


Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

Reply by Dediqated

I really don't get all the negative reviews this is getting. Are people really becoming this self-righteous and self-absorbed they actually think their personal subjective way-too-critical reasoning is the way to go with everything now?

I, for one, have really enjoyed this movie. I had not heard anything from it and wasn't sure what to expect, and was pleasantly surprised by what I believe is an epic movie. The fact it took me by surprise even added to it... I was gonna give this a 9, cause I haven't seen the rest yet (which might normally change it in any direction), but I'm now giving it a permanent 10 out if compensation for all these self-titled critics that don't like anything anymore these days (mainly cause I can't vote 20 for the same reason).

Anyway, whatever you read online these days (including myself :sweat_smile:):

I recommend greatly!

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@nephatiu a 10 for this mediocre movie? It was okay to watch but it barely held my attention. Was gonna give it a 6 but will give it a 2 to correct your rating mistake :grin:

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The Secret

Reply by Dediqated

What a horrendous piece of garbage! Steeped in pseudo-scientific tripe, this film would have been completely ignored by me had it not developed such a following. Which worries me immensely. The fact that people actually believe this claptrap is horrifying. Seriously, steer clear of this if you value your brain cells and forget that this "franchise" (because that's what it really is: a vast cultish money-making scheme) ever existed.

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@dalboz well you're clearly trapped in your negative thoughts! Wish you all the best, you too deserve positivity in your life, but only if you let it.

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Ancient Civilizations: Season 1

Reply by Dediqated

Oh look more pseudo-science gibberish woo. They actually reference Ancient Aliens as an inspiration in interviews. Only suitable for rotting your mind, or maybe a drinking game.

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@mystech enlighten us, what exactly do you think is pseudo-science?

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The Upside

Reply by Dediqated

I am no friend of remakes, and I am especially no friend of Hollywood remakes of hit movies just to make them Hollywood - especially if the remake comes out in a really short time after the original did and if additionally it doesn't even try to be creative. E.g. even though a lot of people hate it (for understandable reasons) I would say Rob Zombies remake of Halloween is a valid remake, as he tries to give the story a totally other viewing point, a different interpretation and a totally own style - and he did it in the 00s to a movie from the 70s. But Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? (2009 vs 2011) Let the Right one In (2008 vs. 2010's Let me In?) - having exact 1-to-1 copies just with Hollywood stars and fishing away any further success that the foreign movie could have had, even in the U.S.? Come on.

The Upside is the Hollywood remake of the french surprise hit "Intouchables" (, and as soon as it turned out to be a surprise, The Weinstein Company acquired the rights for a remake, that was started just the instant they had the rights. Thankfully production had a lot of problems, e.g. there where at least 5 directors that started and left the production, and the actors where switching as well, from Chris Rock, Jamie Foxx and Irdris Elba and Chris Tucker we finally got down to Kevin Hart. And Colin Firth finally got switched to Bryan Cranston, and Jessica Chastaine and Michelle Williams where eventually replaced by Nicole Kidman.

For me this was a movie that I was bound to skip - I never cared too much for Nicole Kidman, and though I love Bryan Cranston, I have to say that I really really detest Kevin Hart. So, as I didn't plan to go to see this movie, Fortuna took it upon her to make me see it anyways: It was screened at a sneak preview.

Let me get back to Kevin Hart: In this movie - and it really is the first - I really liked him. Wow is this guy a good actor, once he starts playing serious roles and is not doing his usual silly small guy clown routine. I really liked his acting, he was really believable and I felt really sympathetic towards his role and his character. Please Kevin Hart, do more roles like this. It suits you so much better than the stupid comedy stuff. Bryan Cranston was great as usual. And then there was Nicole Kidman. And wow. I really loved her as well! First, i wasn't even sure if that's actually Nicole Kidman, because to me she looked too young to be her. Yet she was. And her acting was really superb, you knew exactly what was going on with her right from the moment you saw her - without her even saying a thing. That was some really great acting - I actually didn't see too many movies of hers, but after seeing this performance I am really looking forward to seeing some of the other works she has done. I've got a lot to catch up, I guess!

Acting was great, music was great, and if it weren't for the bold copy of the entire story, I would be even giving this movie a higher rating. Still it was a surprise to me and even though it is one of these remakes nobody asked for, I am happy to have seen it just for the performances.

I'd still recommend all of you to watch the original, but if you like to see Kevin Hart in a serious role or if you are a fan of Nicole Kidman or Bryan Cranston, you might enjoy this remake. Just make sure to watch the original first, because it deserves the credit!

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@pygospa I think exactly the same about this movie!

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