


Shot Caller

So I expected this film to be pretty awful and only really watched it because of Coster-Waldau. And while I can't say that it is a great film, or even a very good one, I did find it an interesting take on the prison film. Also, it has Jon Bernthal, so that's a point for it in and of itself.

It is full of violence, fairly raw violence at that, but it is worth watching to see how the prison environment can make a criminal.

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The Square

So yeah, this film... I mean I kept waiting for something to happen, and nothing ever really came of anything. but in the end, despite that, it was still sorta interesting.

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Not as terrifying as I thought from the trailer but still a great film, well worth watching. If possible know nothing before you see it.

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Captain Marvel

Really liked this one. Feels full of joy, similar to Black Panther although not as good. Loved all the 90s nods and Goose!

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Say Anything...

I really enjoyed this film, knew nothing about it before watching, but am so glad I did. Great characters & a great, low-key storyline.

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Five Easy Pieces

I really don't get the point of this film and its whiney man-baby protagonist who remains unchanged throughout the film. I mean everyone plays their roles very well, and its well shot. But why would anyone be interested in making this man's story?

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Three Identical Strangers

Truth really is stranger than fiction.

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The Girl on the Train

Around halfway through this started to get interesting. Emily Blunt is excellent, but the story felt far too disjointed to work. Also way too much voice-over, I know it was adapted from a book but interior monologues very rarely work in film.

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Isle of Dogs

I was disappointed with this to be honest. It was okay, and had some nice touches but didn't work for me overall

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Stan & Ollie

Better than I'd expected and surprisingly emotional

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Touch of Evil

Supposedly this is a classic, and part of the "canon" of great films. I dunno, seems all over the place and badly directed/written to me. But maybe that's because I can conceive of Mexicans as people not criminals. Also Brownface much!

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I was somewhat exasperated at times by this film, but it was better than The Happening. Very low bar I know.

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Universal Soldier

I mean, it totally makes no sense, but I suppose it kept me watching for the whole film...

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Professor Marston and the Wonder Women

Interesting, and entertained me while I was watching but I get the feeling that it glossed over a lot of things. Rebecca Hall was fantastic, but her character's worries didn't seem to get much explanation.

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Ghost Stories

Shout by Dearbhla
BlockedParent2019-01-05T18:53:44Z— updated 2019-01-08T18:45:45Z

Interesting, and certainly creepy in parts, but didn't quite work.

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