

Berlin, Germany

Ragnarok: Season 3

Just let's pretend the very last episode never happened and I give this series a 7/10.
The last episode (had at max some nice visuals) degrades everything to a 3/10.

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The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild

I liked the fight scenes. BUT...

... that was probably the worst series finale this series has ever had. So much set up this season and barely any payoff. I'm absolutely disappointed.

I won't repeat all the flaws of this episode (you can read them somewhere above and/or below my take here).

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The Flash: 8x18 The Man in the Yellow Tie

It started out as fan fiction.

Then they made John Diggle a Stewart.

Then they send him on a "journey".

... only for him to throw away everything they have achieved so far?
Are you fucking kidding me?! Ôo

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The Flash: 8x02 Armageddon (2)

I don't know what to say. Is it normal that Barry is so ... i dunno, dumb?

What are the writers doing? So Barry hears that he is about to go gaga and the first two things he does is chasing a meta who can drive him crazy in a instant, instead of leave that task to someone who hasn't been accused for destroying the earth yet. Great idea!

And then that thing with Joe :

When you hear something you can't believe, wouldn't you ask at least once "how" could that happen and "why"?

And btw: Am I the only one who wonders why everyone immediately reacts insulted to Barry when he talks about something he obviously doesn't know about ?

Things might make sense if Barry is still trapped by Xotar and it was all just an illusion from the point they first met. But then what would the point of this episode have been?

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The Flash: 7x15 Enemy at the Gates

Are you kidding me?
They set up a great threat with six(!) Godspeeds, which gets only solved be another six(!) Godspeeds?

This episode has literally twelve Godspeeds and goes nowhere with that.
This episode was a complete waste of my time.

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The movie isn't bad, it's just very, very predictable.
I knew the solution just in the moment everything goes down and shit starts to happen.
It was too obvious from my perpective.

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The Orville: 2x08 Identity (1)

So heartbreaking ... and so shocking.

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Marvel's Inhumans: 1x02 Those Who Would Destroy Us

Shout by Dennis

IMHO a really good final episode of the season, cliffhanger included. Dumb thing about it: it isn't the final episode.

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