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Docklands, Victoria

You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah

I felt like i was watching an inside joke between a bunch of rich Jewish Americans. if you're not rich or Jewish or American, there's not a lot here to relate to.

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Travis Scott: Look Mom I Can Fly

what a fucking shit cunt of a human being

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Buckley's Chance

Bill Nighy makes an absolutely laughable portrayal of an Australian farmer. assuming this was made for the American market, the posh english/Australian accent might fool some, but to an australian, it's painful to listen to. i almost turned it off at his first line, which was "G'day"

whoever made that casting decision should reprimanded.

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Australia Day

I WOULD say this movie represents most Australians... AUSTRALIA DAY is NOT an important holiday to Australia, much UNLIKE independence day in America... but it's always paraded by ageing conservative racists who want to destroy all opportunities for positive change.

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