

Omicron Persei 8


Who decided to put this religious bull**** all over the movie?

I'm not kidding, about 50% of this movie is about following Jesus. They even did a freaking bible closeup - WTF?!? That is clear missmarketing here!

Put a warning label on it, so I know I'm gonna puke watching it next time...

btw: Cleptomania isn't cured by religion...

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What's that? An unhealthy obsession with Cleopatra? That must be a different cut than the one I saw.

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The Love Witch

Seemed like a student film, and the student had rich parents. Unfortunately, money doesn't guarantee plot coherency, engagement, or skilled actors.

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I think it was stylized as a B movie

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The Passage

This movie sounds great on paper but it's pretty mediocre.

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wouldn't have called a rape scene mediocre, but I did take off a star for it

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