

yo mom's house


I was really liking this show but this ending was very disappointing
Maybe it's my fault for being cheesy and expecting romantic cliche endings
I feel that was a way for them to make a second season, who knows

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@morphinapg sad, I really wanted to know what would happen next

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Elite: 5x08 Your Side of the World and Mine

I liked the way Omar changed back into his school uniform just to rush to the Blanco house, lol. Also, it's kind of unclear as to whether Samu actually survived there(?). From a TV trope perspective, the fact that they didn't explicitly say he was dead or show him being put into a body bag / flatlining would suggest he'll be OK...but then if he is, I don't really understand why Omar was crying still in the closing shot (Rebe could have been crying about Mencía).

I don't know if a sixth season has been commissioned but I'm guessing that's the last we'll see of Cayetana - it felt like they gave her a happy ending, albeit a slightly rushed one. Maybe she'll appear intermittently next season, the way Nadia did in season 4. Presumably there will also be some fallout from Isa's rape.

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@2ls1t Well, Samuel could be in critical state at the moment and on his way to the hospital, that could explain Omar crying, and then later on end up surviving.... now that i think of it, it's exactly like what happened to Ari in the last season

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Elite: 5x01 I Killed Him
  • The opening scene was a bit confusing… I thought this would be a flash forward to the finale and the party where the crime will occur but it was just a random party. I forgot how the Cayetana/Phillipe special ended, were they friends again? Because their interaction in that opening segment was weird!
  • I don’t like the trajectory they decided to follow regarding Phillipe. Why did the school decide to keep him after Elodie’s confession? And why are Samuel and Cayetana empathetic towards him? I mean, yeah we have killers among the main cast and we sort of get over it because it is always some act of self defense, but standing by a rapist? Really?
  • I am curious about Iván although it still baffles me how parents decide to send their kids to a school where a murder gets committed every year?! I just hope this new guy gets some decent plot and not end up just there for the sex scenes the way it happened with Patrick’s character
  • I thought Isadora was going to be a new comer along with Iván, however everyone is treating her as if she existed all along so now we have a character parachuted into the series with no introduction or any background whatsoever…
  • The tension between Samuel & Omar feels forced. What happened to cause this? It feels just like a plot to move some things forward…
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@tago1987 adding to this, it feels weird the relationship between Patrick, Mencía and their father in this episode after the Short Stories about Patrick, it's like everything that happened in the special was completely disregarded or something, the other stories had plots that don't affect the main story but that one does...

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

MJ said something like "Always expect the worst and you'll never be disappointed." and DAMN, HOW RIGHT SHE WAS

I wish I was expecting the worst because i never felt so disappointed watching a marvel movie before.

i really tried to like it, i really did, and i usually do ignore bad things about these films and tend to highlight the best parts but couldn't this time, I cringed from the start untill the end.

movie room experience was also terrible, people really need to learn to stfu

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@darthvitt I was just venting, it didn't change the score i gave it

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The Flash: 8x01 Armageddon (1)

Shout by treiden

I'm lost as to why Chester freaked out when he said "I'm dead to him" in front of Cecile. Did somebody die that I forgot about?

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@treiden I also have no idea what that meant, but I'm sure it's just another classic flash writing issue... it's been chaotic for quite some time, it's making no sence whatsoever

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x13 What We're Fighting For

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-08-13T03:04:16Z— updated 2020-08-16T09:36:38Z


We all know a bad series finale can ruin the entire show, which is why I've been feeling on edge all week. I just wanted a satisfying ending for my team. And, for the most part, I got one.

I started crying as soon as they said the team would never be all in the same room again. And then Deke made a sacrifice to stay in the altered timeline! It made me so emotional, but it was also funny (the way Sousa tried to be all heroic only for Deke to just… go full Deke on him). He’s gonna be just fine. I almost dread to think what SHIELD looks like under his leadership, but I'm sure it's equal parts hilarious and insane.

Fitz guiding Jemma to get her to remember was lovely. Iain and Elizabeth brought their A game, as always. I’ve missed that good old Caestridge magic.

The way they brought the whole thing full circle to the season 6 finale… Genius. The logistics of time travel made my head hurt, though. It’s way too complex for me.

”- Nice flying there.
- That used to be all I did.”

Yeah, like a million years ago. That line got a smile out of me. The season 1 nostalgia is real. Everybody gives the pre-Winter Soldier episodes so much flack, but I really enjoyed those early case-of-the-week shenanigans.

Daisy and Bitch Boy’s showdown paired with Cavalry dropping from the ceiling made me SCREAM. When Daisy blew up those Chronicom ships... Avengers? I don't know them. I only know one superhero and her name is Daisy freaking Johnson. The movies wish they had her. For a minute I really thought she was dead and my heart stopped. I wouldn't put it past the writers to kill her off. The Whedons have never met a surprise death scene they didn't like. But she’s okay! And Kora saved her! I’m fine (* narrator voice * she was not fine).

So like I predicted FitzSimmons had a child. A very blonde, very cute child. Her little voice made me tear up even more, if that’s even possible. That adorable accent!

I'm glad we didn't see the actual goodbye because that would've been too much for me. But I also don't fully understand why they decided to break up the band in the end other than because Enoch and Fitz told them they would. Even though they're still in each other's lives at the end, after 7 seasons of watching them become a family it hurts to see that they're all separated. It's just not the same.

During the last 10 minutes of the episode all the remaining self-control I had went out the window. The waterworks were flowing. Especially when Daisy was the last one left in the room, it really felt like we were watching the character as much as we were watching Chloe herself get hit with the realization that it's over. That broke me. Also, I don't buy for a second that they only do the futuristic Zoom thing once a year. Sure, maybe not all together, but Daisy and Jemma definitely talk like three times a week and they all 100% have a group chat going on that consists mostly of cute videos of Alya and Daisy sending memes (May never says anything but she reads every single message and Coulson uses the wrong emojis all the time). This is what I choose to believe. And none of it contradicts what's been said in canon, so I'm sticking by it. But aside from that minor gripe about the frequency of their communication, I really liked the ending. FitzSimmons are happy with their daughter, May is teaching (which oddly suits her) at a new SHIELD academy named after Coulson and Flint is one of her students, Daisy is in space with Sousa and Kora, Mack and YoYo are still in the field, Coulson and Lola are reunited (the real OTP of this show), even Davis is back! All my babies are okay! That’s all I wanted!

Well, not true. All I wanted was for this show to never end. But it did, as all good things must. And it did so on its own terms, despite everything working against it.

Now comes the truly sappy part.

7 seasons. 136 episodes. And it all ends here.

In October 2014, I was a 16-year-old casual Marvel fan who stumbled upon this show by chance one Saturday afternoon and pressed play on the pilot episode without thinking too much of it. It’s been nearly 6 years since that fateful day and out of all my shows I’ve been watching this one the longest and the most consistently by far. It’s been such a steady presence in my life that I still can’t fully comprehend that there’s not going to be any more episodes to look forward to. Agents of SHIELD has taken root in my heart and ingrained itself in me more deeply than any other piece of media has ever done, which makes this goodbye all the more difficult for me.

Now, I am not going to claim that this show was perfect. But at its best, Agents of SHIELD was an absolute non-stop thrill ride filled with awe-inspiring CGI (especially for a network show!) and exciting fight scenes, jaw-dropping plot twists and well-crafted intrigues, laugh-out-loud humor and heart-wrenching angst, brilliant acting and skillful writing. And most importantly, it had a group of amazing characters at its center, characters who got under my skin and never left, whose adventures I followed with bated breath, whose joy and laughter and pain and tears I felt and shared time and time again. For those characters, for everything I got to experience with them and through them, for all the ways they have enriched my life, I am truly, deeply grateful. I can only say, from the bottom of my heart: thank you.

Thank you for Phil Coulson, the dad to outdad all dads, who gave his life to the cause more than once; whose unwavering belief in his team and everything they stood for was a foundation that the entire show rested on; and whose cheesy one-liners never failed to get a smile from me.

Thank you for Melinda May, our Cavalry, whose many demons never managed to consume her heart; who fashioned her jagged edges into a weapon to protect the people she cared about; who went through hell and unspeakable trauma and came out the other side fighting, always fighting the good fight.

Thank you for Leo Fitz, the man who loved a woman so much that he jumped through a hole in the universe to find her; whose brilliant mind saved the day too many times to count; who suffered so much but always stood for what he believed in, no matter the cost.

Thank you for Jemma Simmons, the girl with two PhDs and a million questions who looked to the stars and yearned for an adventure; who survived being stranded on an alien planet and traveled farther than she ever could’ve imagined; who never backed down, never gave up, never surrendered, even in the face of the most insurmountable odds.

Thank you for my darling Daisy Johnson, a lonely girl without a home or a name who dreamt of a family and built herself one; who went from a hacktivist living in a van to an earth-quaking superhero; who carried the weight of the world on her shoulders but refused to let it break her; who had a blazing fire burning within that nothing, no matter how painful or horrible, could ever snuff out.

Thank you for Mack, YoYo and Deke, who joined the team a little further down the line and became invaluable members of SHIELD. Thank you for Bobbi, Hunter and Lincoln, who I was sad to say goodbye to. Thank you for Ward, who all of us loved to hate. Thank you for every single character, whether main, recurring or guest, for every hero and villain, ally and enemy, everyone who contributed to making Agents of SHIELD what it was.

To my favorite cast, especially my OGs Clark, Ming, Chloe, Lil and Iain, who brought these characters to life and blessed us with their talent every week, and to everyone who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make the best show possible: you guys absolutely rock. I wish all of you the best of luck and many, many more successful projects in the future.

Goodbye, my favorite team. I’ll miss you like hell.

If you’re still reading this, thank you for sticking by me while I went through 5 stages of grief in roughly 1,200 words. I feel like I need to stare at the ceiling for a while until the void that this show left inside of me feels a little less cold and overwhelming.

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@aniela-krajewska I couldn't have said anything better, I'm in tears :')

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Westworld: 3x05 Genre

So I suppose they don't hire brazillians actors to play an actual brazillian citizen lol that accent was terrible tbh

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@alexdanvers Bruh I was cringing so much during that scene

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Devilman Crybaby: 1x09 Go to Hell, You Mortals

Dude! WTF! I so didn't expect her to be killed :'(

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@jojo-sxm it's way more brutal in the manga, believe me

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x17 Aruba

Reply by Anão

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-04-05T13:32:35Z— updated 2018-07-13T21:52:35Z

Legends: break the first rule of time travel, meet their past selves, fuck up all of time to the point where there are fucking dinosaurs running around present-day LA

Barry, watching from the sidelines: throws his hands up in disbelief, shakes his head, walks away muttering curse words under his breath

Yup, the level of hypocrisy is staggering. On the other hand, if I had to choose between living in Doomworld and risking the possibility of ending up with a T-rex in my backyard, I wouldn't even hesitate.

Eobard got fucked! Yes! That was so satisfying.

Is Rip gone for good? My guess is that he'll pop up every now and then in season 3. I'm glad he won't be around all the time, though. He said it himself: "This team has functioned far better in my absence than it ever did under my leadership". Preach. Sara makes a really great captain. And the team we've got now is so well-balanced. Everyone contributes something and has their own stories, struggles and character development. That's one of the things that made season 2 so much better than season 1 and honestly, Rip's absence helped with that.

The scene between Sara and Laurel was so emotional and tear-jerking. I'm so proud of Sara for being able to overcome her personal desires and do the right thing.

I can't believe how fun this season was. I had a blast watching each new episode. I'm very excited for season 3. I guess we have 6 months of waiting ahead of us now, huh?

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@aniela-krajewska WORD! damn right! this season was amazing

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Ragnarok: 3x06 Ragnarok

Reply by Anão

It takes a lot of great work to be able to turn the "It was all a dream" gimmick into anything but shit. Big failure here.

Not only does it instantly destroys the whole concept and interesting part of the show, it is clearly not even thought through.

We get Ragnarok as it should have happened. As a slowed down sequence of individual kills in a dark but empty atmosphere. It's a bit lame, but it looks ok, and I guess there's not much more that could have been done, it's not like it was a high budget show. However it sadly does not take into account the main concept. This is just some empty sequences of the characters uncaring the gods/giants and recreating Ragnarok as it should have happened, out of space, out of time. The main interest of the show was how to translate this in modern day and events, this is totally abandoned here.

Of course, it does not happen, it was all in Magne's head. However the rest of the episode is strongly suggesting that everything else was also in his head.

The maybe two things that would make more sense in this view is the way Wotan just inducted new gods just like that. It would be just Magne introducing people that hanged around more in his fantasy, and Magne's Mjolnir's obsession, with the gods trying to help him overcome that being people trying to bring him to reality.

What could have been is Ran's psy session where she accurately describes a mentally ill Magne threatening her family. However she also describes there how she almost killed her daughter.

Otherwise what about absolutely everything we've seen where Magne was not involved ? Mainly the Jutuls internal strife and Laurits with the snake. Also Magne did have some real physical changes. Isolde is dead (though that might have been an accident starting Magne's fantasy), Vidar is too. And there's a kid that ended with an arrow in the eye, how would that happen ?

Now for the more ridiculous stuff: Was he going around with a toy hammer ? Was he threatening the Jutuls with that ? What about the whole forging of it with everyone involved ? If he was just a lunatic threatening the Jutuls with a toy hammer, why would Saxa seduce him ?

It also forgets a lot of things, specially seeing Fjor as a part of their friendly gang ?? How come ? When was he ever ? And isn't his girlfriend a bit old to hang with kids ? And more importantly did we forget that he actually killed several people ?

The worst thing is that, in itself, the episode is not that bad, neither is the ending. It's just that it takes a huge dump on the whole show.

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@fly_ Totally agree! storywise it was a total f*ck up but damn, they managed to "sugar coat" it in such a way that I actually "liked" the ending and somewhat overlooked the "it was all a dream"

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Snowpiercer: 3x10 The Original Sinners

Reply by Anão

So, we may have found a place on earth where we could try to live, but we don't really know if the climate there can actually support life or if the track to that place is ok. We could:
- send the track scaler we found Melanie in ahead to scout the track and gather scientific information in order to make an informed decision, or
- divide in factions and start killing each other.

Looks like Snowpiercer is back on being the allegory it was supposed to be.

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@andrei-dragusanu it sums up human behaviour really well

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Final Space: 3x13 The Devil's Den

Reply by Anão

And the wait for season 4 begins!

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@jlchamberlain I have some bad news for you

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Black Lightning: 4x13 The Book of Resurrection: Chapter Two: Closure

Reply by Anão

It was a truly "meh" finale. At least ended in a "correct" way, but i'm guessing between covid and the sudden cancellation, they had to rush everything. I always felt that this series wasn't well filmed or put together. Scenes one to each other sometimes seemed to be disconected (like continuity issues), and were really noticeable. In these two last episodes, this "continuity flow" was more wacky than ever. The Jen/JJ conclusion is (i'm guessing) that the actress decided to leave the show about 8 or 9 months ago (before the cancellation) so after they got cancelled, they just filmed a couple more scenes with her to put at the end. They round up nicely her story, since they are 99% certain that neither of them will appear ever again in any other show. At least they decided to finish it, now it's Flash and Legend's turn

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@wither yeah it's god damn time for The Flash to end

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Elite: Season 4

Reply by Anão

This season suffered from losing 3 strong characters and adding in new ones that aren’t as strong. Rebeka and Cayetana may have been late additions but they were strong enough to keep up. And those two ended up being the best part of this season. I would have loved a different (and better) reason for Omar and Guzman leaving than just backpacking (in the middle of the school year??), but I’m definitely gonna miss them. I hope next season will be better.

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@kahnvalds you mean Ander? :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Elite: Season 4

Reply by Anão

This season really suffered from the sizeable cuts to the cast that resulted in the actual plot of the season being about multiple love triangles. This is a stark departure from Season 1 where Polo + Christian + Clara were kept a minor detail of the story (but still used to develop Clara's father's character and speak to class differences) so as not to overshadow the main Marina plotline. They also for some reason played this season extremely safe; nothing bad really happened to any of the characters.. I kept waiting for some real shit to go down but all we got was the last 20 minutes of the final episode, the final shot of which I assume sets up the next season the way the trophy set up Season 3.

Speaking of Season 3--that was also a real banger with the Skins-style direction of having an episode following each character as even minor characters like Valerio had their time to shine (and he ended up being one of my favorite characters). As I mentioned, this season lacked the character relationships to do that again since it basically just rotated between Samuel/Ariana/Guzman, Omar/Ander/Patrick, Rebeka/Mencia/Armando, and Cayetana/Phillipe in every episode.

All told, this is sadly the weakest season of an otherwise stellar show. It still wasn't bad by any means--I never found myself not caring about any of the characters like I do with some shows that hang on for too long. Hopefully it was impacted by COVID or something and we'll get something grittier next time around.

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@mrnewell I thought this was gonna be the last season, therefore I didn't think the last scene could be a setup for the next season (just like it was with the throphy) but i see how they could manage it.

but there's still a great difference, in season 3 there was a "caos" between characters because they knew Polo did it, this time it would be (in my mind) a case between characters and the police, and not between characters (and only the police in the last episode)

nevertheless, having a season 5 as good as season 3 would be awesome

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The Flash: 7x11 Family Matters (2)

Reply by Anão

like what the hell was this episode?!?! this show is going the same path as Supergirl's smh

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@jim222001 OMG REALLY?! Are these guys for real?? :joy::joy::joy:

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x13 LUCKY 13

Reply by Anão

Damn, I'd what a movie out of this

Ironic how this is the 13th episode

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@suenature then my account must be different because I watched both seasons in the right order

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x13 LUCKY 13

Reply by Anão

Damn, I'd what a movie out of this

Ironic how this is the 13th episode

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@suenature probably because you clicked on "play episode"
if you click on "episode and more" (something like this) the list will be in the right order and no suffling will be done

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x01 The New Deal

Reply by Anão

Shout by Jordy

Agents of Shield, now with 200% more Legends of Tomorrow

I could start to make fun of how the timetravel rules in this completely contradict the ones from Avengers Endgame, which is technically in the same continuity as this show.
But to be honest, I think this show handles it in a much smarter way.
This whole ‘tides vs waves’ explanation is basically the writers going like: we know it doesn’t make sense, the timeline will be in danger whenever we feel like it.
That, to me, is always preferable over having a bunch of characters explain the ‘rules’, while having it make about as much sense as the average Michael Bay movie.
So good job, Agents of Shield.

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@jordyep yes!! Finally some time travel explaining done right. That whole too-smart-for-plebs-to-understand explanation is so overdone and terrible
The "tides and waves" is simple, yet effective

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Another Life: 1x10 Hello

Reply by Anão


Shout by FishInABottle
BlockedParent2019-07-31T19:59:56Z— updated 2021-10-24T14:45:23Z

Good episode. I very much hope there will be more.

One thing that's a bit silly but convenient for the plot, is their ability to fix everything about the ship except its "long range" communications to earth.. Like, that was one of the first things that broke and has since been completely forgotten.

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@fishinabottle And communications are not rocket science, so Michelle didn't do a very good job there

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Another Life: 1x06 I Think We're Alone Now

Reply by Anão

Why bother with making the flashback part of the entire episode? It's not even that important and doesn't need to be segmented and interwoven with the original story. If I wanted to watch a show with a story told from two timelines I'd watch the Arrow.

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@ockaie The difference being that Arrow accomplishes that very well

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Attack on Titan: 2x12 Scream

I won't survive another round of waiting as long as we waited for season two. But very well done again. The problem is, I probably have more questions now then at the end of season 1.

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@razze well, I read this part in SnK a few years ago :v

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Attack on Titan: 2x12 Scream

I won't survive another round of waiting as long as we waited for season two. But very well done again. The problem is, I probably have more questions now then at the end of season 1.

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@razze I think we all have a lot of questions... Mostly because this season has only 12 episodes, I was expecting way more, and even I read the manga and this season fully confused me

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Collateral Beauty

Reply by Anão

Rated as one of the worst movies of 2016!

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@ashoraka omg how can it be?

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