

North Dakota

The Tesla Files

Watched the first 3 episodes - very good. Can't believe how brilliant Tesla was.

Wish the show would stop re-hashing stuff we already know... duh it was just a commercial break, not a year since we last saw the show.

The second episode spends 5 minutes updating us on what happened in the first episode while re-hashing what was happening in the second - what is it about American documentaries that treat the viewer like they can't stay focussed any longer than a goldfish? Are Americans like that or is it just the producers that have no attention span? I would think people that would watch something like this are a bit more savvy and intelligent than the average CSI/24 viewer.

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@speeddemon I don't think it's so much that the documentaries are treating the viewer like an idiot as much as trying to fill all 42 minutes as cheaply as possible.

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