Fábio Melo


Recife, Brazil

Linebarrels of Iron

great mecha-style anime. love it.

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this movie is really beautiful and worth the extra bucks for the 3D. seen on theater this friday. love it

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Sucker Punch

Awespme Movie.

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Elite Squad: The Enemy Within

Pure Awesomeness!

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Rick and Morty

One of my favorite comedy series ever. funny and incredibly smart. 10/10

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Isshoni Sleeping: Sleeping with Hinako

it's like godard of animé. 45 minutes of a girl sleeping without anything happening whatsoever.

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i usually like some gay bl anime like No.6, but this has an awful amount of fanservice, think Vividred Operation meets K-ON but with man. the characters are terribly generic and the plot(?) is not that interesting either.

awful. awful. awful. awful. the keyword here is awful.
sorry for the excess of the usage of the world awful, but that was so much hype for such terrible payoff.
so, my rating for that is 1/10,

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so, this movie is about the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything? well, strap me in!

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this is bad. really really bad, tried to watch it because of kinda interesting premise, but the execution was awful, just like a generic Reality Show, 1/10. (the only reason i didn't scrobble this is because i quitted in the half of the episode)

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World War Z

not the best movie of all time, but incredibly entertaining, watched today in 3D on the theater and really liked it, laughed a lot in the huge open world scenes where everyone is freaking becoming zombies!. 7/10

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Majestic Prince

since my previous shout is old, i can't edit it for some reason. so, an update:
man, this anime gets boring fast, like, on episode 3 it's arealdy a complete bore. will try to follow one more episode, but, it's getting boring and dull. 4/10

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Star Trek Into Darkness

Cumberbach was AWESOME. an incredible villain with a Moriarty-like personality. 8/10
the movie overall was good, not overly great, but good.
also, SO MUCH LENS FLARES. please, JJ, stop this!.

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Line Offline Salaryman

a series of funny, lighthearted, short stories about some office workers on everyday situations. i highly recommend this (8/10) :3

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Bullet to the Head

so much cliché for a guy movie. but lacks good catchphrases and explosions. 4/10

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Majestic Prince

watched the first episode and i must say: this is the must watch of the season! just some old-school eye-candy action space battling mecha goodness!

(tip: watch in 1080p/ because the visuals and the cgi are frakking awesome eye-candy for any space-battling gundam-piloting sci-fi geeks)

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Devil Survivor 2: The Animation

watched the first episode and it was AWESOME, picture the movie 'Premonition' mixed with some Digimon action fighting the angels from evangelion (with a protagonist that is not annoyingly angsty). 9/10, (worth keep watching)

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House of Cards

Frank (Kevin Spacey) is the Light Yagami of Politics. it's a must watch 9,5/10

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just watched the premiere and.. guy how this is AWESOME an awesome mixture of gritty action, suspense and mystery. 10/10 for the pilot.
will keep watching.

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Stargate Universe

Everything Changes on Season 2, is freaking awesome, and i'm sad that it got cancelled when it was getting better (updated rating: 7) :)

This is just AWFUL, not anywhere close the Stargate that i know and love (SG1 and SGA), bland characters, bad character development and no subtlety at all on exposition. 5/10, will watch more but i'm kinda disapointed.

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Space Brothers

Awesome Series, but is very, i mean VERY slow pacing. takes ages to something to happen. still great storyline and relatable characters, 7/10

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The Great Silence

Masterpiece! 9/10

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Love, Election, & Chocolate

this is a prime example about how to make a bad anime, the animation itself is mediocre, but the plot is awfully bad and the characters are very hard to like. (watched the 5 first episodes and dropped). score: 3/10

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Battlestar Galactica: Razor

decent movie. not the greatest ever, but enjoyable storyline. (7/10)

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The Dictator

Ok for a Sacha Baron Cohen comedy, not as good as his previous works, and i must say, it have an awful cheesy ending, 4/10

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awesome movie, feels kinda like 'mass effect 2' in terms of storyline and plot, worth watching if you seen Firefly (the TV Show, and i recommend you to do so). awesome CGI, space fights and everything. 8.5/10 (the post above (with spoilers) explains why i don't give a higher rating)

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Hilarious Anime from the guy that make Saitonara Zetsubou Sensei. and it develops a lot like Lucky Star (in a good way) :)

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Nakaimo: My Little Sister Is Among Them!

move along.. it's just another generic harem anime.

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Monty Python's Flying Circus

one of the best british comedy shows of all time

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The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

one of the most awesome movies i ever seen in my life.

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