

North Dakota

I Want You Inside Me

Shout by Dsnake1

I Want You Inside Me is a modern twist on a horror classic. The film is a great take on the idea of a vagina dentata, at least in a loose sense.

Our protagonist's first boyfriend disappears after the pair have sex in a cave. He keeps trying to call her, but something interferes with the sound. We don't really find out what happens until our protagonist moves on.

The whole thing could be looked at as a metaphor about giving in to your desires in case you'll be fully consumed.

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The Stylist
He Took His Skin Off For Me

He Took His Skin Off for Me is an incredibly strange film. The premise of the movie is exactly the title and the following fallout.

I suppose it is body horror, of a sort. Really, it's a strong metaphor about relationships, about love, and about sacrifice. In its runtime of eleven minutes, the movie dances on the line of what will be the last straw before the man who took the skin off of his body for his significant other puts his skin back on and leaves. We see struggles and frustrations.

In the end, what the author of the short story, Maria Hummer, and the director, Ben Aston, wanted to say about relationships.

All in all, using such an extreme body horror technique to illustrate such a tender metaphor is unique, to say the least.

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Black Sunday

Black Sunday is a black and white gothic horror film focused on the revenge plot of an executed plot and the people trying to stop her.

The plot itself is fine. It's nothing extra special, but it facilitates the movie well enough. The characters and many of the other general building blocks of the film are also fine. So why is this movie worth watching?

Well, the director, Mario Bava, does a stellar job of setting the scene. The soundtrack to the movie is spectacular. The black and white really aides to the atmosphere, as does the cinematography. The cinematography, in particular, is outstanding. The film relies on a wonderful selection of long shots. There are many shots where the length doesn't particularly add to the story, but it certainly adds to the atmosphere and overall creepiness of the movie. The film also includes some fairly gruesome scenes, nothing quite like a splatter film, though. The scenes are well placed and add to the experience rather than become the focus themselves.

All in all, if you're after a great atmospheric horror film and don't care much about a plot or characters, you may find yourself enjoying Black Sunday.

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A Simple Favor
Black Panther

Sisters tries really hard. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler certainly have chemistry and some of the best moments of the movie come from that chemistry. Still, the film falls flat on its face more than once.

The movie is mostly cringe humor. It's filled with one character or another doing something embarrassing. While this can be done really well if used correctly, Sisters seems to hit everything with the cringe hammer until it cries.

This isn't really expected, and neither is the abundant use of bodily and sexual humor. There are some great moments in the movie relating to these, as well.

The real issue with the movie is it feels like the writers went at it with a list of "funny" situations and tried to fit them all into a loose theme. Throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks inevitably means there will be a bunch of junk laying on the floor.

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God Code
Chance at Romance
Nephilim: Origin of Genetic Evil

A religious conspiracy theory, at best. The cinematography is nonexistent. It's really worse than that. The narrator, Trey Smith, who is also the writer, director, and everything else, is about six inches from the camera, covering the entire right-hand side of the screen. The other half is a semi-random set of images and short videos. The narrator's voice is extremely nasally.

Ultimately, it's probably more 'information' than old-school History Channel documentaries, but the quality of what is shown is way lower than those. The theories he talks about are somewhat interesting, but I do feel that the video could be half as long and get the same point across.

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