


The Worst Person in the World

You’d think that, as a 28 year old who feels completely lost in life, this movie would have resonated with me more. I kept hearing people say this was a movie about a 30 year old who is lost in life and struggles with indecision. While I think that’s an accurate description of her character that’s not really what the movie is about. 

This isn’t really a story about a woman finding her way. It’s not even a story about her being lost in life. The main focus of the story is on her romantic relationships, which I had a very hard time caring about. She seems to have a hard time caring about about them too, which is why it’s weird that’s what the story focuses on. 

I was expecting to like this but it’s a boring glimpse into a girl (who just so happens to be lost) ’s “love” life. I wish it had focused more on her as an individual. 

Ended up being an absolute chore to watch.

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@mojorne x2 I'm on the same boat

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Just rewatched this AGAIN and I still get teary eyed at the end of the movie because of how amazing it is.

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@travisg100 teary eyes, oh YES !

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