


Time Team: 3x04 A Wreck of the Spanish Armada - Teignmouth, Devon

Not a huge fan of the underwater episodes of Time Team, it’s difficult to visualise what they are trying to find.

The best part was Mick firing off that canon!

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Memory: The Origins of Alien

Not a bad watch, if you’re a casual fan of the Alien film/franchise, you’ll find some interesting facts in here.

Have to admit, I tuned out when the progressives started talking about toxic masculinity, colonialism etc., guess that has to be injected into everything nowadays.

I loved learning about the art work and set designs the most.

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Predator 2

Not the greatest movie, but it did a very high bar to reach following on from the original.

Danny Glover’s performance was the redeeming feature of this movie, I loved the raw emotion.

Eleventy8 reviewed this movie: https://youtu.be/PLNFytPdJ-k

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