


Arrow: 8x01 Starling City

Great premiere, remove the flashforwards and it could have been an amazing episode.

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Suits: 9x10 One Last Con

Pretty much a perfect finale to the series, some pacing issues in the first half but otherwise a strong episode.

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Arrow: 1x01 Pilot

Really amazing pilot, that really drags you into the story straight away. It's not often i'm sold on a series after only one episode but this episode really did it and the last scene with Moira just excelled the intrigue by so much more. I really enjoy the previous connection that the characters have with each other and with that much history it will be interesting to see how they explore the characters further into the series.

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Arrow: 1x14 The Odyssey

Incredible episode, probably the best episode in the series. I love the island stuff so seeing the island taking up most of the episode's screen time was great. Slade Wilson and Oliver's relationship that's formed is amazing and getting Manu Bennett on this show is a treat, really good actor that can only make the island story even better. Great action and further exploration of Oliver's journey on the island.

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Arrow: 1x09 Year's End

It's sweet seeing Oliver really care for his family and actually make an effort to show it to them. I also enjoyed seeing Oliver go head to head with a real physical threat and the reveal of the archer being Malcolm Merlyn was great. For a show with already much intrigue, this adds another lawyer of personal intrigue, that will be interesting in the second half of the season.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 2x15 Windbreaker City

The episode worked amazingly having the 99 be the hostages in the Homeland Security training and of course seeing Jake revolt against the whole thing was funny. Seeing him trying to get over Sophia brought some fun back and forth between mostly him and Boyle. Nick Kroll was a great guest star and foil to Jake in this episode. The Holt and Gina subplot also brought some fun scenes.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 2x16 The Wednesday Incident

Jake works great together with Holt but possible even better with Marc Evan Jackson’s Kevin Cozner. The trio of Jake, Kevin and Gina really clicked in this episode and might be some of the best stuff on Brooklyn 99 period. The only thing stopping this episode from being a 10/10 is the clearly weaker part of the episode that is Boyle, Diaz and Amy’s storyline which was really lackluster.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 2x22 The Chopper

Jake and Boyle working cases together is great and is possible only topped by Jake, Boyle and Holt working a case together. Andre Braugher’s delivery of “Call me Velvet Thunder” was impeccable. The other story concerning the school field trip was also pretty good and delivered some funny interactions between our characters.

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Arrow: 1x13 Betrayal

Incredible exciting ending, and it really was the only way for Oliver after he questioned Moira earlier and Diggle following her around for awhile and getting some disturbing information out of it. I enjoyed Laurel giving Thea some work and Quentin Lance continuously struggle to find The Hood and even putting Laurel at risk. I liked Laurel's reaction to it, it felt appropriate and not too far, which many series often go to in these situation.

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Arrow: 1x11 Trust But Verify

Good episode overall and enjoyed seeing Oliver and Diggle on the opposite side of each other for a second, it was cool learning a bit more about Diggle's past in the army as well and seeing him get an episode with a personal villain and how ultimately Oliver and Diggle work great together. I also like seeing more and more of Malcolm Merlyn now when we know who he really is and i liked the further exploration of Tommy's and Laurel's relationship.

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Arrow: 1x04 An Innocent Man

Another good episode, it's nice seeing Oliver and Laurel somewhat working together and trying to clean up the city in whatever way possible. I also really enjoy Walter and his British manner and how he so clearly cares for the Queen family. I liked that Diggle didn't join Oliver straight away but had to process it, it shows that series isn't afraid to take it's time. this series just keeps delivering so far.

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Arrow: 1x03 Lone Gunmen

Good episode overall and enjoyed seeing Oliver doing some detective work when going after Deadshot. Once again Quentin Lance and Paul Blackthorne's performance is what stand out. His interaction with the Hood and Oliver were really good. Even though i have really enjoyed seeing Oliver work solo, this episodes leaves with an interesting cliffhanger with Diggle finding out his secret. So far only good episodes in arrow.

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Pearson: 1x02 The Superintendent

This is what i wish the pilot was more like. This gritty feel with a bit of an sarcastic edge to it could lead to a fun series to watch.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x11 Perpetual Infinity

One of the best episodes of the series. The characters are really starting to come together, really enjoyed Michael and her story in this episode.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 2x18 Captain Peralta

Seeing Jake with his father and the progression of their relationship in this episode was very well executed. Boyle really was a standout in this episode and seeing them together with a sort of French speaking Scully was fun. The brain teaser storyline was also well done and seeing how the different characters went about it sums up their characters pretty well in this show.

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Arrow: 1x05 Damaged

A bit of a different pace in this episode, but still a good episode. I enjoyed how Oliver had this all figured out and it was his plan to get caught all along. Once again i really like Quentin Lance, his interactions with both Oliver and Laurel was exciting and he seems more and more like a favorite character to me. I also really enjoyed Diggle joining Oliver's crusade in this episode.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 2x14 The Defense Rests

Jake trying to impress Sophia’s boss with the help from Terry certainly was the highlight of the episode. The back and forth between Jake and guest star Chris Parnell’s characters were really fun and seeing Wuntch back again was also a highlight of the episode, she and Holt just works wonders together. Gina’s storyline ultimately provided next to nothing to the episode as a whole for me.

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Arrow: 1x12 Vertigo

Good episode, i liked the interactions between Oliver and the new cop McKenna and how Oliver really goes the full length to help his sister out of her trouble. I really enjoy Oliver return to the Bratva in Starling City and am interested to explore his past with the Bratva more even further. The episode sets up a promising team-up with Laurel and Thea who i both feel haven't gotten the most character exploration so far so them working together could be great.

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Arrow: 1x06 Legacies

Good episode overall, and somewhat an interesting pace seeing Oliver caring more about the city as an whole instead of going after name's on his father's list. Ultimately i like that Diggle wants Oliver to do more as this vigilante. Tommy is really underrated but i enjoy Colin Donnell's performance very much.

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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

Really solid first episode, slow paced for sure but leaves us with a really interesting and promising future for the series.

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Doom Patrol: 1x01 Pilot

We are of to a pretty good start, good casting choices and interesting backstories.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x10 The Red Angel

A very uneven episode with some bright spot and cool sceneries.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 2x17 Boyle-Linetti Wedding

Jake and Amy had some both really funny and sweet scenes in this episode with Jake once again missing out on his childhood crush. Boyle and Gina had a good storyline again when trying to convince Boyle’s father to go through with the wedding. Holt and Terry’s storyline was probably the weakest but not bad by any means.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 2x23 Johnny and Dora

The idea behind Jake and Amy’s storyline was clever but ultimately felt a little to on the nose and cliched. Boyle and Diaz on the other had a very sweet storyline in this episode and was fun seeing Gina and Terry working together to ultimately try and save Holt’s position at the 99.

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Titans: 2x01 Trigon

The leftovers from last season with Trigon was very messy handled, but the last third of the episode sets up a very promising season 2.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 2x19 Sabotage

Jake actively making it harder for Amy and Rosa to solve his case brought some comedy and Jake being kidnapped also provided some good comedy with bringing Chris Parnell back from earlier this season. Boyle teaming up with Hitchcock and Scully was nice change of pace as well, but Holt and Terry’s lies with Gina didn’t work for me in this episode at all.

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Arrow: 1x15 Dodger

Overall a decent episode, certainly not the best one. I enjoyed Thea meeting Roy and the further exploration of Oliver and McKenna's relations but a weak villain really dragged the overall episode down. Wasn't the biggest fan of Felicity and Diggle either in this episode.

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Arrow: 1x07 Muse of Fire

Decent episode, probably the worst so far. I'm not sold yet on Helena, don't really like her presence on this show. I really liked the scene with Oliver running after the shooter outside of the Queen company. I also enjoyed Tommy's new problem with being left without any money and how it will affect him as an person in the future

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Doom Patrol: 1x02 Donkey Patrol

Liking the addition of Cyborg and can't go wrong with a little Alan Tudyk narration.

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Pearson: 1x06 The Donor

Decent episode that moves the overall plot forward, but still nothing unique or "fun" about this show.

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