

Omicron Persei 8

Lethal Weapon

Fantastic show.

If you have watched the films, you know 90% of the enjoyment comes from the relationship between the two, and the relationship between these two is just fantastic. They knock it out of the park. These two could just sit talking to each other and I'd watch. However the story lines are above average and it ticks along at a nice pace.

Thought I would hate it, but highly recommend it.

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Marvel's Iron Fist

It's a solid 6+ all day long. Is it an amazing 10? no. However it is watchable, the story is good, the support actors are fantastic at times. It has strong female roles. It is above average TV show, and nowhere near below average.

It's kinda depressing that it got so much hate just cause the guy is white. It would be like down voting a manga because the people are asian in the film and asian in the manga. Makes no sense to me. Him being rich is nothing more than a plot device, gives him ability to take a day off work unlike us regular folk etc.

A few year ago I would have given this show an 8 or maybe even a 9, however if I give legion a 9/10 so far, then this is a 6/7. Watch it, enjoy it.. It is what it is.

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