


The Big Bang Theory

If you are a bit of a nerd (and you are if you have a mediacenter running trakt!), you'll probably like this a lot! Since nerd-ism is getting more popular and mainstream, most people will get the jokes, so even mom's, dad's and girlfriends might laugh at this.

If, however, you don't know who Spock and Darth Vader are, aren't at all interested in science and technology and never have socially uncomfortable situations (e.g. with girls), you'll probably miss out on most of the jokes.

One of the few shows that actually make me laugh out loud :)

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Two and a Half Men

Good show if you're looking for mindless entertainment! Even though the characters are flat, the story is almost non-existing, and the jokes are virtually the same in every episode, this show makes me smile a lot. They chose a good starting point with Charlie, his brother and son living in the same house but with totally different lives, so strange situations are bound to happen, making it easy to make funny jokes about it. After a while it gets old, but it still leaves me with a good feeling most of the time. Too bad the lead actor messed up and got fired, I can't imagine the show still being funny with him replaced..

All in all: simple but effective entertainment.

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Lost. A pretty accurate description of the writers after the first three seasons.. Season 1 was a great buildup, mysterious stuff happening all over. Season 2 gave some much needed answers, was awesome, and introduced some new mysteries. Season 3 tied up most loose ends, but introduced some unnecessary new questions. After that, well, they got really Lost.
It took them three more seasons to introduce uncountable plotholes, deus ex machinas all over the place, ruined all my favorite characters and still managed to not give any satisfactory answers.

Started out great, but the last time I was this disappointed by a tvshow was when Firefly was cancelled.

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Battlestar Galactica

I can't very well explain how I feel about this show. When I started watching it, I loved the premise of the show: the planet is destroyed and all that's left of our race is 1 spaceship and 50.000 people. I didn't like the characters very much (I even disliked the way some actors played their role) and didn't think much of the special effects.

But in some way, this show has gripped me like very few shows have before. The combination of the premise, the unfolding story, the incredible dilemmas the survivors must face, the focus on politics/religion/science/social development rather than action and battles, even the musical score was perfect to drag me further into the show. I even started to care for the characters.

After watching all seasons I'm left a little unsatisfied with the ending (as I always am with any show), but the way this show could transport me into another world, might make this one of the very few shows I could watch a second time.

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The Killing

A great who-dunnit crime-drama! From the first episode until the very end of season 1 I was intrigued by the murder case of an ordinary young girl. Who killed Nanna Birk Larssen? It twists and turns at every episode, everyone is a suspect and paranoia is everywhere.

But the best thing about this show is that it shows the social impact of a murder on ordinary people. Are the parents sad, angry or in an emotional void, can cops leave their work behind when they get home, can (wrongfully accused) suspects continue their normal lives, how many lives get ruined because of one murder?

This is probably the most 'real' crime-solving show I have ever seen. Sure, it has its flaws and the ending is not as spectacular as I would have wanted it, but at the end of each and every one of the 20 episodes I have been wanting more and more and more. Finally something non-American that is great to watch!

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Planet Earth

Amazing! Everyone should see this! And I'm not just saying that because I'm an environmental hippie that likes to learn a bit more about nature, or because David Attenborough is a personal hero of mine, but the images are just so incredibly gorgeous!

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I finished watching it and did enjoy this as a decent sci-fi show, but not nearly as much as Battlestar Galactica. I guess it was a mistake to label it as the next Battlestar Galactica, because it's an entirely different kind of show and people will always compare the two and Caprica will always lose.
There were some nice concepts: V-World, Mono-theism and the mobster Adama's were all great. There were just two problems: the story moved too slow and they tried too hard linking it to Battlestar Galactica.

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Human Planet

Amazing show! Some of the most beautiful images and stories of people living in wild nature that I've ever seen. From the deserts to the iceworlds to the jungles, it is unbelievable (literally unbelievable!) to see how these people go about their daily lives.

After seeing this show it makes you wonder; are our luxury lives really better than their poor, dangerous lives? If we can believe the behind-the-scenes interview with the cameramen the answer would be no: these people might live in the face of danger and die sooner, but they live their lives much fuller than our routine 9 to 5 city lives. Perhaps the best of both world would be nicest, but how to realize that? Food for thought!

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Awesome! The same greatness as Planet Earth (with beautiful pictures of nature and David Attenborough telling interesting things about it) but even prettier and more informative than Planet Earth. This is my new favourite!

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DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp

Nostalgia :)

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Captain America: The First Avenger

I enjoyed it, that's for sure! A couple years ago this would have been a perfect superhero movie. Now, after Batman, Iron Man and the likes, it's just another decent entry into this genre. Very entertaining, but not really standing out. Looking forward to sequels and the tying up of characters in The Avengers!

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While it's not as great as Iron Man or Xmen First Class, I think Thor is still a very decent superhero blockbuster. Since I'm not familiar with most superheroes, I like the 'origins' storylines that most superhero movies seem to follow nowadays. Perhaps boring to some, but for newcomers it's great! The acting, visuals and sound are just what you'd expect from a 2011 superhero blockbuster. Great entertainment for an evening!

Most of all, this movie made me want to start reading the comics (which I know I won't do), so it's a good thing a sequel (and the Avengers) is coming to continue the great cinematic superhero revival.

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Tinker Bell

Great Disney movie for the young and innocent! It's got cute fairies and happy endings written all over it, but that's exactly what it's supposed to be. I could complain it's not mature enough for me, the story isn't all that, but you know what to expect from this movie and it delivers exactly that. Kids will love this and it's my girlfriends go-to movie whenever she feels ill and needs to see cute innocent happiness.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Best movie/trilogy ever. Ten years old and still nothing comes close. Story, acting, music, photography: all perfect!

Go see it if you haven't already!

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Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure

Another great movie for the young and innocent! It's exactly the same as the first Tinker Bell movie, except that it's different ;) They could've fooled me though, still cute fairies everywhere, color bursting from the screen, happy happy joy joy, just the occasional necessary hint at drama, and the happy ending is to be expected. Again, the kids will love this! Disney delivers exactly what their target audience wants and does a great job at it.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

The ending to my favorite trilogy. I love everything about these movies: the acting, setting, costumes, music, the drama, the epicness, everything. It's the Star Wars of this generation, setting new standards and creating new fans. I guess some people think it's hip not to like them, but every movie-fan who hasn't seen it out of principle should at least give it a try and start watching Fellowship of the Ring. Maybe you really won't like it of course, but chances are you'll end up watching all the way through Return of the King and wonder why didn't do it sooner.

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Since this was one of my favorites of the Potter books, I hoped I would enjoy this a lot. Unfortunately, this movie didn't give me the same exciting feeling the book did. In fact, the movie seemed pretty pointless, as there were hardly any character or story developments (which were present in the book).
The only scene that saved this movie for me was the introduction of Lord Voldemort; he seemed to be a real bad guy with scary looks, a bad attitude and an evil mindset. That was great. The rest of the movie not so much..

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Not sure why I keep watching these Harry Potter movies, since none of them has really worked for me. I guess I hope they'll get better as the story gets darker and I'm curious to see why they are/were so popular. In the books I liked part 3 and 4 (prisoner of azkaban, goblet of fire) the most, but figured the later books had more potential for movies.

As it turns out only the first two movies lived up to my expectations (childish, but more or less the same cozy atmosphere as the books) and in the others they couldn't portray the story, characters, atmosphere.. Well, pretty much anything, except the Snape character and the introduction of Lord Voldemort in Goblet of Fire, they are well done.
Hopefully the following movies can get some of the feeling of threat and urgency across, while maintaining the homely feel of Hogwarts.

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The Lion King 1½

The story of the Lion King through the eyes of Timon and Pumba. They always make me laugh!

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Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde

According to my girlfriend: less amusing than the first Legally Blond, but still very amusing!

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The Blues Brothers

What can I say about the Blues Brothers that hasn't been said in previous comments? The story about their quest (on a mission from God!) is flimsy, but it's a great vehicle for some absurd moments filled with comedy and action. Most of all though, it's about the amazing music. Some great original songs, some great cameos by artist performing their own songs, and great background music throughout the entire movie. At some points the energy bursting of the screen almost made me want to get up and sing and dance along.

Great entertainment and perfect depiction of the feeling of blues music!

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Spirited Away

Just amazing! This is the very definition of a fantasy animation. Entering a fantasy world, sprinkled with mystical and mythical creatures, filled with adventure and in the mean time learning about growing up and taking responsibility. Not sure if it's meant for kids or adults, but I think it works on many levels.

The story is great, the atmosphere is amazing, the animation looks fantastic and the sound is perfect (I watched the subtitled japanese version). I have no negative comments whatsoever. Must see!

The animated films by Studio Ghibli continue to amaze me. I will re-watch their animations many times the coming years, and Sen to Chihiro is no exception.

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A difficult movie for me to judge. The setting was beautifully done: the spacecraft, the Alien planet, steam hissing, slime dropping; the overall uneasy/scary feeling was great. But the characters running straight towards the danger annoyed me, the shock-moments were too easy and the biggest problem: I've seen too many movies that try the same thing, so it doesn't really work for me anymore.
Two pro's for Alien though: (1) I believe it was one of the first space-horror movies and (2) even though there have been many copycats, I don't think any of those copies have actually improved on the original Alien. I just wish I had seen this one first :)

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My Neighbor Totoro

I'm 27 and I just saw this anime for the first time. In fact, it's the first anime I ever saw and I only watched it because a friend kept telling me how great it was. It had been sitting on my shelf for over two years and last night I figured: what the hell, let's try it.

This movie blew me away. It so perfectly captures the innocence and the exploratory nature of childhood. It enables you to view an ordinary day through the viewpoint of two ordinary young girls. It shows how boring we adults are, and how much fantasy, discovery, emotions and playfulness we have lost since we were kids. There's no macho behaviour, no bad guys, no evil to beat, just two kids growing up in a normal life, but extraordinarily presented.

A perfect coming-of-age movie and one of the most impressive movies I've ever seen. Already one of my all-time favourites. If the rest of Hayao Miyazaki's films are anything close to this, he will have a new lifelong fan.

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Into the Wild

Made me dream, made me wonder, made me think. Great commentary on the path dependency of modern society, making a strong case to escape civilization and live life more freely and adventurous. Also a great reminder that "happiness is only real when shared".

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Rain Man

It's almost 25 years old, I've seen it a dozen times, and I still like it :)
The movie is slow, looks old, Tom Cruise is already annoying, but after a while this movie will make you laugh, make you wonder, make you lose track of time, and it's one of the best feelgood movies ever! Dustin Hoffman is amazing to watch in one of the most memorable roles I've ever seen.

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Total classic! An emotional rollercoaster (intrigued by Jack Nicholson, angry at the nurse, excited about the escape, laughing at the boat trip, sad about some patients, amazed by the Chief etc etc) that very few movies can match. Great acting, great story, great filming, great setting, great everything; it just all comes together in this film. Everyone should see this at least once! At least!

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Planet of the Apes

One of those films that I wanted to see because of it's 'classic' status. The special effects and action scenes didn't date very well, the acting is not great, and the story is filled with plotholes. But it still managed to capture my attention because of the original way it delivered its social criticism.
Watching those apes mistreat us humans, you can't help but think how stupid and unfair those damn dirty apes are. I really couldn't stand them. Until somewhere in the film you suddenly realize that those apes represent the way humans act nowadays, and that the way humans are treated in the movie is how we (used to) treat minority groups; slaves, heretics, women, animals etc. Ouch.. Suddenly the ape society is a mirror of human society, showing all it's errors. At times the morals are just too much, but I think it's a great social critique in a sci-fi setting.

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The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

This movie tries very hard to bring the same feelgood vibe as the first Mummy, but it fails throughout. I can't really nail it down, because it's got everything it needs: ancient villain, interesting backstory, over the top action and chases,cheesy dialogue and oneliners, unrealistic storyline, pretty nice special effects and romantic interests.

The only thing I guess is missing is some soul. I didn't really laugh once, I didn't care who won the end battle, I didn't worry if the main character would get hurt, I didn't feel any romance/chemistry between any of the characters. I just missed the fun.

Even the badass looking yeti's/dragons/hellhounds/zombies (I could go on..) couldn't make this right. This whole film just felt too formulaic and empty.

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The Incredible Hulk

Mindless action, not much of a story. In my opinion Norton does a great job in the chasing scenes, and the Hulk action scenes look great (although they are too much and too long), but they don't really fit together in the same movie. I guess Hulk is great as a side character, but too difficult a character and story to fill a 90 minute movie with.
Conclusion: worst movie in the 'Avengers' series, and I won't be watching again.

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