate.

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Kinds of Kindness

Completely nonsense! I like it.

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Bullet Train

Lots of action and comedy...the plot is a little so-so, but it's one of those movies you don't watch for the plot, but rather to watch mostly to distract yourself for a couple of hours between adrenaline and laughter, and this one succeeds in doing that great.

Taken for what it is, a light movie, I really enjoyed it!

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The French Dispatch

Beautiful, probably not his best film, there is something that jars even if I didn't understand what... however visually great, like every other film of his, thanks to his diorama style. Beautiful use of black and white. The story starring Benicio del Toro the one I enjoyed the most.

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