

ocean city, md


Entertaining at points but essentially thinly veiled propaganda. Climatistas and anti-corporate sentiments combined with a healthy amount of deceptive facts designed to instill a sense of doom. They poured it on a little thick for me. To each their own and it is entertaining but don't buy into too much of it. Try fact checking any of the 'documentary' aspects, they are very misleading.

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Very surprising redemption movie with perfect violence, it gives you what you need if you are angry. Little trouble understanding some dialog so will have to watch again.

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There is a certain quirkiness and lack of consistency with the show and especially the characters share that I am impressed by. The attempt at humor is actually pretty endearing. With flashbacks and people inhabiting other people you need to pay attention. If you want historical accuracy... I'm sorry I'm laughing. I recommend watching and I must say there are a surprising number of memorable moments and I can tell you this wasn't cheap to film. It's the least dark 'dark ages' show I've seen.

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The White Lotus

The writers want everyone to know that everything they do revolves around virtue signaling, and that they are hip with knowing about ketamine, klonopin, and butt licking. Yuck, and we are all less human for having that on film. Revolting and even with shock factor and a stupid BLM joke, just isn't enough to lead me to another episode. Please get me the last season of True Detective, HBO. This is turrible.

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Boat Story

Very entertaining...but why isn't Olaf Olaffson not in the cast list? I know that voice. Dark comedy with an excellent cast.

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I can't believe the emotional pull HBO must have to get such great ratings with such trash writing... it's almost like a closed loop system and swallowing their own load. Brian Cox and the irony in his name carries the entire franchise which I hope stops with this zygote. We are not so lucky. Think of the unlikeable characters in this show and equate them to the so called creators of this show and that will be reality.

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Thank you Netflix... I'm serious. Best use of slowmo in a while. It has swords, uzis, yakuza, tattoos, and plenty of neon. I'm guessing I will not be the only fan. It also has a perfectly creepy Woody. This movie made my day. Very entertaining and worth the time.

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The White Lotus

Shout by Derek

This is the most misandrous writing I have ever seen. If constant male bashing while staging virtuous female roles is your thing, enjoy. It can be entertaining but you can definitely see straight to the writing and you can see the hatred behind it. I am not saying we need more Westworld, just tone down the male bashing.

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Bruckheimer has really captured the essence of the massholes living on the cape. You can tell because you want to keep watching despite the fact that there are literally zero likeable characters and even the cops are scumbags. Highly recommend this series and if you have never been to Mass, this show paints a very realistic picture. Enjoy.

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I have watched shows on the CW that are much better than this. Brian Cox does not a 8 + show make. No offense to the CW or Brian Cox... only to the politics and acceptance of shows from HBO. May you be the last bastion of fake ratings in Hollywood.

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Into the Night

I'm two episodes into season two and my heart just sank. I think this is going to be 6 episodes of underground, poorly lighted, human vs human hopelessness. I hope I'm wrong. Maybe you need to speak French to get this but the first season seemed much better.

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Goodness what a gloomy place London was in the 90's. Just remember, poor architectural decisions and social issues means its even more gloomy today. Such a great cast but this just doesn't deliver. Don't waste your time. BTW.. Did all Londoners shower in the dark in the 90's, I can believe it.

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The White Lotus

I take it back, in that it helps me understand how bad people are. This is not just rich resort goers, we are all like this. I'm realizing that there are no good characters. Yes, even the innocent bride should have known these characteristics of her husband before marrying him. Analingus may be a spoiler but my recommendation is to take it as a warning and skip the last minute of this last episode. You are welcome.

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