


The Vast of Night

Really enjoyed this film. Its certainly different from most films, loved the long dialogue heavy scenes and the slow growing atmosphere.

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Find Me Guilty

I enjoyed the film but it totally glosses over how terrible organised criminals are. Morally it's terrible, but entertaining nevertheless

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Black Panther

Love this. Probably my favourite of the Marvel 'verse. I

RIP Chadwick Boseman

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Hail, Caesar!

I think this is my favourite of the Coens''s just great, that 'would that it were so simple scene ' is just hilarious

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Lucky Number Slevin

What a pointless pointless film, and so pleased with it's supposed cleverness. Boring and pointless.

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The Old Guard

Really enjoyed this. Plenty of action and some great characters. Would certainly be interested in a sequel

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Line of Duty

This is just plain bad. Cliche after cliche.

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The Head Hunter

I liked the look and atmosphere of this film, but the story/character wasn't developed enough. In the end felt as though it needed something more

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The Ghost of Monk's Island

A lot of this film makes absolutely no sense. It was still good fun, and a perfect Sunday afternoon sort of film.

But you have to feel that if it was made to day no child would be allowed out in a boat by themselves so it'd be over fairly quickly :)

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Primal Fear

So I think the title is a bit misleading, makes you think it'll have more of an unsettling atmosphere.
Also I have an issue with the ending, not that it's bad, but it does perpetuate the stereotype that mental health issues are merely fake excuses that let criminals get away scott free, and even trained experts can be fooled.

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Demolition Man

One of my all time favourite films, but for the first time ever I've just seen the Pizza Hut version. So weird.

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God awful! Just avoid it.

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Sixteen Candles

Wow, how was this ever thought to be okay, with the racism, and the period jokes, and oh yeah the date rape is cool storyline

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I had low expectations. Even they weren't met

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

So half of this film was starting to get vaguely interesting. But the Sharon Tate storyline should have been dropped and the final scenes made me dislike it intensely.

I get the feeling that Tarantino enjoys making films about Badguys cause then he feels justified about the level of relish and delight he brings to violence. I think it is utterly unwarranted.

Even if the characters are Nazis it isn't about who the actions are being done to, it is about the characters waging the violence with such glee. So glad I didn't go see this in the cinema.

Also Brad Pitt got an Oscar for this! What a joke.

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It's fine. I wasn't sure at first, the opening is a bit "hmmmm" but then the story takes a turn which made that much more interesting. Could have been a LOT better, but then again, it could have been an awful lot worse too.

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The Duel

It tries, but never really succeeds. Also the plot with the wife just never made much sense

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Not great, but not terrible either.

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Fight Club

It's amazing how well this holds up. Although still the danger that some viewers may stay impressed with the coolness of Tyler Durden and not really believe that he is NOT the hero

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Uncut Gems

Performances were great. Story was tense. But it was just so shouty and Howard was so intolerable that it didn't engage me at all

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Scarlet Street

Well worth a watch, and the end doesn't pull any punches

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Young Guns

Hmmm. This has not aged well. I remember really enjoying this beck in the day.

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City Slickers

Entertaining enough in it's way

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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended)

A great film, no matter how many times I've seen it, still great

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The Dead Room

Didn't quite pull off the atmosphere it needed but still watchable

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Out of the Fog

Average enough film, although the soundtrack was a bit over the top with its jauntiness

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This was not at all what I expected, and I really really liked it

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Dolemite Is My Name

So, I didn't really find the humour too funny in this film, I mean motherfuckers fucking shit up isn't that funny. But I guess for the time it was set it had the shock humour. But I did enjoy the film, and actually found it quite sweet in the end.

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The Bye Bye Man

Don't think it. Don't say it.
It being a desire to watch this film because it is utterly rubbish

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My overwhelming reaction to this film is, man was it boring.

Full of its own importance yet saying nothing.

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