Dalibor Nedeljković



The Good Place

The show had its ups and downs through its season, but the final two episodes were game changers and made up for every little bad thing. The show is amazing and can't wait for next season.

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It's so rare to find such jewel. Everything about this show is perfect. Stellar cast that superbly does the job. Not one bad apple among them. Script, dialog and narrative are finely tuned machines that deliver the exact amount of excitement needed. After watching only one episode I recommend this show to everyone because I know that it will deliver excellence throughout the entire season.

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Seven Seconds

Just binged it, and it is fantastic. Superb production with great acting and captivating screenplay.

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This is absolute treasure and everyone should watch it.

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It has a really strange beginning of the season, but once the main story begins unrolling you get caught up in it, and its really unpredictable main story. You can't forsee where it will lead you from first few episodes. Now, on half season you begin to forgive all the weirdness that surrounds it, and it shows potential to be a great story in the end. Lots of question waiting to be answered. :)

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it is funny: all of bad comments are from people that didn't even bothered to watch it.
But those who watched the whole season have nothing but praise for the show. I am one of them.
Had my prejudices, thought it will suck, but in the end I am loving this show and can't wait for more.

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Somewhere Between

Really bad pilot that almost got me to drop the show which would've been a mistake.
From the second episode it is like I am watching completely different show.
I recommend everyone to power through the bad pilot and give this show a second chance.
It is worth it so far...

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Blood Drive

Shout by Dalibor Nedeljković
BlockedParent2017-06-15T16:48:49Z— updated 2018-05-07T20:38:51Z

James Roland is a genius. I still can't figure out how he convinced executives to produce this terrible piece of television. It is so bad that I can't find one good thing to say about it. Stay clear of this, it won't last long anyway before it is cancelled.
edited after watching whole season:
You know those things that are so bad that they come out on the other side and feel good. This show is like this. I still think it's bad.
Sin City 2 bad. But I am glad that it had a chance to air, and I don't regret wasting my time watching it.

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The Get Down

:) Pilot should get and Oscar for best picture since it is better than any of the movie nominees for this year...

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Quantum Leap

Main character has to play new role every episode. I think Lee will have problem with even one of them... I hope I'm wrong. Even Ernie Hudson would be better choice for Ben.

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Time After Time

Another TV show based on a movie.

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Lucky Hank

Should've been called "First World Problems". A story of a man with loving wife and a well paid job complaining about everything.

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Young Sheldon

Wow, talk about beating the dead horse.

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Watchable. It reminds me of Castlevania. The whole season looks like an extended pilot. Opening music is totally off point.

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Superior Donuts

Went in expecting disaster. Surprisingly caught myself laughing few times. It is not greatest comedy of all times, and it uses default factory setting for manufacturing comedy, but the material is sometimes funny, and some actors in cast have very good punchline delivery timing. The best thing I can say about this show is that it is somewhat funnier than some of the new comedies this fall.

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Dr. Ken

Terrible, boring, waste of time.

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Shout by Dalibor Nedeljković
BlockedParent2018-03-22T04:09:27Z— updated 2018-05-07T20:43:24Z

Terrible. Seen reality shows better scripted than this piece of garbage
edited after episode 7:
I think that the connection to the Superman franchise is pulling the show down. If this was a generic Sci Fi show I would give it passing grade.

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Shout by Dalibor Nedeljković
BlockedParent2023-12-20T09:52:57Z— updated 2024-01-31T19:44:02Z

Much better than the movie. Two episodes in and I'm hooked.
P.S. Sadly, after whole season, I don't feel the same. Not sure why, but my hype for the show kinda fizzled out.
The feel for the whole show is a meh (5), but I gave it fair (6) score just because of hype from beginning.

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Man With a Plan

Matt LeBlanc should've stick with "Pucks" since it was funnier than this show.

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Imaginary Mary

Shout by Dalibor Nedeljković
BlockedParent2017-03-31T20:32:38Z— updated 2017-04-20T23:09:19Z

What the -bleep- did I just watch? It is a miracle that this show even made it to production.
I saw some "Teletubbies" episodes with better script, acting and depth.
four episodes in, and it is still terrible.
Sadly the main premise of the show is what makes it unwatchable.
Without the animated character it's same run–of–the–mill family sitcom,
but at least we could say that it's no better or worse that the other shows.
Sadly still don't recommend this for watching.
I usually love Jenna Elfman comedy style, but in this show she was on back-burner,
funniest moments were delivered by children.

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Simply put. They tried to make a hero out of a side character. But they forgot to give her a hero's journey.

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American Princess (2019)

I liked it, not awards material, but not really bottom of the barrel. It's watchable.
Kinda under-developed, with more details on characters could've been rather good.
Still, with already spent major plots in season one I don't see this picking up for second season.

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There are some things that bugs me with this show, and that is how they don't go bankrupt around episode 2-3, and only explanation is because the get paid well from rich clients to obscure law with jury tampering, illegal hacking for starters showing us that with enough money to throw around you can avoid prosecution. So I should cheer for them, because from time to time they take "pro bono" cases that are shown as episodes, but all other cases that are real money makers are tucked away so public can't see them....

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Hoped it would improve with more episodes. It did not. Actually it got worse...

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The Shannara Chronicles

wrong year.... it's 2016 not 1969.

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Another "Hit and Miss" for Disney Marvel. Could've been a good show if this stayed in Marvel Netflix instead of Disney Marvel.
The show had potential, but they totally missed the direction of it. If they made her a brutal assassin that is in the ranks of Kingpin or Punisher, the badass that copies her opponents moves, and deals with them in hard hitting gore action it would've been much better show. Instead, they went with some mumbo-jumbo crap, echoing her ancestral spirit, whatever that means. Totally messed up the whole native-american vibe (see Kahhori in "What if" for comparison) and made that part boring as hell.
They put her in a lot of family interactions, where she's supposed to show emotions but instead just stands there being as blank as possible. Almost no character development and dialog weren't much of a problem, since she should've been brooding, silent, don't show emotions protagonist, that lets action speak for her, but they made her neither here nor there. All in all, one of the shows to watch, just to check it of you watchlist and then forget about.

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Alex, Inc.

No, no, no, no ,no, no, just no. Waste of time.

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Love You More

Little bit rough on the edges, but i liked the pilot. we will see how the show goes.

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One Day at a Time

Comedy on complete default setting. Textbook, and by the book. Characters are stereotypical and not that funny.
Funniest thing about this show is that the Elena the daughter, and Schneider the landlord wear the same glasses....

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The Villains of Valley View

Shout by Dalibor Nedeljković
BlockedParent2022-05-21T02:14:29Z— updated 2022-06-12T04:47:28Z

Great concept, too bad it is Disney, so it will be produced like it is a PG '90s sitcom.
(after watching it I would rather watch paint drying, more fun and entertaining)

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