

MD, United States

Family Guy: 14x09 A Shot in the Dark

A lot of media outlets seem to get the premise of this somewhat controversial episode wrong. This is basically saying that no matter what a white person does to a person of color, they will always get away with it and always cite black on black crime. People believe they are making fun of the whole situation, which is not really what is going on. I feel South Park's satirical way of doing it works better and amplifies just how ridiculous some people's way of thinking really is.

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Family Guy: 14x07 Hot Pocket-Dial

I really like that they brought up the topic of Quagmire liking Lois again. It feels like forever since it was talked about.

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Futurama: 5x02 Jurassic Bark

Every single time I watch or think about this episode I end up crying. Just knowing the ending makes me sad.

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