


Shots Fired

After watching the pilot I wouldn't really recommend this. It had potential but there is very little chemistry between the main characters and I found nothing to like about the main male actor at all. The female lead was a lot better but still not amazing. I won't be continuing to watch this even though the premise had be quite interested.

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Falling Water

Wow... how did this get past a pilot. It was a struggle to watch the whole first episode, I certainly won't be watching anymore. So boring and pointless. The pace was slow which was not helped by all the slow motion shots. I won't waste my breath saying much more excepting that I wouldn't waste your time unless you have absolutely nothing at all to do for 45 minutes.

I also agree with Yuck Qi, the worst show I have ever seen.

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The Good Fight: 1x05 Stoppable: Requiem for an Airdate

I don't think this is as good as the good wife, but its not bad. This was my favorite episode to date because of elsbeth tascioni of course! Got to love her.

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Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: 2x01 Lost Souls

Great start to the new season. and a nice twist to the plot.

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Mercury Plains

A waste of time. Don't watch it you'll regret it :)

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Cardinal: 1x06 Catherine

Fantastic conclusion to a great show. Left me wanting more, not because the plot wasn't wrapped up well but just because I had grown attached to the characters and immersed in their world.

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A Wish for Christmas

Always enjoy a good Lacey Chabert movie, this one was no exception. Thoroughly enjoyable.

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Lucifer: 2x13 A Good Day to Die

best episode yet. More episodes of this calibre please!

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Operation Christmas

fantastic Christmas movie, really touched the heart and makes you think of those families with someone deployed overseas.

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My Summer Prince

enjoyable romance with quite the twisted tale of lies and accidental trickery.

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NCIS: 14x13 Keep Going

Amazing episode, probably the best since the death of Kate way back in season 2.

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Bull: 1x12 Stockholm Syndrome

great episode I loved the twist ending. probably my favourite of the season so far.

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A Novel Romance

good performance from Amy Acker, thoroughly enjoyed this hallmark romance.

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Sound of Christmas

Lindy Booth brings her usual charm to this Christmas movie. Thoroughly enjoyable if predictable plot.

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Looks Like Christmas

Very good typical Christmas movie, nothing extraordinary but worth watching. I liked how the conflict between the two main characters slowly is resolved into love.

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A Heavenly Christmas

Quite an uplifting christmas movie, don't expect too much from the plot, nothing original to see here, but I enjoyed it.

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Hearts of Christmas

Fantastic Christmas movie. I really enjoyed this and even had to use a few tissues. Great love story and fantastic acting.

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I'll Be Home for Christmas

A little predictable but heartwarming Christmas story. I wouldn't put this at the top of the list but its ok.

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A Rose for Christmas

Great Christmas Movie. Rachel Boston reminds me of someone I once knew so perhaps I was a little biased but it had the typical Christmas movie happy ending and the acting was good, I was surprised to see Marc Benadavid after dark matter, a very different role, but one he was well suited to.

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Love's Christmas Journey

I really liked the love comes softly series, this is definitely a compelling addition to the series, great acting by the entire cast as always in this series. I think that is one of the things that hooked me form the start with the love comes softly series, this genre often gets a little shafted with the quality of acting due to budget and exposure, but this series attracted some fantastic actors and the attention to detail and immersion is miles above the standard I expect. I think Natalie Hall is a talent to watch out for in the future.

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Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

Craazy show. Just as crazy as the novels, I had read these books when I was a teenage and loved them I was not expecting much of the tv show as these sort of books rarely translate well to TV but although I have only seen the first episode it really did justice to the spirit of the novels in its own way. While it diverges from the books in plot I think that is a good thing. Looking forward to the next episode. Be prepared for a trip if you watch this.

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13 Reasons Why: 1x01 Tape 1, Side A

This took me completely by surprise. The first episode at least is so well done, the previously mentioned flashbacks flow seamlessly, something I often have criticism over is the way flashbacks often make aa show or movie disjointed or abrupt, not so in this case. I would really recommend checking this out, I am left hanging at the end of the episode for the next one, eager to follow the story.

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Every Day

I was not expecting this movie to be so good. It really shocked me how good it was. I expected it would be just another teen romance, it was so much more. And all the questions it makes you ask and consider it does it so well, without being condescending or contrite. It really makes you think in a good way. Thank you to everyone involved for making this movie as I would never have read the book it was based on and that would have been my loss.

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I am a huge fan of Hayley Atwell, and I think this show is a great role for her. I look forward to seeing more of this show, the first two episodes have kept me glued to the screen, I love the character development so far, I feel the character she plays is revealing herself to us like the many layers in an onion, just how a good lead should be.

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Charmed: 1x01 Pilot

As a fan of the original series I found this episode very disappointing, As mentioned by others the feminists aspect is a deterrent, it feels forced and it just doesn't belong in this story. The feminist aspect should have been understated as in the original series, its already there without having to point it out constantly.

The jokes also felt poorly written and ill placed. The effects were bizarre and far from seemless. The effects were much better in the original series, again being understated, instead of being the focal point as they are (the demon is a perfect example)

I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

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The Boss Baby

Simple humour. Worth watching if you have free time, you won't miss it if you don't.

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Emerald City

Interesting re-imagining of the Wizard of Oz, The first episode (double) felt a bit drawn out and the plot was a bit meandering. Hoping it improves, the lead actress seems good, some of the other acting is a little average. I was expecting more effects as it had been hyped up a lot but there were very few.

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I wasn't sure what to expect with this show. However I was hooked from the start, the atmosphere is quite unique, and I can only describe it as Dickensian. The combination of cinematography, music and fantastic casting really transports one off to a whole new world where dickens reigned supreme.

I recommend anyone check this out, not just fans of period drama.

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Beauty and the Beast

Simply amazing. Completely captured the essence of the original animation movie with a great cast, good chemistry and tears to boot.

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Dear Santa

I am fan of Amy Acker, but had put this movie to the bottom of the list as the name made me think it would be a bit of a simplistic overly traditional Christmas movie, which is not necessarily a bad thing but there's so many of those movies.

I was extremely surprised to find this movie outdid all of my expectations and was an amazing, moving, sad, humorous movie with quite a bit of depth, so far as a Christmas movie is concerned. Highly recommended to everyone!

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