


Orphan Black

Season 1 was very entertaining, a strong element of surprise with plot-twists throughout. Season 2 it all went to crap. Season 3 has that looming 'cancellation' feel. The episodes play on, but don't hold my attention like season 1. Many of the characters I'm not all that familiar with, and I don't care. Once great, now junk :-(

They should've made it a 1-season limited-event show, with a resolution but still open enough to allow future limited-event seasons.

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Completely disagree! All the characters are great, specially Alison & Donnie, fucking bosses! It's true that 3rd season might be worst than the others but it's still a very entertaining, interesting, exciting and original serie! There's no serie that talks about the unique subject which is about and that's why it makes it special.

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Someone Great

This movie was amazing.. I cried and laughed my way through it. Acting was awesome. Soundtrack was topnotch. The lines, the directing, everything. Must watch.
Heartbreaking depiction of a breakup

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@vasuki8 A 10???? For the good of cinema, please, start watching real films.

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Gangster Squad

Shout by Ben

In points of 'Gangster Movies' nothing goes over Martin Scorsese [http://trakt.tv/person/martin-scorsese]
But this one ... this one is really good!!!

It's very much like "The Untouchables" [http://trakt.tv/movie/the-untouchables-1987]
but with better music & awesome slow-motions!

What can I say I love me some 50's - with all these wests, ties & hats ... hunting down the bad guys with some nice Tommy Gun action ;)
More please.

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@benfranklin if you're saying you're a big fan of Martin Scorsese's gangster movies you can't say this one is really good please... it's a disrespect to compare them, this movie was so bad man, it's only about action, nothing else.

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The Accountant

It's seems this movie has garnered a lot of hate, I can say that as a person who use to hate Ben Affleck with a burning passion (No clue why really) He's been pumping out movies that are making me like him. I'll admit that yes this movie needs to kinda get its timeline straightened out or at least use the 2 hours to maybe explain things better or maybe run 2 hours and 30 mins for some more explanation the ending feels way too rushed. Now as for a shooting movie goes it's not bad I've seen better and I've defiantly seen worse honestly it works out for me I enjoyed it. Brax being the brother I caught pretty fast I think we all did, I also think they should have not made it so obvious until the moment they meet more suspense that way Some good actors overall with some B-rated actors throw in cause you know budget or whatever.

Over all:

Story: 7/10- Kid with a form of autism becomes the most bad ass accountant and elite assassin! can you get any better than that? Nah, but maybe if you put the time skips in a nicer order, change some of the scenes around and explained some more stuff this would be a better film.

Visuals: 8/10- Who doesn't like the outdoors so outdoorsy that you can shoot off your sniper rifle at a miles distance without anyone complaining so backwoods that shit, you name your company ZZZ and you laundry money through a fucking laundry mat! wtf

Over all, anyone who doesn't like this film is either not a big fans of guns blazing films or isn't a big fan of the story. Like I've said the story needs work but I still like this movie.. Adding it to my very very very small list of movies that star ben that I like

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@betawolf I don't get why did u rate it as an excellent if "the movie needs work" as u said. If u have seen better movies it's because it's not a 10.

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Pretty Little Liars

If you're about to begin with Pretty Little Liars, let me tell you something:
You will love it on seasons 1 & 2 because of the unpredictable shocks and enormous suspense
You will hate it (but secretly you will love it) on seasons 3 & 4 because of the levels of delicious stupidity that the show reaches, but when you reach this point you are going to patiently wait for another episode because you desperately want to know what happens, even that you know that you will not get any answers until the finales.

This is how you make a good trashy tv show!
One of my favorites!

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@ghatchett It started very good but I don't know what the hell made them think that 4 seasons were not good enough. From season 5 to 7 it's an stupid boring and repetitive plot with the same old story. Sorry but I had to tell you when I saw your rating "10".
10 is for excellence, and I don't know your consideration of excellent, but this show is far far away from it...

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Orphan Black

Season 1 was very entertaining, a strong element of surprise with plot-twists throughout. Season 2 it all went to crap. Season 3 has that looming 'cancellation' feel. The episodes play on, but don't hold my attention like season 1. Many of the characters I'm not all that familiar with, and I don't care. Once great, now junk :-(

They should've made it a 1-season limited-event show, with a resolution but still open enough to allow future limited-event seasons.

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Completely disagree! All the characters are great, specially Alison & Donnie, fucking bosses! It's true that 3rd season might be worst than the others but it's still a very entertaining, interesting, exciting and original serie! There's no serie that talks about the unique subject which is about and that's why it makes it special.

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For yourself maybe, not for others. Thanks though for stopping by.

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Yeah, of course, cinema is always subjective.

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