


The Bear: Season 1

Reply by EssenSlug

“The more people I cut out of my life, the quieter it got”.

The Bear is just OK for me. Though I liked the show, I'm a little lost in the praise here, because for the most part it felt like watching Shameless but in the kitchen. Jeremy Allen White is a good actor, so I'd wish they would have written his character a little more different than Lip Gallagher.

  • The show is defined as a dramady but there are very few comedic moments, this is definitely a more dramatic show than it's presented as.

  • It's a bit annoying how every episode is wrapped up in a neat little bow. Also, it's get repetitive very quickly - there are like 50 versions of the same scene where someone says, "hey can you try this" and the food is amazing every time. And, hearing chef every 2 seconds is a bit irritating.

  • Episode 4 (the party one) was kinda stupid, because someone would definitely call the cops after picking up their kid and seeing everyone at the party passed out.

  • What they're doing in the back kitchen does not reflect what's happening out front. Where’s the waiters? Where’s the customers? There’s more employees than customers. It seems like an empty dirty sandwich shop cooking fancy food.

  • I do not like Sydney at all. Hoping she'll grow on me. But for now she is a bit of a know it all and reminds me of a try hard coworker everyone can't stand in real life. She and Marcus may be the worst employees ever.

  • The ending of season 1 felt tacked on. The whole money in a can plan does not make sense to me. How did no one open any of these cans, how long has Mikey been gone? The fact that people have to come up with such convoluted theories just proves the writers dropped the ball. But maybe the did it on purpose, hoping for a second season?

  • Best part about the show is that it's only half an hour long!

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@cutecruel This comment is great, because it tells me, that the only way to not like this show, is to completely miss everything it's trying to say

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