


Another Life

Cant' remember the last time I dropped a show after just one episode. I didn't even make it to the end of the first epsiode. It's just unbelievably bad.

Usually when you watch a bad show you can see some good things in it. Maybe one actor was really good or the cinematography was beautiful or the soundtrack or something. There is nothing in this one. Just nothing. Don't even get me started on the writing or dialogue.

Why Netfliy, why? Are you that desperate to have content now that you are losing shows to other streaming services? You got a lot of good shows. Focus on them and don't just try to pump up the number of shows by any means necessary. 1 good show a month is better than 5 bad ones.

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@jshwlr You are right the pilot dialogues were crap!

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Such a thriller. didn't know Rob Stark could act so well. 20 minutes into the pilot and I was already hooked!

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@gautamhans1 Oh, i dont watch GoT since 2nd season finale, so i would totally not reconginze him from there, so thanks for telling... and he was acting fantasticly!!!

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I red some tweets saying this was funny, so i watched it.
I was interested how the story goes, so binged the first season in one morning. I can't recall laughing in any joke.
It had some feelgood moments, which made me stay, but eventually they ruined all the good feelings with the seaseon finale cliffhanger.
Finally i felt so sad for all these emotionally wrecked characters.
i mean all of them.
Not a single one knew how to live, how to be happy and so on...
Its ultimately sad...

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@ruxton Oh, yeah, im sure, i have no intention to watch it! :D

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