Dylan Weaver


Fargo, North Dakota

Curb Your Enthusiasm: 6x08 The N Word

An A+ in comedic set design. The doctor's house was incredible.

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The Bear: 2x07 Forks

I know the previous episode is the flashy one that everyone's talking about, but this is the one that really blew me away. I know Richie will blow up and do something stupid again, but for one episode he figured it out, found a purpose, and found peace. I'm really glad the show let him have that.

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Easy: 3x09 She's Back

This show really came alive during its final season. So many great scenes of people having conversations. What more could you ask for?

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Easy: 3x01 Swipe Right

Michael Chernus is incredible in this. He plays the melancholy of wanting the best for all the people around you, even if it means you miss out, so well.

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Easy: 1x05 Art and Life

Best episode yet! I still wish this show had a stronger visual identity, but I like the space it's playing around in. And the intersection of art and life is what the best Swanberg stuff is wrestling with.

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Easy: 1x01 The F**King Study

The themes and dialogue are in line with what I expect from Swanberg, but the direction is so conventional that I was second guessing myself. So far I like the idea of the show more than the execution, but I'm only one episode in, so there's plenty of time for that to change.

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Players: 1x10 Yuumi

Went in to the series expecting an American Vandal style riff on a sports documentary. But Players isn't interested in being that. There are some funny moments, but every time it looks like it's going to swerve into absurdity it pulls back. The focus is on creating a compelling sports narrative. And it succeeded for me. The storyline crafted is incredibly engaging; the characters are so rich and fleshed out. What a satisfying season of television!

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 4x08 How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?

The blue hotel room scene is the hottest thing I've seen in years.

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Curb Your Enthusiasm: 2x02 Thor

That was an excellent half hour of television. Perfectly crafted. I always appreciate when a bunch of moving parts converge in the finale.

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Euphoria: 1x07 The Trials and Tribulations of Trying to Pee While Depressed

I'm still not in love with this show, but on second viewing this episode stands out as a cut above the rest.

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Mulaney: 1x09 Worlds Collide

I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I actually had a fun time with this episode.

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Crashing: 3x08 Mulaney

That was a genuinely perfect finale to the series.

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Barry: 2x05 ronny/lily

I still don't know how I feel about the way this show balances comedy and drama, but that didn't stop me from laughing hard during this episode while still experiencing the emotional weight.

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Gotham: 5x12 Legend of Dark Knight: The Beginning...

Fun drinking game, take a shot every time they say 10 years.

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Mulaney: 1x04 Sweet Jane

Not sure if I was just in a weird headspace, but I actually enjoyed this episode.

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Star Wars: Tales of the Twin Suns, Episode One: Birth of a Monster

Stumbled across this on imdb, and decided to watch, fully expecting it to be awful. It was not. This may be one of the best short films I've seen.

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Gotham: 5x07 Legend of Dark Knight: Ace Chemicals

Hate to admit it, but I really dug what they did with Joker this episode.

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Shameless: 9x08 The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Alibi

There were only two storylines I even enjoyed in this episode. I'll try and finish the season, but after that I am finally done.

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Home Alone 3

Rewatched this movie not expecting it to hold up, but I really enjoyed it. The slapstick is spot on.

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Shameless: 9x05 Black-Haired Ginger

I don't understand the point of any of these plotlines.

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Better Call Saul: 4x03 Something Beautiful

It was a delight to see Keiko Agena show up.

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Shameless: 9x02 Mo White For President

I've finally hit on my biggest complaint with this show. None of the characters grow and change based on past experiences. They only change based on current plot necessity.

Character is constantly overhauled to fit the story they want to tell now, which is ineffective for a show spanning 9 seasons with unlikable characters. For once, I would like the histories of characters to inform their now.

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 5x22 Felony Disenfranchisement

I quite liked the final segment. I was very different than what the show typically does, but I think it worked.

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Designated Survivor: 2x22 Run

Great first season. Watched the second out of obligation. I do not blame ABC for cancelling it. Now I've got an extra hour each week.

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Designated Survivor: 2x21 Target

Even though I dislike his character, Michael J. Fox brings a lot to this show. If we get a third season, I'll be interested to see if he hangs around.

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Gotham: 4x20 A Dark Knight: That Old Corpse

I like this as a way to explore different versions of the Joker. The comics vary so much it's cool to see them take a look at more then one iteration.

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iCarly: 3x14 iFix a Popstar

Shout by Dylan Weaver

The editing with Spencer and Gibby's mom was great, but I felt the A plot was pretty weak.

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 5x10 Rudy Giuliani

Shout by Dylan Weaver

It's sad to see such a good show end so soon. Goodbye John. You will be missed.

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Legion: 2x04 Chapter 12

ho. ly. shit. That was an incredible episode of television. I'm gonna need to sit and ponder that for a long time.

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iCarly: 2x17 iGo Nuclear

That was an extremely implausible episode.

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