The Proposal

How degradating it is this new western society, where someone the filthy author try to convince us that a woman not having sex in half and a year is something very surprising, so she should have sex once in a month maybe like a whore in a brothel, and find that is fine, in a romantic movie.
Your society forget the true values of love.

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Full of errors.
Don't believe whatever they throw to you and use your mind with your heart

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Rebel Without a Cause

Wasted an hour of my night before giving up watching it.

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The Intouchables

Don't watch this crap.
If French people gave 9 to their movies, that mean it deserves 4/10

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

Why giving this shit 8.
You should put all psychopaths who draw this disgusting things in jail

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The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

If lot of people on earth don't celebrate Christmas, why should aliens even know about it

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The Intouchables

Don't waste your time watching this exaggerated rated French movie.
It's less than 4

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