Mateusz Grobelny

1 follower

Kraków, Poland

Batwoman: 2x04 Fair Skin, Blue Eyes

Stop voting before the episode airs, you idiots!

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3%: 3x05 Chapter 05: Lever

Gloria is a whiny little bi*ch, who only thinks about her own interest. Somebody, please, kill her already.

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American Gods: 2x08 Moon Shadow

They took a little bit of way-around approach, as I recall Shadow assumed this identity way before MS died. In overall I am happy with the portrayal of the book. The action is faster than in there, so I do not get those complains. Unless those are coming from people, who are not familiar with the source material...

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American Gods: Season 2

I think that people missed the fact that a BIG part of the book was slow-paced as well. This is exactly this part. At least we have here a couple of locations instead of one as per the book. Stop complaining.

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American Gods: 2x01 House on the Rock

Honestly - I do not like their portrayal of Anansi... He is completely different in the book.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

People are hating on this season and this particular episode because it does not fulfill their wishes. Yes, it is rushed. Yes, there is a lot of plot-holes (see rushed again). The story should be closed in two or three more seasons to keep the slow pace that was introduced to us, but we have this. It is actually what the show has set for, so I am not sure what you were hoping for. Jaime with Brienne? Danny with Jon? Everyone dancing and hugging? It is not a soap opera. Stop complaining just because the show is not ending the way you wanted it to.

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Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

Nothing pissed me more than Jon leaving Ghost just like that. FU*K YOU JON. 4/10.

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Marvel's Inhumans: 1x07 Havoc in the Hidden Land

I was able to buy that people don't know the sign language, even the advisors. But how Blackbolt's own brother can't understand what he's saying and needs translator is beyond me. This show is incredibly stupid, it's unbelievable that someone actually let it went straight to the publicity...

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Sleepy Hollow: 3x18 Ragnarok

Why'd you rate something that wasn't even aired yet?

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The Last Kingdom

Go for season 2, BBC!

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