

Omicron Persei 8

Last Friends: 1x06 A desperate getaway

Shout by effcol

I like Takeru, but what a selfish prick overwriting an intermate moment with a selfish confession that was clearly going to knock the other secret to the wayside.

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Rick and Morty: 7x02 The Jerrick Trap

While the episode was imo the best in a while, the ending completely lost me.

No person on earth would stay partners with Jerry after this. Not a single one. Beth what are you doing?!?!?

You'd constantly be questioning 'what if there's just 1% of Rick's brain/consciousness in there... we know consciousness can be subdued...' or 'Jerry now intrinsically has some of the memories of Rick's in him. even with the brains separated, part of Jerry is now her father.'

Who could sleep with him after that? Or even be touched by him? Or even look them in the eye?

I appreciated it when Beth initially found out and was like 'nah fuck this' but when they just kept doubling down with being one being, that should have been an instant divorce.

And that's ontop of this show's wierd obsession with, well, incest in previous seasons. them just walking out and shoving the topic under the rug to live in their own little realities has worked mostly til now, that this should fundamentally have been a breaking point for Beth to leave. This should have been the episode to kick Jerry and Rick out for good.

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Whispered Words: 1x02 Pretty People

Shout by effcol

Oh yeah suuuure the kid who presents as a woman all the time when outside of school, who's room is full of makeup products and feminine clothes, and sleeps in woman's vlothes, is tooootally just doing it 'cause the girl they like likes girls. Sure that's why. Totally not trans.

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Fringe: 4x03 Alone in the World

Shout by effcol

For a minute there I thought Walter had read too much Homunculus and was trying out trepanation to see Peter with his third eye. Kinda disappointed it was an attempted lobotomy instead. trepanation would fit fringe science much better.

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Fringe: 3x19 Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

They literally entered Telltale's The Walking Dead game.

Honestly tho that animation was hideous, they totally cheaped out there :/

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Fringe: 2x20 Brown Betty

You can probs skip to the last scene in this episode, about 42 mins in.

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Lost: 4x05 The Constant

Who needs Steins;Gate when you've got Lost

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Lost: 3x14 Exposé
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: 1x01 The Witch and the Bride

Literally Revolutionary Girl Utena but with Mechs

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The Sopranos: 4x11 Calling All Cars

Janice was the malignant, haunting presence in Bobby and his Kid's life this episode . A true horror monster.

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Ranma ½: 1x18 I Am a Man! Ranma's Going Back to China!?

recap episode, can be skipped without missing any story really.

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WandaVision: 1x07 Breaking the Fourth Wall

Shout by effcol

Turns out Wandavision was a magical girl shoujo all along

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Chobits: 1x03 Chii Learns

Shout by effcol

I felt so bad for Chi being left at home all day, I hope she gets to have her own escapades while Hideki's at work and school going forward!

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Kill la Kill: 1x18 Into the Night

Shout by effcol

Perfectly played twists. The Satsuki turning on her mother twist was telegraphed well ahead, so you saw that coming and felt like once that twist had been pulled there wouldn't be another, making the twist of Ryuko being Satsuki's sister and Ragyo's daughter impact even harder, without feeling cheap as it was set up within the reveal of the last twist.

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