Dave Grvn


Baltimore, Md

Sucker Punch

This movie is really dumb. In the opening moments of the film they set up that the brothel is all an imagined reality, and everything that happens there had no meaning. We then spend the entire movie in this space, except for a few moments when the main character dances and enraptures everyone somehow (I have no idea what this translates to in the asylum). These moments look cool, but again they hold even less meaning to what is happening. So then at the end of the movie they reveal that it was an asylum the entire time and we are meant to be shocked by this, even though the movie told us at the beginning. None of the story is interesting or makes any sense or holds any meaning. The only good parts of the movie are the ridiculously stylistic action scenes, however they are only mildly amusing. This movie was a big disappointment, as I was expecting mind bendy reality dream like story telling but I only got a meaningless drivel with over the top action scenes connecting them.

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@echelon_four I think you should read the top comment here and give it a re-watch since it's been a while for you. You'd probably change your mind

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Sucker Punch

It pains me to give this movie such a poor grade because it really is so well done. Zack Snyder has such a firm grasp on his look, he's carved out his own genre of movie. He's also proved that a movie cannot survive on looks alone.

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@hiimdannyganz I think you should read the top comment here and maybe watch this again and change your mind. It took me a couple times

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Sucker Punch

It pains me to give this movie such a poor grade because it really is so well done. Zack Snyder has such a firm grasp on his look, he's carved out his own genre of movie. He's also proved that a movie cannot survive on looks alone.

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@hiimdannyganz The only reason I'm up to a double digit number on trakt here is because sometimes I turn it on with the volume low while I'm trying to fall asleep. It's got a lot more plays than 10 on my pi but I never took the time to install trakt until maybe 2016 or so. I'm not sure how many times I've had a legit beginning to end sit down viewing but its probably a little less than 10. It's got a great soundtrack to count sheep to and after a few times you can just watch it on the back of your eyelids with the volume down, hahah

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Sucker Punch

Visually stunning, but poorly written, according to Zack Snyder's vision of the film, Sucker Punch it's an "Alice in Wonderland with machine guns", well, this movie it's so bad that apparently seems as if he was written while he was actually in wonderland.
Appears to be a dull and boring videogame with a dumb plot and a terrible cast such as the "browning" Emily "Boring" with her dull girls.
Filled with non-stop action and beautiful women but boring as hell, Sucker Punch is totally nonsense, with an weird first act, followed by a "what the hell ?' second act and concluding with an stupid third act. It has some short positive points such as the soundtrack by Tyler Bates, the awesome videogame look-like visual and beautiful girls and that's it, the rest of the movie is absolutely dispensable, which is a bit of a huge deception for a big studio movie like this.
Zack Snyder is not a bad director, he fills our eyes with beautiful images and the slow motion scenes he puts into are cool but annoying sometimes, but honestly, Snyder should be forbidden to write his original scripts for movies, i still don't understand 85% of the film, maybe because it sucks so much. 4/10

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@superber I think you should read the top comment here and give it a re-watch since it's been 4 years for you, you'd probably change your mind

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Sucker Punch

Shout by Deleted

A plot would be nice to accompany all the moving and running around with cool music!... Also some god performances.

Plain bad, stick to the trailer.

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@pedro_old I think you should read the top comment here and re-watch the movie with that in mind, you'd probably change your mind

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Sucker Punch

Best Snyder movie so far. Sadly it is deeply misunderstood. Movie is way more deeper and complex than it looks like on first glance.

People don't realize Sweet Pea is the protagonist, Babydoll is a figment of Sweet Pea’s imagination. Babydoll does not exist. Babydoll's story is Sweet Pea’s story. Sweet Pea was sexually abused, killed her sister and is in psychiatric hospital in therapy. Babydoll is Sweet Pea's avatar. Way of dealing with grief, with guilt, and way to manage her current situation and overcome it. Babydoll is also Sweet Pea's guardian angel.

Sweet Pea is the only fully rounded character, other girls represent aspects of her psyche. Babydoll represents strength and courage, Amber loyalty, Blondie fear, and Rocket represents guilt. In the third level reality her psyche fights for the things to get her free from her current state. Second guardian angel (the Wise Man) guides her through. To fully recover she needs to get over her guilt (Rocket dies as a symbol), also other girls represent things which she needs to leave behind to fully recover .

Babydoll is one of those things. She is the fifth thing (“The fifth is a mystery. It is the reason. It is the goal. It will be a deep sacrifice and a perfect victory.”). Lobotomy of Babydoll represents Sweet Pea’s mind of taking control. Sweet Pea needs to sacrifice Babydoll to be “cured”. Escape at the end is a symbol of that process of being cured. That’s why the driver is the Wise Man, he guides her further.

Sucker Punch is Sweet Pea’s journey from “madness” to “sanity”. Movie is philosophical / psychological investigation wrapped in a special effects action-fantasy. As the movie changes realities (mostly in the third reality), Snyder uses more fetishized image of the girls. He uses clichés and cluttered iconography (nazi zombies, sexy schoolgirls). It is a way to detached and disconnected characters from second reality. Second reality, the brothel, is the “main” reality. In which everything happens.

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@awake Thank you. I love this!

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Spring Breakers

you are all wrong this movie is fucking awesome

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@daenerystargaryen agreed.

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