



very Sam Esmail-esque

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was about to wait for 1st the season to end before I officially consider it an absolute gem, but I don't see how anything can possibly change my mind in the final two episodes

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BoJack Horseman: 5x06 Free Churro

"Fuck man. What else is there to say?"

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Castle Rock: 1x10 Romans

pretty good buildup throughout the season, but boy did the finale suck

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Kidding: 1x01 Green Means Go

dark af comedy, looks perfect for jim carrey

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Who Is America?: 1x01 Episode 1

so dank that my head went blink 182

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Westworld: 2x10 The Passenger

the sloppy writing this season makes you wonder if season 1 was real or just a dream

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The Americans: 6x10 START

we are lucky to have been able to watch shows like The Americans and The Leftovers, they were just too good for this cruel world

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