EG Arnold



Masters of the Air
Ordinary Angels
On a Wing and a Prayer

No one recognizes a good movie anymore and this is a good movie about family and faith and how we lean on those in a crisis. It's based on a true story which makes it that much more amazing. Dennis Quaid delivers as a devout family man who is put in an impossible situation. He is a good actor and one who has improved over the years and he is great in this role. Heather Graham is his incredibly hot sweet wife and she does well although it seems like her prayers are a bit stilted. All the smaller roles are well played and make it clear these are based on real people.

I love this film's commitment to tell the real story and it's well done. I promise you'll be on the edge of your seat as you watch a family in the crucible. It's a great family film, something you can watch with your children and it's refreshing to see faith played out in the lives of real people.

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Yes Day

Ignore the cynics. This is a sweet family film you can watch with your pre-teens. It shows a family's love for each other and the resilience of the family bond. It's never going to win an Oscar, but every parent and child can relate to this film and that is an achievement. Besides it has Jennifer Gardner and she literally breaks the cute meter.

Watch it as a family and enjoy!

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Star Trek: Discovery

This thing is so bad, yet they keep producing it. They should be ashamed of the writing and the characters in this show. As a life-long Trekkie who watched the original when it aired, this is just unmitigated crap. The casting may be without a doubt the worst in Trek history. It's amazing how they've taken something as simple as episodic science fiction and turned it into a farce. Please, Paramount, spend the money elsewhere, I don't want anymore Trek if this is what we get. I can live off what I already own.

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Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy is a perfect indicator of when the PC Virus spread and metastasized through the entertainment industry. We watched as the show each year jumped further and further over the shark (forced to watch by the wife who loved the "characters"). Now it's just a smoldering pile of entertainment crap that shows how little regard actors, networks and the rest have for their audiences. I thought MASH was too indulgent, this jumps MASH AND the shark! Shame on all the paycheck actors/writers/producers and rest who are just doing this to fatten the residuals. When they say they do art, just point at this steaming pile of dung and say, "no you're not."

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

I'm just so tired of seeing the affirmative action POC remakes. Seriously they're never as good as the originals. Donald Glover is no match for Brad Pitt and Maya Erskine? Seriously for one of the most timeless gorgeous faces ever in Hollywood? Angelina Jolie would have been a star in any generation of Hollywood, who will remember Maya Erskine? Don't you guys get tired of these low-quality remakes and adaptations? Rehashed ideas with middling talent does not add up to a winning formula. Yes, I watched all the episodes, what a disappointment.

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Ricky Stanicky

After John Cena's groveling video in Mandarin to China. I will never see anything that includes him in it, period. As far as I'm concerned he represents the true nature of Hollywood, chasing a buck from slave owning cyber/economic terrorists and thugs.

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The Winter King: 1x06 Episode 6

This series was so good and then it jumps the shark when it has to POC cast an actress that is the polar opposite of Guinevere. Period series’s like this are being ruined by casting the wrong race in the name of “diversity.”

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True Detective: Season 4

Was so hopeful for this season to be good. Started out interesting and as it went along, it just got more and more dense. By episodes 5 and 6 this thing jumps the shark so far, they're still looking where it went. This is what happens when you take a good series and you turn it over to a bunch a Clown World idiots. You go Eskimo girls! What a steaming pile of waste. Avoid, it's just going to piss you off. Shame on you Nic Pizzolatto for letting them take a large feminist dump all over your project.

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