Mani D


Dallas, Texas

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Reply by Mani D

Like a meeting with the art department: very animated but goes around in circles and nothing gets decided.

The animation here is still next level and begs to be seen on the biggest screen possible, but the story gets bogged down in personal drama and relationships, the main villain has fewer than 10 minutes screen time and there's a "To Be Continued" card at the end so...

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kinda felt like the main conflict was the personal problems and not "the main bad guy", that guy is more a vessel of the personal stuff that a threat by themselves

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True Detective: 4x05 Night Country: Part 5

Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2024-02-13T11:16:30Z— updated 2024-02-14T11:29:00Z

Wow. That ending though. (I know it's predictable that the pace only picks up in the last 10 minutes but still.) Still don't understand why they had to disguise the truth. As if that's the usual way the police behave after shooting something. I mean, I understand that they are kind of trapped and entangled in a web of lies, but surely there must be a better way. Like asking the feds for help or something if you don't trust Anchorage. Instead she causally proposes to hide (yet another) crime. And then she brings in Evangeline? Why? Was that panic? That's one more person who knows and one more person who's entangled in this incident with probably severe consequences for Evangeline's life and career. Plus, Evangeline and Liz are not exactly confidants, are they? I still think that they can't stand each other.

This is the first episode with actual proper police work (admittedly mostly by Prior) and w/o too much of that scary stuff or paranormal activity (and that little otherworldly stuff in it can be easily justified with a trauma from the past). Thus, the best episode of season 5.

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@alexlimberg I think it was kinda on point with the theme of the other seasons where our MC goes against the police system and forces that be in order to find their personal answer in the case. Evangeline and Liz aren't friends but I think in last ep and in this one we've seen that both are ready to really throw everything into this case to find justice and that shared passion is gluing them together. That being said, it does feel a little odd that the web of lies thing happens to quickly - that everything leads back to the mine's power (although there is some reasonable foreshadowing with the protesters).

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3 Body Problem: 1x08 Wallfacer

Reply by Mani D

From a somewhat interesting start this show really turned into a shitshow with absolutely ludicrous story, total absence of actual science and populated with drama queens, selfish morons and pacifists.

And the probe? Humanity's survival is at stake and they create something that breaks apart from shoddy manufacturing?

Did they get some DEI hire from Boeing to put it together?

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@perjonsson there's a chance that the San-Ti changed our understanding of physics to make it look like it would work but in reality it wouldn't have. The plane scene with Wade kinda hinted to that, that they are still watching and playing around with the world when they see fit.

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