


The Sopranos

This show is addictive and very indepth with all sorts of details nearly hidden from us but never outright flashed before us. David Chase and all the fantastic writers really did one hell of a job with everything. Every character is some how connected and have something in common with everybody, it's astounding. My favorite character has to be Chris Moltisanti.

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The Godfather

Now, I think this was a great movie. Definitely a source of inspiration for the show The Sopranos and other mafia related movies. I liked it a lot, but speaking from a non-nostalgic standpoint, it wasn't outstanding. But it was great!

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First off, Joaquin Phoenix was phenomenal as Arthur Fleck and the Joker. I was massively impressed and nearly disturbed when I saw him as a nearly starved Arthur, that alone is dedication. I watched this movie 3 times in the theatre, and every single penny was worth it. First time I sat down and didn't move anything in awe of what an amazing movie this is. The cinematography, acting, clothes, environments, characters. Everything about this movie is perfect in my eyes, and I would mark it as one of the best movies from the previous decade.

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The Walking Dead: Season 5

Season 5 is a huge high five to the viewers. You may not think this way due to a certain storyline. But irregardless, we recieved a lot of fantastic moments and interactions between new people and Team Family and how they co-operate. Not to mention, the season premiere is hands down one of the best, if not, the best The Walking Dead episode I have ever seen. Truly the survival of the fittest season.

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This movie is fucking awesome, I am almost embarrassed to say that this year was my first time watching it.

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