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Montvale, New Jersey

Killers of the Flower Moon

Killers of the Flower Moon - spoilers

Amazing Scorsese film and was wonderful to see in theatres. Barely knew what to expect and came out of it not quite knowing how I felt about the movie. There was a alot to take in. All the performances were amazing. The set design was really well done that it felt seamless throughout the movie. There were many actions and topics discussed that help give sense of the time period but aren't delved into or discussed later. Things were given creative freedom but seemed to keep it to a minimal, Except for DiCaprio and De Niro's characters who are given the most time in a movie about the murders and later the investigations of the Osage people. The way they showed the effects of diabetes and how it was used as a weapon with the rest of the community involved in some way was very well done. Made me recall diabetic episodes I've been part of. Wonderful experience seeing a Scorsese movie with all these amazing actors involved in theatres and with nice seating.

The length of the movie wasn't an issue but instead the content shown, it felt like it could have delved deeper into the details. Understanding that the movie was based on a book that kept things as documentary style as possible and didn't embellish the people helps understand why there so many questions left after the movie. Many of my issues don't matter after knowing that. What was in the bottle, how did Mollie or Ernest not care enough to ask about it earlier or try another doctor, was their love really that blind, did Ernest care more about his family or the money, would someone that loves their wife really just stand by and participate in the killing of her family, why make such a distraught person seem to not be impacted by all the dealings, etc.

Once the movie started dealing with the manipulation, bribing, sneaking around, assassinations that just seem like normal part of life, backstabbing, politics interfering, , etc I kept wanting it to go more into the details. It felt surface level and didn't connect with me too much. But that seems to be just me and might be due to already experiencing media that was more brutal, conniving, mysterious or emotional etc recently has clouded my judgement. In a way its nice to have such heavy topics done simplistic and basic level. Maybe I've become too desensitized about all the actual realities of the atrocities. It all just blends together to me now and I felt the need for more thorough dialogue/scenes while watching this movie which wasn't the movies fault. There were scenes that seemed like they were going to that point. Like the body that was found for Anna, had markings on her legs and bloody torso like there was more done to her than just a gunshot. Or when William visited Mollie and then we see marks on her legs that weren't there before. Like rape or physical abuse was implied as part of the cinematography for something that could have happened but not the story since there wasn't evidence after all these decades.

Creative liberty was used but kept to a minimum. Why wasn't it used elsewhere. For the length of time there could have been more depth given or just cut out. It became less about the Osage victims and all about Ernest.

The Osage people being Catholic but also following their own customs. Why weren't those customs delved into deeper or the tensions shown. We see celebrations and funerals, would have been nice to have more showcase of the native peoples customs just as more background development. How kids are raised in mixed households. The differences between the skin colour of the kids being explored more. Just more small stories of the Osage people, there must have been events recorded that could have been adapted to fit in the movie.

If they wrote that intense argument between Ernest and Mollie to use the doctors medicine instead of old traditions then why not add one for when they sent out the little girl who had whopping cough. Why would someone as prideful as Mollie just sit there and take that mockery of her peoples beliefs when she still practices them with her children. Ernest made up the story of things getting worse before they get better for the insulin thing and not getting more info from other hospitals. Like "hey honey, while you are meeting the president, maybe chexk out nearby hospital and see what they say."

All the women knew they were being targeted for their money but was it too much trouble to show just a little back and forth questioning instead of jumping to them getting married like asking how their white husband can protect them and their kids. Maybe some tensions with the maids that were around the house. Who even were those old people judging the kids colours that were just there for that one scene at their home. Why did Mollie not notice that happening in her home.

William was using the native people to get money and was portrayed so charismatic and well liked. He wasn't shown like a devious person so things like what his true feelings of the native peoples were was left vague. Was it implied that William was also running the KKK in that area? That would explain some why he held so much power and of his mannerisms of being manipulative but knowing how important a public image is.

Ernest talking to Brendan Frasers lawyer character was so small. That he was convinced that quickly. Ernest shown as a very impressionable person while Behaving like he runs the place due to working with his uncle and all the land rights. Byron just appears when he gets to kill someone or keep and eye on Ernest. No personality given, he's just there. But he's Williams main right hand man so why not give him more screen time.

Seriously, what is a reasonable assumption of what was in the bottle. Really annoying me.

The ending radio show moment was great. Want to see more endings like that instead of text/image summary. It was great when Legend of Korra did it and I'm surprised it's taken this long for a big movie to do it.

So many good things about the way this movie was made. Lots of questions remaining. The intention of all the scenes would make an interesting discussion video when the blueray extras with directors commentary comes out. The book is supposed to have those Osage people details that the movie just shows it as waste eggs for the people that know them. Should be worth a read.

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@gurenmkd botzilla in da house , jajaja

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Dear Child

Clicked play and couldn’t stop watching. Intense, aggressive, mysterious and with an incredible pace. Thank you for this.

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@carlosluislopes whaaat? Aré u a bot? This Is the worst show of the last 5 years. Soap opera wanna be serial killer movie poser.

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